"Comedians" that aren't funny - at all!
"Comedians" that aren't funny - at all!
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That would be like, a conservative comedian, right? Sorry, can't think of any.
>That would be like, a conservative comedian, right? Sorry, can't think of any.
I don't like American comedians at all. Their jokes aren't funny. But then agian, there are/were some hilarious youtubers
Joe Rogan. He is literally the first and last to laugh at his own "jokes".
His show 15 years ago was pretty good.
I don't know if these two count as comedians but they are good.
Might not be super funny in the last 20 years, but check out IL MOSTRO.
Female comedians, british comedians (overrated as fuck, none of them are funny). any black comedians.
She is still not funny.
I've never heard Joe be funny ever. Not on his podcast or in his act. Whenever he has somebody funny on his podcast as a guest the jokes fly right over his head or if they're jokes at his expense he gets defensive and takes them literally. How is that guy a comedian?
also most punchable face
Robin Williams never even made me chuckle once. I hated him.
Rogan must be one of the luckiest fuckers alive or the benefit of a Faustian pact. That guy is too much of a dolt to come up something funny.
I'd think they were satirists.
A poor man's Jonathan Winters
He awesome... are you crazy
will ferrell is a fucked off ballbag
I agree with you op.
What a retard Jew cock sucking fuckwit he is
Cringe every time
He's over-rated as a comedian, I agree. His improvisation was rarely clever, but a stream of associations with mildly amusing ideas that are only made funny because 1) His high energy antics 2) we're conditioned to watch and laugh because he is being "funny" again.
Not to rag on the guy too much, he was talented. I saw Mork on Happy Days back when that episode first aired, and LOVED the character, and first few seasons of Mork & Mindy. But I was also only like 8 at the time.
Through the years I got sick of his "improvisation" style, and how he was supposed to be the GOAT.
Was hot, then turned into Ben Roethlisberger...
Harry the cable dick
He was also a notorious joke thief in the stand-up comedy scene. This seems to be common knowledge amongst stand-up comedians.
Aah yes... Pencil Sharpener
This guy and the Jeff Dunham the hand puppet guy. Only mouth breathing middle Americans like those guys.
Agreed. He plays the same character, basically a retarded person, over and over. Tedious af.
I should have also mentioned that I liked him in some Of his dramatic roles, like Dead Poet’s Society. But he was never funny to me.
When this one.says "my vagina" I about piss my pants. Omg she is hilarious
Now his sister is covered in moles. Git 'er done, you might be a redneck
he is only one funny from america the rest of comedy is boring
You apparently do not appreciate the goodness of high quality h2o
Amy Schumer obviously
He won a oscar for patch Adam's you silly tard. And he was funny af in Jacob the liar. Why so jelly, he's dead
Do you guys find anything funny or just like to shit on everything? I feel like if you're miserable nothing is ever going to make you laugh, go watch a movie with your friends instead of alone in the basement and maybe you'll have a good time.
Your mom makes me laugh. She bends over and i over lubricate my erect penis and slide it into her asshole and hold it there until she's used to my girth in her turdcutter. Then I pull out and it makes a pop noise when I work my fat mushroom head in and out, which makes her giggle causing her to tighten up on me. Good times, your mom is a very funny lady
This prick.
I've seen it.
More than once.
In italian.
No talent whatsoever.
I just like to shit on everything
I shit on carpets, beds, tables, windowsills, anything. I started out with a toilet but that just didn't cut it. I gotten to shitting on things I don't own now, like my neighbor's mailbox, a park bench, and a vending machine(yes I climbed to the top. I'd like to shit on people soon, like delivery boys and people standing on the strret corner I can probably run away after, but I don't know how I'd do it without them seeing me first.
Tbh tho I'm kinda curious but this movie he just put out. Maybe a nice change of pace?
It was great go see it