

Any drawfolks up? edition

Attached: 1439262942695.png (840x700, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off

Am here, henlo!

Attached: mobile snug.png (996x682, 115K)

Requesting something cute or lewd with one of these chicks

Attached: dancers.jpg (500x707, 64K)



man that takes some skill to make such simple designs look so good

Requesting this little girl getting her first anal inside a car something like that molestation scene from the movie 'a bastard out of carolina' (1996) when the protagonist is sodomized by her step-father in the car

Attached: tumblr_m4lcfspdnk1r982tto2_1280.jpg (700x581, 278K)

Attached: paintinz.png (954x633, 135K)

Study this. And many other things like it.

fuck you

Nice Hap Shaughnessy impression.
Tell me of that time you went to Scotland, Hap.

>Abusefag alert. DO NOT draw for him!

Fuck off

Sup' Abusefag, how are you been?

>Dont draw this because I say!
Until when you will realize that nobody gives a single fuck about your autistic crusade?

Attached: 157801056784.jpg (712x949, 81K)

Requestin this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake v0re references: imgbox.com/g/QMi1dnPYlz

Attached: 1577513357893.png (850x1410, 1.2M)

Attached: 1577513392619.png (2175x1500, 923K)

Attached: 1577513440330.png (1500x1400, 1.39M)

Since a month ago i stop wasting my seed

requesting a redraw of this furry in your artstyle

Attached: fur.jpg (507x676, 30K)

Don't worry his request is so over the top and garbage anyways.

Attached: 1572445200618.jpg (750x821, 35K)

He's also ban evading right now. Report him.

>Day three of spergs throwing temper tantrums at requestbros

Attached: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg (326x285, 29K)

Requesting this girl i.imgur.com/niPEUvZ.png flashing her wet vulva to the viewer as pic related

Attached: 1578234335637m.jpg (714x1024, 90K)

>Abusefag alert

>falseflag attempt

We all are anonymous how i'm i supposed to know who is who?

Post the image with the other image i'm not opening cancgur.

>Post the image with the other image i'm not opening cancgur.
I can't, pic is too heavy as to be uploaded here

Attached: oh you.png (179x349, 94K)


Attached: sammy.png (333x744, 52K)

Fuck off

I wish there was more of em. I need to find a gif of those hula girls dancing from ugo

Abusefag has very easy to tell personality traits.

Abusefag likes to request School for Vampires characters constantly. He often times requests them (among other characters) being beaten, abused, raped, circumcised & tortured. He has poor English, believes that EVERY user is a singular entity called 'The Troll', & quotes the Bible. Although School for Vampires is his favorite show to spam request, he has been known to make requests involving Starfire from Teen Titans, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Anne-marie from All Dogs Go To Heaven, Gwen from Ben 10 & Elsa from Frozen. He often times harasses & stalks artists into drawing his stuff, & WILL lash out at anybody calling out his behavior. He even lashes out at drawfags who publicly turn down his requests. Is a well known ban evader.

>I’ll post my same request, thread after thread, getting little or no response each time I request it.
>With this infallible strategy someone will surely draw it for me eventual



Is this a bad time?

Attached: IMG_1411.png (1024x1536, 283K)

Nvm, it's not a bad time to fuck dogs.

Attached: IMG_1412.png (2244x2042, 2M)

Fuck off

damn he's gotten fat over the years lol

Here ya go

Attached: negativegirl.png (970x780, 116K)

Requesting a female feral VilePlume happily smiling while sitting on the ground with it's pussy revealed.

Attached: s-l640.jpg (556x422, 28K)

You posted a 90 kb 700x1000 pic there.
Is your choosen image a motherfucking album or what?

I literally added the loli to 3 random pictures i had and none surpassed the 1.5 MB.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Try again

Attached: photo.php.jpg (180x275, 22K)

Fuck off

requesting a redraw of this bunny waitress that someone drew

Attached: anondraw.jpg (724x965, 133K)

And tell me, do you like her design?

That's just Abusefag being deceptive, as usual. He's trying to hide his School for Vampire characters behind imgur links becasue he thinks he can trick people into getting deliveries if he doesn't publicly post the image here.

Requesting a female feral Biyomon giving a blowie with Her beak.

