Lets do this , and this time no larping

Lets do this , and this time no larping

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in 86 i was arrested for sodomising a little girl.
I only got 2 years in jail for it
not long ago a guy 1 hour from me got 25 to life for the exact same thing, we even had the same judge.

Sometimes I bump threads

same here

how old was the girl what did you made her do?

she was 5 and almost exclusivly anal and oral.

I stole nudes from my soon to be sister in law's snapchat. I often fantasize about fucking her and getting caught by my fiancee. It won't happen though because I have small pp.

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Me and my wife are into group sex and since we have moved away from our families we are way more open about it to everyone we meet . its been really nice to be so open and not give a fuck if people get rustled

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I'm returning an iPhone because screen got scratched by airport security.
I'm feeling pretty guilty about that.

any pics of her sweet succulent butthole?

why did you do it?

because her mother wouldnt put out and i was horny. so i started fucking her daughter instead. kept it going for a good few months too.


did the mother know?

How did you get caught?

I think I feel the spark dying in my relationship.

He used to ask how my day was and listen to my response, now he expects me to just say good and leave him alone while he plays Vidya. He gets angry, and I try to communicate to find out why, and he blames work, shuts down in 10 minutes and leaves it at that. I'm permanently disabled, and every now and then he brings up that more money coming in would be nice. We don't go to bed together anymore, he leaves chores for me to do even though he knows that I won't be able to walk much for a few days after doing them, etc, even after acknowledging it and offering to help more.

Now I'm withdrawing into myself, and if he ask am I okay, I say yes, fine. I don't see us lasting much longer.

No, and when she found out she called the cops, She said later she regretted calling the cops.
I still dated her for a couple of years after i got out but never touched her daughter again.

You honestly deserve a bullet in your head.

Did the girl seem to enjoy it or get pleasure from it?

We had sex one day, anal like we usualy did and I must have made a vaccume in her ass because everytime i tried to pull out it hurt her, so we kinda had to slow real down and do it slowly.
later that night she told her mother about how weird it felt , and the mom called the cops

Does someone know anything about the brazilian dude who has a harem with 10 -14 year olds? he is supposed to have shared his story in one of these threads at some point.


But this is a real confession and not some pedo fuelled fantasy so it will sit here with no replies because it's not fapworthy

i did a lot of other stuff in the 80's also that makes people say that too.

absolutly, i never did anything to hurt her, i took things real slow so she would enjoy it too, which is why that last time was so weird that she ended up deciding top tell her mom about it

I'm surrounded by kidfuckers. I don't feel bad for it


So told her mom her tummy/butt felt weird? Or told her mom your pp in her butt felt weird?

Did you coach her how to never tell any one or how its your guys little secret or anything?

he was a larper? proof?

what disability?

>I'm permanently disabled
You sound fat, which means there's no logical reason to assume he's still sexually attracted to you.

Fun fact: All men are hardwired to get aroused when they think their sperm has to compete with other sperm. It forces the body to create more testosterone, which gets guys horny AF.

Put 2 and 2 together. Tell him he isn't satisfying your sexual needs and that you want to fuck some guy you've been talking to.

He'll either 1) kill you on the spot in a fit of rage, or 2) get turned on at the idea of cuckolding and save your relationship.

Honestly, what do you have to lose?

I mean like not enjoy it in a "this is fun user tehe" sense. Did she enjoy it in a sexual pleasure sense? Did she moan and buck on your dick?

he made the exact same spelling mistakes as the guy who swapped his sister with his friend

I wish, I didn't get super nice pics unfortunately

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More than one

Just tell us nigger, I have my money still on landwhale

i told her all about how it was out little secret and mommy could never know.

