Connecticut Girls, Post them

Connecticut Girls, Post them

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Other urls found in this thread:

bristol bump

Danbury bump

someones gotta have pics of all of the cat piss smelling girls of this bullshit state

Any of Taylor V, Plainville?

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kelly b, bristol

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user.ib did but you know.... If you search the Sup Forums archive for CT threads you might be able to find some. But most pics are no longer available. So unless someone has a site rip from in or if ppl stop being stingy and just post we won't get anything new other than old or fb pics and check in bumps.

More so I think ppl are afraid of posting and getting caught. At least that's the case for me. I've posted two Stratford chicks and one Norwalk girl in the past ( all exes) . Someone recognized the Stratford girl and showed her the pic and she knew exactly where it came from.

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Tolland here

Any cord links?

anyone got any music scene sluts?

Any new london area?

Go to toads place in New Haven when they do their rave nights. You'll find a bunch of sluts.

i meant more like sluts that make their way through ct bands via the cock

where to find the b archive?

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I googled Kaitlyn Gorman nudes CT which is the chick posted Found a couple threads on there but most images aren't available.

Ahh ok. Can't help you there. I know yeaaars ago there used to be this band Athena surrender from Norwalk. They changed their name after a couple years.. Forget what it was.. but they used to have groupies then the lead singer got hit with a sexual assault charge and they were never heard from again. So the sluts do exist. I know it doesn't help, but just a little story.

Is the cord still up?

>athena surrender
Sounds familiar i was in a few bands in the area.

Anyone got any wins from norwalk to trumbull to milford areas?

Any nice stories?

Normie can't do it


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Any more bristol?

Any Waterford?

That’s not the CT one...



2010 bristol central high please

Any dhs alumni?

anon92#8868 if you have new london county I’m looking to trade

>Was in a few bands in the area
Any names you care to share? Athena surrender was heavy metal-ish. They released like 4 songs thru Myspace. Played slamfest and that was about it. Then they changed their name, I wish I could fucking remember it. They went to a more glassjaw type vibe. Think they even got an EP. but that was about it..

Also necro bump for Norwalk tits.



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Bump for Crystal

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She's wierdly hot.

New Milford sluts?

Any of the girls working at the Stafford Palace?
