When did you realise that higher education is a scam, user?
When did you realise that higher education is a scam, user?
On what base?
When I was writing my masters thesis
I don't think it always is. But I DO think that having unlimited government money via student loans is making even the best institutions predatory.
It's now a legit financial tactic to let in bad students. Not only do they fail classes which makes them spend more $$ but if they drop out after 5 years of exploitation, their dumb asses won't count against the institution's employment stats for graduates.
On the base that most degrees aren't worth the paper they are printed on..
Even in Europe, where tuition is free or at least much less than in the US, the problem that most university degrees are useless persists.
Ideally you'd want to let in only the top 10% of applications and the bottom 10% of applications.
The top 10% make you look good and the bottom 10% fund everything by paying for cheap arts classes and dropping out after 5 years with no degree
When I got a job
As someone making 50k / yr with a PhD, I know what I'm talking about.
when I spent thousands of dollars to have professors tell me which chapters to read so I can teach myself for four years.
Yeah. Especially shitty if it's their books.
Dubs get
Dubs get 2.0
But they can give you a piece of paper saying you've read those chapters.
The trick is to prove to people you can be a competent and reliable worker, plain and simple. Past that you might need some technical training if you want to be a doctor or astronaut or some shit.
But I finished school with a semi-meme degree. I've been working for two years now in an office doing comfy bullshit in exchange for shekels. I can either go back to school to find some more technical training, or I can wait a little longer and then leverage myself into a new job/better position.
I think working for the public school system would be nice, decent benefits and pensions etc. And I want the summer months off
Doctor, Vet, Accountant, Pilot, plumber, Mechanic, Cop, teacher and the list continues... Now I will agree there are lots of degrees out there that are just absolute garbage and a joke but your statement is flawed because I would say the good outweighs the bad
same here bro. actually i made a tiny but less than $50k gross. what a horrible mistake i made
eurofag here, how much do you amerifags have to pay for that piece of paper?
Many of those aren't even university degrees. I would say that most people are getting useless degrees. Even in STEM, there are more people studying biology or chemistry than CS.
It probably cost my dad less than 10g across 5 or 6 years so convert that to fake eurofag dollars
What's your degree in?
I see. I'm a fucking molecular biologist. Officially, my PhD is in medical science.
In what flat earth thread did you read that higher level only meant university? Lots of people graduate college and are very very successful people. Skilled trades in Canada at least pays roughly between 65 and 110,000 $ a year that’s not a bad wage. I know a lot of you snowflakes on here don’t like getting your hands dirty or doing manual labour but lots of people do
Went to school for music
>taking most advanced section of music theory needed for my degree
>professor said he 'invented' a chord
If you don't know, there's literally no combination of notes that couldn't be named as a chord by a traditional naming system
I spent a whole semester trying to explain that a 'supersus' chord is just an 11th
I'm just glad there wasn't a lot of student debt
idk the university I go to and more specifically the individual school regularly has students hired for $70k+ right out of college, and it's not uncommon to see people make $100k+ right out of college
Oh sorry. I'm German and higher education usually means university here.
Fair enough..
What did you study?
I've been postdoc forever. finally got the boot this year. I'll apply for academic jobs but it won't happen. I present at conferences often but don't make friends with people. out of the 5 or 6 people I went to grad school with that got ph.d.s in my group only 1 got a tenure track job. a woman. all the men, nothing. and some of those guys are perfectly well suited to be a professor.
I agree
i realized when i went against what stupid commie shit they was telling me and just went with my gut....not every one is destined to go to the moon
I had to teach myself how to code in java and C# for a year, countless hours spent on youtibe listening to east Indians so I could code.
Like wtf am I paying you for?
Eurocuck degrees are bullshit though, no one accepts them
I don't even want to stay in academia anymore. But I don't find an industry position.
I won't find an industry position either. I'm too old to get in. should have got a real job after the masters. I am fucked. look at nih and other government facilities. I'm trying at national laboratories but they are also hard to get into. honestly I am preparing to be a gopher with a doctorate at the new amazon facility that opened nearby
Yeah. Fuck biology. What did you work on?
When I got a job as an electricians apprentice at 20 and was making 3x more money than most people my age. It's only up from here
Now, probably gonna finish the year then drop out
When it took me until my Senior year of College to actually "learn" something about my Major. Most of it was common sense shit that I knew back in High School.
It got worse when I finally got a job and nothing I went to school for applied to the job I had.
Before I started.
But fuck it, if the government is going to pay 100% and give me a stipend for going (VA Voc Rehab), I'll go.
I am an experimental particle astrophysicist. but as you know the more you specialize it just divides to job opportunities into tinier portions. so maybe 6 jobs in my field open in a year. and hundreds must apply each time. there are no job listings on indeed for particle astrophysicist. and all industry job listings don't want to hire someone that is capable of learning on the job. they want specific skills and someone that is fully versed in whatever stuff they do on day 1.
Same here. I did my PhD on cancer genomics (mainly pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma). Currently work for close to minimum wage (if salary transformed to hourly) for a large east coast cancer centre.
