Trap thread

Trap thread

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That's not a trap
It's really not a difficult word to learn the meaning of

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gif of her fucking an onahole?

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either it's the angle or you are straight up beatifull

Post HRT titties

inb4 the femout pics


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Any traps wanna have fun with a 8 inch fat white cock with 6 inch girth? On Snapchat?

What's your snap?


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Any traps wanna have fun with a fat 8 inch cock with 6 inch girth add me t_ chugg16 on snap am 21

I lost the keyssss

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out of all the pics you could've posted

She actually has hrt boobs now too lol

according to who? Kalindra is a myth these days and who knows whatever pics she's put out are real in any way

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so inviting, wish i could hug from behind and penetrate her just like that

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wow, sauce?

Imagine wanting to fuck a guy with tits

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hope to see it oiled

Lad, I think that's a man

Gross man bod

don't care

Anyone ever go to one of those crossdressing services? It almost seems like it would be worth it to pick up a few tips and tricks, and the confidence boost of going out while dressed up seems like it would be nice too.


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I don't, I like to fuck cute crossdressing dudes and trans women. Guys with tits are gross


technically bisexual but sure

Bisexual is just gay with extra steps

Boy mode

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>cute crossdressing dudes
Trans women are guys with tits.
I like tits and dicks, but not necessarily together.

right mode ^^

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Why are gays such big transphobes?
I've always wondered

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There aren't enough twinks around as it is, they feel like they're "losing one from their team" or some gay shit like that

What's his name?

Yeah makes sense
They're always so insistent on using male pronouns and shit too

I don't know, I'm not gay.

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10/10 cute tummy, more?

>looks like an obvious boymoder
>no budding tits

I guess you just look really gay

Said the gay man

Or a real slut...

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That's a 11/10 trap dick. Nice body too.

Thank u :)

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I'm not gay. I am attracted to femininity and I am not interested in receiving.

More ass and asshole pics of her please
Who is she

You said you fuck crossdressers
That makes you gay
Its real simple dude

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don't give them any attention

You got Kik? Haven't done this in ages, but I'm willing to reinstall for someone like you.
I'm a hung twink dude btw, not some fatso.


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If you have to say you're not fat then you're probably fat

Share a pic of you then to prove ir

Oh wow
Skype or discord please hun

No? I'm attracted to them if they're cute and feminine. My dick doesn't even flinch for a regular guy.
I'm also attracted to women, therefore I cannot be gay. Nice try satan.


What's yours Connor?

Sorry i have any social media

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Any traps/cd wanna have fun with a well hung Dom on snap? Am 21, 8.5 inch cock with 6 inch girth add.... T_chugg19 on snap for some filthy fun. X

No sorry

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Oh wow
Do you like to be rimmed

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Yes but can you kill a dinosaur with a gun?

does anyone have any more of buttybuttdress? can barely find anything of him online

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Canal i see your cock here please

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When did traps become trans..?

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That freckel is so cute


They were since the beginning


asking for a friend

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I love that so much

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Or you know, just clarifying my body type.
And if I was lying, then he'd find out really quick and I'd gain nothing.

It's a trap thread, I ain't a trap.

Shame then. Can't blame me for wanting to see more of that great dick and asshole.

You can tie me up and sit on my face for hours and hours or till I pass out while I'm rimming you
Would you be up for that luv

Live full Time en femme + boobs (better)

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I go eat and i will take more pics after

I mean.. not exactly

some of us trapped without risking our health on HRT :P

I fell for the meme for a few years until hyperkalimia almost killed me

Boobs are nice but so is being alive and having the correct hormones I need to survive and stuff like that

I live full time as fem because God willed it or w/e but I can't edit my body anymore. it's a curse and a blessing ^^

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Not you again
Kek you're still peddling this bullshit

When I say HOT. It's HOT okay? You're cute.