
hi, i'm a right-wing loser whose only defense to anything logical is to remind anyone arguing with me that trump has 5 more years to go in office, because i think this will trigger them. i more than likely have a lower iq and no education past high school, i also am an incel and am poor and use welfare all the time. i can't be bothered to do my own research when a news story hits, i just post memes and parrot everything i see on Sup Forums because they must be right and i'm not a sheep at all, thinking for myself is super easy. i also like to rp as a white supremacist even though i have no actual reason to hate minorities other than it's funny and in real life i would never even open my mouth because i'm such a macho hardass. trump gave me hope because he portrays an asshole so well that people like me could get behind such a big tough guy that would protect us, even though he's really only in it to enrich his own empire and family, i really don't mind paying taxes to him for golf trips and stuff because he seems cool and mildly racist, not politically correct at all - what a guy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


4 more years!


did you think of this feeble diatribe all by yourself? Good for you user.

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oh i forgot to mention, i also think that riling up all the persians and iraqis and potentially starting a new middle eastern war is awesome, they totally started it(tm) and since i don't know the history of conflict out there, we should turn that place into glass. i'm totally fine paying more taxes to go to war with all these subhuman cultures, although i do give pause when i think about how my taxes are spent on people on welfare that really bothers me because they're all lazy and it's my money. don't get me started about these losers, if we aborted them in the first place...wait actually, i'm supposed to oppose abortion and act like i care about being christian because of something i forget now, whatever, libtards haha

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grats? you live your life man, yeah!

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Attached: tonysoprano.jpg (1920x1200, 272K)

>screeching autism

3 years down, 5 to go.

Attached: !cryingloserliberals2020.jpg (1191x1200, 189K)

here's a colorized version for ya, lol!

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lol you're slow


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OP is
> Bread-shill
> Loser
> Pasta
> And needs to hear the reminder, "Rent Free"

>wall of text
>not funny
Your story isn't checking out.




Attached: 1542968015697.png (590x588, 453K)

Im conservative, but you got the right idea fuck all these trump sheep. I have to deal with these preppy fags in my neighborhood on a daily basis.

Attached: 0ae15d9c204b28d884b50b70914fa976.jpg (500x500, 62K)

Judging by your post, you're obviously retarded. Why not focus on using logic and not being as emotional and focused on the most powerful person in the worlds sexuality?

Attached: 1578153874362m.jpg (1024x737, 76K)

>Guy Fawkes mask
>Fuck the police image
>I'm conservative
>Nuclear codes

Attached: 1565477633434.jpg (461x345, 140K)

I don't know what to believe ever since I read that the Jews (JIDF) are trolling these boards.

hahaha, sucks to be you , fucking basement dwelling neckbeard faggot. My life and friends lives are flourishing at the present. Stay mad, broke, and gay dipshit.

Believe nothing.
Take the Clear Pill.
Nothing means anything until you assign it meaning. No one has credibility until you give it to them.
You are the Master of your own Mind.
You are the Lord of your Internal Self.
Achieve the Alchemical Freedom of Synthesis of Thesis and Anti-Thesis.
If both Tribes are Dualistic, both lay the claim on truth, both must be lying.
Cherish your life, cherish those you have that deserve to be so cherished, and be a force of love for yourself and the gift you have user.

shouldn't you be enlisting?

Attached: iran_33507.png (608x631, 418K)

>and gay dipshit.

Attached: trump_gay.jpg (1024x768, 172K)

So just because you don't believe in paying a shit load of your money to poor minorities means you have to respect cops on a power trip that only care about themselves and their rank.

Are you an atheist too?

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Attached: 810.jpg (720x733, 83K)

stupid fuck, there will be no war with Iran. Not thumping any chests either. Living a good life and just stating that.

gays support Trump
non gays support Trump
Just stating you are a gay who does not support Trump

are you serious? they're huge pussies and talk out their ass, they would never lol

Attached: DklTDvCUwAAb1q6.jpg (735x418, 58K)

Nah nigga, I believe in god not religious just a Sup Forumsruddah with some interesting political and social views.

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (1480x832, 66K)

>you are a gay

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Attached: 812.jpg (400x443, 21K)

>trump with a slim, muscular build
regardless of your opinion on trump you have to admit it's fucking hilarious how all of these images portray him as this healthy muscular dude meanwhile in reality he's an old obese lardball

Attached: 2140.jpg (2140x1427, 286K)

Your going to call someone a boomer next, right?

yeah.......you're right

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keep trying, my child
I am not a homosexual, your photograph made me laugh out loud

wow you're a clever one

> References Alchemy

A man after my own heart. You wouldn't happen to be the Jungian Mystic would you?

instead of fighting your countrymen, go get out to iran and kill some persians for us, since you know, i can't and object to war


Pick one

Guy Fawkes is a chad


Yawn.... . . . . . . . .

I wonder why if he's such a criminal why are the articles of impeachment contrived bullshit?
I'm sure they'd have nailed him by now by what your meme asserts.

No, you'll just remain assblasted about Orange Man Bad for another 5 years.

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Normie can't do it


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