But after that night she told mer mom how weird it felt , how everytime i moved her entire tummy felt like it was moving with me, i pushed inn and she felt a greater preasure in her stomach, and when i tried to pull out it all felt like it was bing pulled to her butt.

and boom, cops called and shit.

yes she moaned, made sure to tell me when something didnt feel good and she loved to ride me. she was also very fast to get undressed and sit on my face when mommy wasnt around

>gay cuckholding


I'm not a landwhale. My spine is permanently damaged and degrading

I mean if you wanna talk about it you gotta talk. relationships are sacred to me and i have empathy for you. but if you dont want to share its fine too.

m or f? how is the sex? was it ever good.

See here I also have mental health issues as a result of the injury/permanent disability factor. At first he was sympathetic but now he rolls his eyes if I say I'm in pain

M. It was good, yeah

When I was 22 a guy in my group of friends died. It was some kind of heart defect thing, and he died in his sleep unexpectedly.
Although none of us had any idea about that until the next day, several of us saw him (or his doppleganger I guess?) walk through the room we were sitting around chatting in, several times. It didn't say anything until the last time he walked through, and it was nonsense. Creeps us all out now so much that no one ever brings it up.

i'm finding proof, be patient. but he's on this thread, right now larping again

Because there isn't enough good to offset the bad. Yeah it's one thing to be understanding, but when the cons start to out with the pros, it's harder and harder to feel like you enjoy life. Find someone else, or suffer in silence like the rest of us.

Your pathetic weakness is annoying him. He can tell when you say something to try to get an affectionate response from him.


Guess I'll just end it then

And here I was thinking relationships were about support

sounds like he isn't buying it any longer. not implying its an act but he may think so. are both of you at the doctors regularly so both of you are updated on the condition.

Dump him, stupid ass. Don't kys.

yeah i noticed that too. there is some guy on here posting stuff on regular intervalls in a recognizable pattern until someone bites. like some confessions are so formulaic it hurts.

I have stacks of paperwork detailing it and a %10 Whole person impairment. He knows all this. No, I go to the doctor's on my own while he stays home

I meant ending the relationship, not my life

Still recovering of the brutal gang fucking, I guess. Hopefully she posts more soon.

Specifically what evidence got you convicted?

My freshman in college son left his iPad at home when he went back to his dorm 2 days after Xmas. I don't think he realizes his iMessage is linked from his phone but I can see all of his text messages when they come through.

I'm upset that I had to find out this way that he takes adderal illegally, but the point of this post is his still in high school gf (adorable little blonde down the street that ive known since she was 14) has been sending him nudes almost nightly. My balls have been empty since Dec 27th

Creepy. But not believe.

Im kind of emotionally abusive to my girlfriend. She slept around a little. Im her 5th, so could be worse but she was my first. Decided to tell me everything cause her ex "groomed her into it.

I dont buy it, I dont care what he did, I get that she was abused and beat but for the life of me I just cant give a shit.

She is very emotionally dependent on me and I am kind of a husk. I use alcohol when i feel like i need to reassert myself as affectionate.

I also directly and indirectly degrade her. Part of me feels bad. But her saying "i wanna be with you forever" after telling me all about her sex history is not right.

I have a very fit body and am cosntantly working out and getting eye fucked by people

Id never cheat, but if i wanted to i could. I know if she cheated on me I'd feel bad for a few days. But then id just go on a sex bender.

My flying elephants are mentally disabled

The only thing i feel sexually attracted to is dogs and occasionally other animals, my last relationship failed cause my bf couldnt satisfy me due to this, I feel fucked up.

Fuck you

lol he plays video games, his whole life seems pathetic.

Trying to get some affection isnt wrong in any way, not in a relationship. When he is annoyed and has no balls to say bye its his problem.

And hers if she doenst leave im.
but he is still a child playing games instead enjoying life playfully

i guess people on here get offended when i write playing vid games is just running away from life, when people do it every day or every week.
But on this site we also look at murder etc, like nothing happened, and its normal to see some "shit" so stfu about video games some other man programmed for you pls to get your money and fill your time because people cant stand life themselves


Oh lol.