Attached: UnderratedGirl.jpg (300x225, 15K)

Sailor outfit looks cool but she has no nose and her hair is ridiculously long.

Man I'm just a lurker but I gotta say I love the drama that goes on in these threads.
This is my soap opera now.

Hey that's pretty god damned good. Thanks mate

I want to second this. But with the Shamwow guy beating the shit out of her for scraping his dick with that hard beak.

fuck you cunt

Yesterday and before that were gold.
49 autists screaming at each other.
No drawings in sight.
No requests of any kind.
Just beatiful.

>Sailor outfit
Do you meant her punk outfit, right?
I like her puffy hair(i would like hug her and smell her hair, it must smell like grape bubble gum)

You missed the golden age of drama when the king was still here.

bought one of those smoll action figure mannequins for 5 cent on a flea market.

Attached: rider.png (881x690, 196K)

Fuck off

Why, He is pretty ugly? And also why?

requesting a lewd draw of this creature known as creeper

Attached: tumblr_inline_po4wd1P7y01s4nmss_1280.png (1280x1037, 349K)

Because who the fuck would enjoy getting scraped by a fucking bird's beak?
At least this way we get an amusing parallel to reality result from your autism.

Does this mean your power level is about to intensify?

Draw yourself doing a backflip kicking some bloke in the chin. Bonus points for strange perspective.

Anyone could please draw my elf OC(rigth) only wearing this cowgirl outfit(left) and using a horse dildo(anal) as this Toph image. That or receiving full nelson anal. Thanks in advance

Attached: 1527027010043.jpg (1136x1357, 528K)

>Abusefag alert

Also, that IS NOT an Elf. That's a School for Vampires character Abusefag is requesting.

/r/ redraw this scene but with naked women

Attached: 1575221842154.png (400x400, 270K)

geez dude who asked you? haha owned
no. haha owned.

Attached: mauasil.png (600x400, 54K)

Fuck off

Show your unwashed pooper with the little white pieces that are left behind.

Now you have my attention. I'm guessing this is some user who ran shit for awhile.

requesting mm2woodman getting his dick sucked

Attached: 1578219050207.png (684x792, 18K)

i hope so
althought the problem is that i dont have it stand so i have to hold it in one hand and draw with the other which is a pain in my asshole
u wanna get owned lil nigga?

Attached: rider.png (1061x890, 241K)

>t. cyber bully

It feels great as hell when they don't apply too much pressure.

Fuck off

Build an elaborate rig out of string and paper clips. I'm sure it's easier than it sounds.

Also, nice back flip. Sonofabitch didn't even see it coming.
>inb4 rider moonwalks into the sunset

Requesting a conjoinment of Camilla and Lucina like in the reference

Attached: SR3.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

no. haha owned.
little white pieces? what?
try me momma

Attached: asdcasacsasas.png (600x400, 54K)

Fuck off

Ask these fuckers.

Requesting Hyp getting /ss/'d by Reimu and impregnating her

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-uQz42B2O0aghRWo.jpg (2869x1080, 617K)

God damn are they using that shit like sandpaper?

I forget what brand they're shitting on (lol), but there is a brand that is notoriously bad for leaving klingons.
Pretty sure this is a subtle fuck you to them and an attempt to steal their market share at the time.

go ahead make my day
how am i suppose to do that...?

Attached: rider.png (574x762, 75K)

Fuck off

Ask Macgyver.
Or Michael Jackson.
Depending on what exactly you're having trouble with.


this needs to be turned into a screenshot copy pasta so everyone can easily be warned

but they wiped...

Attached: ascsacassac.png (600x400, 76K)

Fuck off

Requesting this guy. Doesnt have to be lewd but also doesnt not have to be lewd either.

Attached: 6993D140-F62F-45F5-9995-301EA8FC1A55.jpg (391x640, 46K)

I tried to draw her cute face, but I forgot the details anal and car.

Attached: Untitled-2.png (1530x1561, 510K)


Attached: a582930c27eb248b867dc931873a4c00.gif (640x640, 41K)

Fuck off

not abusefag but that's fucking hot

so you have a cum jar now? or are you eating it like shadow does?

can i draw you sleeping and dreaming up your fake molestation story instead?

Fuck off

Drawname? Got an art blog anywhere?

you did it twice