No Doll thread?

No Doll thread?

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You degenerate fuckers, who ordered a Lara B doll???.

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poorfags gotta make do somehow i guess

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>mfw when she's way too tight for anal, but try it anyway

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Who is Lara B?

nobody important

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Virgin who can’t pull a real girl? Want something small to make you feel better about your tiny dick? Why not buy a plastic fucking doll!


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She is important enough to get a doll made in her likeness

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no, she just had a creepy enough fan to commission one

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Is there a doll of a young Emma Watson available? School uniform cosplay would be fun.

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Why yes funny you should ask that

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Pretty sure the manufacturers would stay away on that one. Too much legal exposure.

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replica dolls generally require permission of the original fleshbag to create, the chinese arnt typically too hung up on this though so they may still do it, but you would have to commission it yourself.

good luck on such a high profile person though

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OK... not a bad likeness after all.
I'm not in the market for another doll, but curious what manufacturer and model?

What the fuck?

Quick question for you doll guys, how long can one of these dolls remain wet? Can you take a bath or shower with one? And how does it effect the wig?

Two more weeks before my ds145 is finished, maybe even less. Very exciting!


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wet wigs is whatever, but the remaining wet thing varys a lot on the individual doll and its constructions.

in general, you dont want to submerge anything, with a few silicones being specifically designed to withstand it, but you still shouldnt let it be submerged for prolonged periods.

TPE is even less resiliant, but can take a minor amount of surface water. really shouldnt leave them we though.

in either case, any point of entry to the skeleton should be as far away from water as possible. that includes standing feet bolts, neck joints, head holes if any, and the vag/anus if your not positive they are sealed(they should be, but defects happen). along the outside of the doll there are also the wire suspension points, which can be noted by tiny little dots. those can be an issue if they were not properly taken care of and sealed.

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fk yeah m8

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Is there any reason to buy from anyone other than Catdoll? I'm leaning toward 146cm Christina or 136cm Sasha.

The wig is no problem. I've washed those and treated them with fabric softener to make them more natural feeling. But getting a lot of water on the doll itself is a really bad idea because the skeleton is steel and the joints can and will rust.
I do use water to clean after sex but very limited amounts and then thoroughly dry afterwards with forceps and cloth. Periodically I dry with an air pump. (Not the most sexy aspect of doll ownership, but I want them to last a long time and that's the price of that.)

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No, I can't think of any reasons either.

Thanks guys for the response. Wish i could afford a doll, but thats life, ya know? Maybe if I hit the lottery....


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Not a good idea to get them wet cuz the skeleton might rust and a join will break. Keep them away from water, it's their main enemy

decent quality dolls can be had as low as 800 depending on your body type preferences.
if you wanna roll dice on the cheapos, you can get down to 500 or so before it gets super hyper sketchy.

hardly a need for lottery, just a matter of cutting a vice to save.

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The foreign exchange minister of 1924 weimar republic's daughter

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Hell... as hobbies go dolls are dirt cheap. I definitely spent at least $350K on sailing in my lifetime. Probably spent at least $150k in strip clubs and bars and hookers.
Five dolls with all their clothing, accessories, care etc. for the last two years is still under $6k.
A fucking bargain.

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But who is she

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Google is your friend.

some old pedobait from what i know

Normie can't do it


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I already told you you fucking sperg

cheaper than a real bitch

Normie can't do it


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Googgles candydolls

Some nice teen dolls for a change

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>Imma tear that ass up

He probably fucks her daily while watching her vids

Oh baby... That makes my nutter butter

is there more of this set ?

Whatever you're selling it's tiresome.
It's a doll thread. Post some doll pics.

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finally got contacted by the shipping company to pay import taxes, should have my doll before the end of the week i'm so excited

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That looks like an infected wound. Fucking gross.

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merry christmas

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Doll thread. Aka, virgin squad.

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And here you are. ;-)

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its a set of 2, so there ya go

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i really dont understand the obsession with that horsefaces anorexic goblin made of toxic ooze

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Doll pussy please

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Cum doll pussy

Is that supposed to mean something?

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Doll gore

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Doll gore pt 2

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well ty anyway

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Please cock in doll