>Be me
>Just woke up from fantastic dream where I danced with my dream girl
>Think I should be mad, but feel happiness courses through me
>Keep thinking of my dream girl, I know I will return to her one day
>For now I will enjoy the beautiful scenery of life and be thankful I recieved such a blessed vision

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Other urls found in this thread:


that's nice user

I tried to hang myself, while i had severe psychosis, in a forest near prague. Hundreds of miles away from home.

Was quite nice, though.

I'm engaged to an absolute qt pie and my job's going well.

Thanks user

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What made it nice user?
Congrats user!!! How'd you meet? What do you like about her? Share your happy times!!!

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>What made it nice user?

Thank you, we meet in college. She's an absolute sweetheart that doesn't hate men, is really feminine, and likes playing the traditional female roles. Plus she's got an amazing figure. We're going to be married in April.

You said it was quite nice, so I assumed that something about it was nice. Perhaps the tranquility of the forest, or being somewhere so far from home.

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Glad to hear that user
It's nice to meet someone with a positive attitude here

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Goodness that's one of the cutest pics I've ever seen.

Nice dude. A nice traditional girl is very hard to find these days, and I'm glad it was you who captured one's heart!

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I don't know how I got so lucky but it has really improved my motivation to be the best protector and provider. Plus both our families love us so we're good on that front. tbh user I'm probably gonna quit coming here, just feels wrong now that Sup Forums is basically a porn board

As positive as I can be!!! Speaking of positive, are there any happy moments you would like to share with us user? Also cute pic.

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good job user

Great user! As much as I love this board and most of the people on it, everyone needs to spread their wings and fly away at some point. It's kind of a bitter sweet moment in every user's life.

Yeah, I miss the old days. Yes there was always porn but since the fappening it was never the same. I just miss the conversations you know? I remember a whole thread were we acted out a TNG episode with all sorts of jokes and laughs. Either way hope you find that dream girl one day!

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Yeah. I kinda left for 3 or 4 years and came back to a ton of porn. I have no idea what happened, but I do know this. There are still threads like that every so often, and their rarity makes them that much more special :)

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Yeah, sadly got to go but good luck with this thread. Hopefully it shall reach bump limit.

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Thanks user, have a magical day!!!

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Dang what a cutie, and the sign she's holding is the greatest truth

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I'm not in a very positive mood right now... The world has darkened a lot for the last three months. But there was one moment when I felt happy and filled with joy in my heart. Coincidentally, it was also a dream which I had a few days ago.

(The girl in the picture is personification of Springfield rifle)

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I'm glad that your world has brightened up in the past few months user. Life can be tough, and it's those small moments, even a dream that help us push through. Also that's my kind of gal. Elegant, classy, dresses well. Not afraid to pick up a rifle (which I suppose would be herself). Excellent lady!!!

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You described her perfectly.
Thank you user for the positive thread and the positive energy.

I hope weboth will meet another beautiful dream before long.

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Would post content, but my ideal woman is way too nasty for such a wholesome thread

I agree with this statement. Haru best girl.

No truer words in relationships than that.

>”Just woke up from fantastic dream”
You are lucky. I have not had a good dream in many years. My dream today was memories of my past that haunt me still to this day. I hope you are able to acknowledge how fortunate you are.

We will brother, we will

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I know, and I'm sorry about your haunting dreams, perhaps talking about it will make you feel better?


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I would rather not talk about my dreams. My dreams are very personal. Thanks anyways.

Man of Culture. Or as the left says, Person of Culture.

That's fine friend. Whatever it is that troubles you, I hope one day you'll be able to sleep well.

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Lmao, I kek'd

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Interesting about dreams... when I started sleeping on the side of the bed where mine ex slept before I began to dream of her... Nothing like this happened to me before. I don't dream of her until now.

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Interesting user. How do these dreams make you /feel/?

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Nothing extra nostalgic especially it's strange to see her again in context, tha everything seems to continue between us.

We broke up recently a few months ago...

The only thing I'm afraid of is that a lot of the things I see in dreams really happen.