So lets assume for a second that hes using you for something. Something he gains by being with you. An incentive. What could those things be?

did you ever contact the daughter again? little whores like t hat love fucking guys who fucked them first

Not sharing any of her nudes, but here's a selfie

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archive link or smthn?

you think of yourself more than her because you entered the relationship pure?

I need to hear how they abused that little slut

Fuckkkk post her please

the brazilian guy, the guy with the sister, the girl who ran away at 13... all the same dude...

i didn't save many threads, but idk what else is fake, i'm trying to check more stories, though

Lol at least you didnt find messages of him sending his boypucci to other dudes.

Just do it

Her tits look amazing. Please reconsider

Do you think she is a real "she" or just a cuck larp?

are you a guy or a girl? someone called you a fag but this is Sup Forums so IDK

Seek therapy.

A polaroid picture the investigator found at her house and the word of the girl.
I took a couple of polaroids of us in the mirror while she was riding me.

I dated hehr mome after i came out for a while. so had lots of contact, but never any more sex. I even attended her wedding 4-5 years ago.

When I was like 9 I had found a pic of moms boobs on dad's blackberry phone. I used to sneak in the room and grab the phone to look at it whenever I got the chance. I wouldn't say I felt arousal in the same sense that I do now, it was like a strange tingling overtaking my body

Pic eventually got lost but its afterimage was permanently stuck in my mind and would interject during sexual fantasies

No, online ive probably showed my cock to thousands. I did omegle and kik stuff with people from 2014-2018.

I think im better because I dont regret any of my sexual decisions. Ive never had a regrettable experience. She was too open, too early and it made sex for me hard because I knew the people she fucked personally. It disgusts me so i make her pay for it. Being a dumb girl gets you bad treatment.

Also people tend to date the same kinds of people. So one emotionless void to another isnt really that surprising.

I dont feel bad cause she does everything to deserve how shes treated. Id say 75% of the time I am the boyfriend that girls wish they had

>The house is always clean to the best of my ability. It's not spotless, but very tidy.

>I prepare all meals because he can't cook

All I can think of, really. I appreciate you talking through this with me. I feel like I'm going crazy

IDK but its good LARP if it is. I just want at least a post it of a time stamp and a hand to show its a female, because this bitch has given us nothing and until then i will make her feel guilty about her bf she cheated on

why no more sex? did she want to fuck you? did you walk her down the aisle LOL. If she wanted you to fuck her again would you be down? would you give her a baby is she asked?

Such a great looking pussy still

Its two dudes...

do you have any threads with her story saved? i'm trying to figure out if it is the same larper or not

>I am the boyfriend that girls wish they had
I'm sure you are just another faggot redditor LARPing with your shitty spacing but God damn stop wasting her time you don't love her, its disgusting

My dad used to peek on brother and his gf getting it on after school. So I guess it could be worse lol

To this day brother thinks it was me behind his door.

Although this is clearly larping, you deserve neck rope either way

Married for 10 years and have gotten so much user deepthroat head from Craigslist and Doble list, had several regulars i would feed weekly. If my wife had the slightest clue, hahah.

I get off on exposing my roommate on Sup Forums. I jerk off to her nudes and into her dirty panties. Got wins of her in the shower and toilet. Put cum in her toothbrush/toothpaste and body wash. Cum for her every day, often while she's home or with the door open.

let me guess, he also used a towel to cover up the key hole?

Riiiiiight. KYS today.


I fuck an angel. She was my wife because she married me when I was a kid below 13 years

STFU and get off Sup Forums

I want to rape and murder my coworker. Badly. I've plotted it for months.

Ive invested my entire life into this relationship. The last 2 jobs ive had over the course of our relationship have been so i can help better take care of her. Id say i love her a good deal. I dont see why making her take responsiblity for her words and actions negates that

5 year olds don’t “enjoy” sodomy, you sick motherfucking piece of shit

been fucking my sister in law for 10 years now, my wife is in on it and my BIL has no idea

Yes I'm the same guy from yesterday