>Hans up, nigga
>Show me yo trips rite naow
Hans up, nigga
Isaac Phillips
Tyler Williams
James Perez
Bet nigga
Gavin Allen
Gabriel Long
Alexander Jackson
Check em
Tyler Perry
Lincoln Perry
Nicholas Carter
I love this
also dubs
Lucas White
Christian White
Juan Perry
check em
Camden Allen
Noah Brown
Checked and check em
Dominic Thompson
Checked and check em
Owen Ramirez
Jaxon King
Oh boi roll
Luis Williams
Roll em
Caleb Hughes
I only got dubs
Alexander Lee
Hey, ease up Magilla. Fuck yo trips
Daniel Rivera
Sebastian Gomez
Dominic Jenkins
Check this
Gabriel Evans
Rolling for blunt smoke
Juan Clark
dont shoot im just a redditor
Owen Moore
check it
Blake Reyes
Asher James
So anyway, I started blastin'
Blake Williams
The power of Christ compels trips!