I may kms. we'll see how desperate I get as I get closer to my last day. I have 6 months max.
might have just taken the degree in hacky sack 101
yeah. i am useless as hell
>More alt right anti-intellectualism propaganda
Read the stories in this thread, bro.
it can be a scam, if you allow it to be. doctoral degrees are pointless. a quick and dirty masters makes sense--but that mean terminal, with no thesis.
Can you woke bros give me some serious advice?
Im 31, male, with nothing to show for it. I graduated high school and managed to finish 1 year of college before "life" hit me hard in the sphincter (various unfortunate circumstances) and i drank my twenties away in moms basement. I've decided that, before i kms, i need to give a genuine and honest effort to see if i can salvage a life worth living.
I know this thread is about the college scam, but im not opposed to going back to college if there's a path worth taking (remember i'm 31 and a male). Otherwise, what should/can i do? I feel that i have a lot of potential that was negligently compromised.
Please help.
Terminal with no thesis? What are these?
My undergrad degree was a very enjoyable waste of time.
My postgrad degree was a requirement for all positions in my chosen profession despite everyone providing exactly the same training and more on the job.
You could argue they were both scams, for different reasons, but I don't particularly regret either.
Law enforcement
Computer science
Just going off your age range.
>”When did you realize that higher education is a scam?”
WHEN? I have known it since the beginning.
>You have to pay to get in.
>Upon flunking or finishing college there is student loan debt that goes well over $80’000 dollars.
>Even if you have finished college it is almost impossible to find a job that your college degree is for.
Fuck college.
Can you expand a bit on computer science? Like go to school for it? Or do what exactly? I don't pass the prerequisites for the others.
one year in
It's 2020 dude. Your oldest friends you've known literally your entire life will pull some two faced shit to scheme and scam you.
When they brought in tuition fees and bullshit worthless degrees became the norm.
I'm glad I dodged that bullet, even if I am too aspie to deal with customers or phones and am therefore unemployable.
Definitely not when it allowed me to obtain a fulfilling career in a field I feel very passionate about which happens to pay relatively well.
What is that field?
How is it a scam, because you majored in bullshit and now work at McDonalds?
Yeah, I was an idiot to fall for the life science bullshit. I was a kid and fascinated with genetics and it blinded me.
Should've become a plumber
Agree with this user. Wouldnt say higher edu was a scam, but vocational school would definitely be my choice if I had to do it again.
That's your own fault or your parents for not telling you to stop being a dumbass. That doesn't make it a scam though.
Isn't making false promises in order to gain some kind of monetary reward by definition a scam?
Who made you a false promise? Why didn't you do your own research on whether or not you picked a good major? I bet you're the same retard who spent the whole time smoking weed, partying and chasing pussy everyday. And then you wanna point fingers and get mad at the world when nobody, and I mean literally nobody told you to major in dumb bullshit and waste everybody's fucking time with your stupidity. So again, why did you major in bullshit? Where is your fucking daddy and why didn't he tell his little shit stain to stop being a fucking dumbass and pick a REAL major, so he could get a fucking job?
In Germany, we do not chose our major when we are already at college. We chose our field before we start college. Which makes changing your major/field/program much more difficult because you kinda start again (sometimes you can transfer courses). The program which I chose was actually very restrictive grade-wise and everybody kept telling me bullshit about pharma and biotech etc.
And I was actually working hard and ended best of my class in both my Bachelor and Masters. It just doesn't matter because science is a scam.
Well how about not living in a shithole like Germany? Did you try doing that?
Yes. In NYC now, making 50k / yr with a PhD.
>50k a year
Again, you're being a fucking dumbass. But would you have been able to move here without a degree? Doubtful.
No. And if I stop working in my field, they kick me out again.
Nah it's not you got further with higher education but it's rigged so only the rich get far
Then how was it a fucking scam if your stupid ass would be in Germany without it? Do you even understand what you're saying?
You know that Germany is not some third world country, do you. And no matter where I am, whether I am in Germany or the US, my career potential is very limited. This is because science / research is based on the cheap labor of PhD students and postdocs. So there is a push to produce more scientists but there are no good jobs for scientists in the end.
Actually, OP, if you hadn't dropped out, you would have realized your premise is incorrect.
Then why did you leave if it's not a third world country? Why don't you go back? And if you're this unhappy with your career go back to school, or get into trades. Who the fuck is forcing you to live in NYC making 50k a fucking year? Nobody. So stop you're bitching. Life could be much worse.
The part on the form where they demand your parents/family income. It wasn't even on the financial aid form, this was just the tuition expenses form.
At an estimated $30k/semester or whatever the fuck absurd amount it was. My fucking journeyman's electrician only cost me $1,500/yr for 2yrs! Not that I can use it anymore since I'm crippled and the union has enough cripples with seniority, point is the investment to benefit was tremendously better as an electrician.
>When did you realise that higher education is a scam, user?
It's not; you just have to be smart about it, with appropriate expectations.
OP here. Wish I dropped out at some point. Went all the way to a PhD instead.
Because I can work for 50k in NY or for the equivalent in Berlin or Munich. Doesn't matter. I'm stuck.
And with 36, I am too old to change my field completely. I've been to school for 10 years, never again.
Yeah, I wasn't. I fell for the STEM meme.
I had use for most of my programming education. It is apparent when checking stackoverflow and the likes and observing all the fumbling idiots why a good university level programming education is nescessary.