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user, what is this? Is this a discord for good feels?

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I see. So I assume you don't want want to get back together with her am I correct? Are you afraid to be with her if you don't mind my asking?

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22 years old, zero gf, waiting for the one true wife to live and enjoy the rest of my days with

At first not having her was hard to bear, and imagining my life with her would be suffering, but a few years ago all the pain slowly started to fade away, being replaced by a calm serenity, and now I love nothing more than to talk about/share or find pictures or stories depicting wholesome couples, so I will post everything I have be prepared bros here I go

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2 things : the smile, and the look. Makes my heart melt everytime

Imagine being married to a springy cheerful joyous wife with a light personality that brings you confort and not toxicity, that brings you help and not more problems to deal with... A true companion of the soul

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Got the coffee on and just put on some vinyl to chill out too on this serene sunday afternoon.

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Did you go already ? Come on, tell us what your dream girl looks like ? How do you imagine life with her, what would you do in your everyday comfy life ?

I'm as jealous of your relationship as I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart. I think everyone who wants it deserves to find such a beautiful soulmate. Now get back here m8 and tell us more about what your life with your fiancee looks like and what you enjoy doing together

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now you have to post her
thread theme:

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Thank you so much user(s) for the comfy wholesomeness. I'm gonna be posting so many positivity threads from now on!!! We all need to feel happy every so often:)

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We've been together for over two years, she was my ideal girl, chubby redhead with green eyes...

We together reconstructed apartment that I bought. Everything seemed to be all right. I wanted to propose her when everything will finished and we will live together.

She got mad at me early in November... She has been bothered for a long time by me not trying enough . She also minds that I spend too much time at work. She blamed me for not trying to get everything done as soon as possible. Likewise, I do everything wrong. And I just care about the money that her mother lent to her. For all that, he's been depressed for a long time.

So She didn't come home one day and she packed half her things when I was at work. She just wrote me: "Leave me alone, I have to recover from everything. Then I will call you.

The next day I got a message: "Send me the money to my account zzz-xxxx/yyy" The next week she came for the rest of her stuff and she told me that it's over because she can't handle it...

(question: what exactly?) Answer: everything

Except my mortgage I have to take a loan for 30k EUR (Because she wanted her money back quickly)

It all made a very bad impression on me and although loneliness is more than troubling. I don't think I'm such a idiot to come back to her...

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Still here user, never fear! And my dream girl had frizzy, fluffy light brown hair. She was kinda pale and wore an interesting color of eye shadow and had well done blush. Her lips were pink, and kinda small but not too small. And she wasn't wearing lipstick so it was a natural pink. Her dress matched her lips and she danced with such grace. She's the girl of my dreams

God I wish that were me

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Normie can't do it


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You described her so well I can almost see her
Made me think of pic related

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user, I hope you never go back to her because you deserve so much better. How are you not trying hard enough when you're at work all day providing? You helped with the apartment too right? user, I pray you get those bills payed and find a sweet wonderful girl to live the rest of your life out with because honestly you sound like you deserve it! You're gonna make it bro!

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She seems so graceful. Literally my top quality in a lady. Elegant and graceful.

Never even think about it. You had a thing going on with her, it was good while it lasted, then she began to be unsatisfied being with you and blamed it on you : her loss.

Don't let it bother you, she just wasn't the right one, even though your heart mistook her for it. I know the heart can be really persuasive, but sometimes in love (if not always) you need to be able to plug back your brain and ask yourself : "would I be happy living the rest of my life with a girl like that ? Who is dissatisfied, and doesn't treat me with the respect any humain being deserves ?"

And the answer is no. Get over her, and find a woman who will love you truely, or be happy on your own knowing that you're not bound to some toxic hag/bitch that makes a mess of your life, and get a beautiful dog like all of us here are planning to do if we don't find our soulmate within 10 years

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Where did you find the image I remember searching for a similar one of a UwU white ball with a WW1 german helmet on it and I have a feling this might help me find it

ask and you shall recieve, my brother

Attached: hayabusa 1.png (1027x1461, 1.73M)

Just found it on a random thread I think. Maybe reverse image search it, find out what the category of image is called and search that I guess. Hope you find what you're looking for!!!

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Brother, you truly know what's up

Search : "puuung binge" on youtube and click on the first playlist (can't seel to post link, sorry)

Trust me bros, click on that link, make yourself a cup of tea, kick back, relax and enjoy

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Unfortunately it didn't work but i found this cool image.

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Post more images of what you consider "elegant" so that I may know more precisely what style it is you like

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Who else here just dreams of founding a family with a loving wife and taking care of your cute kids in your peaceful wholesome everyday life ?

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I have to admit this is one of the most wholesome treads i have seen a while. i'm glad i found this tread

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Pure bliss, beautiful happiness... It's so simple, you don't need much to obtain it, you just need the right person

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Thanks for support Anons
I really appreciate your understanding.

I plan to stand on my own first to organize my own life and background and only then I want to start looking for someone...

I already threw her behind my head.
The main thing that holds me is the joy of working on my own living and hope that one day I'll meet cute and smart girl who will be glad for everything I'll give her and would understand my world...

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This thread lightened my day up

Thanks anons

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Saved it user, thanks

Speaking of playlists, look up "2 hours of bloomer music REMASTERED" on youtube. The best music playlist I've listened to and its engineered to make you happy!!!

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I already have. Haru Okumura is the pinnacle of what I think the perfect girl is. Elegant, sweet, graceful, kind, and tough.

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Exactly, that is what I call sound reasoning. First get your things together, organise yourself, work on yourself, better your life in every way possible, THRIVE. Love will come when it is meant to come, you just have to be patient and be ready to make it count when it does.

Even after this thread dies we will always be with you. We will always be together in our hearts, all of you my beautiful brothers. And we have hope, and life will get better, and so will our happiness

Godspeed to all of you

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I'm glad you found it aswell user. Cute dog by the way!!!

Thanks for the suggestion my man, I put it in a tab, can't wait to listen to it while browsing the internet for wholesome loving pictures

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Bless user. If you keep those goals in mind going forward, it's near impossible to steer of course. Work hard, play hard!!!

That sounds like a great thing to do on this beautiful sunday afternoon!!!

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I wish it to all of you

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Thank you for letting me know user!!! I'm so glad we could help!!!

This meme sums my situation up so well

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PREACH IT user!!!

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I cut out the last square to make it wholesome

As it should be

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I have many more

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What would you give to be in pic related ?

How do you picture your ultimate happy wholesome future Sup Forumsros ? Share every last detail

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Hoping to one day raising a happy family full of love and smiles is the only thing that brightens my vision of the future

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Thank you one more time user
Your caring and understanding are balm for my soul...

I couldn't imagine that I would find such support at place like this

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Thank you user for that wonderful picture, that's exactly my kond of aesthetics and I am grateful someone made this piece of art

Me too, came tonight to browse 4ch out of sheer boredom like everyday, looking in the horizon past all the porn threads, the "X rate" threads, the self-loathing and rage threads full of negativism always searching for rare "comfy"/"wholesome" threads like this one, imagine my surprise.

I'm glade I came at the right time tonight, I feel this connection with all of you bros in this thread is a godsend, truely

After all, so few people share our mindset...

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What would I give? Time. That's the only way to provide a family with the love it deserves.

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I'm so glad you came user!!! You and everyone else here are helping to make this thread magical!!!

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You might want to check out JeongSeok Lee on ArtStation, he's the artist
I don't know if by your "kind of aesthetics" you meant the art style or the context of the image though

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It's hard to describe but it's extraordinary to find a place like this thread Nowadays...

It brings such a special warm feeling almost like wanting to cuddle while having a glass of whiskey. I could talk a little and let go our my worries a bit... My reward was understanding and support

One more time, thank you all

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Thank you too and god bless you man

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My thoughts exactly, it really is extraordinary having stumbled upon each other here in this thread

I love all of you my fellow brethrens who are here tonight with me

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The sheer comfyness of this thread

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No probs! God bless us, every one!!!

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