waifu thread.
Waifu thread
hey cute
I live
Now that's a cute waifu.
>owns a candy store and is surprisingly motherly
thanks you too
No bag?
I would love to own candy store.
Thanks Have a nice day :)
Claiming Haru!!!
Greetings, friend. Tomorrow is still weekend for me, I am probably going on yet another drive at some point later this night.
How have you been faring so far this weekend?
Good evening. At least over here it is.
Hirasawa Yui
Still bag
3 Hours till monday. Normally, games and sleep.
Afternoon comrade. What's up?
This is sad to hear. How long do you have to keep this up? I hope it is not too long, I would imagine it to be bothersome.
Whatever you have to do tomorrow, I do sincerely hope that it goes by fast and easy, if it should be something you do not look forward to.
Games and sleep. You have just described my day, suppose throw in a little bit of nutrition for actualities sake.
Not much has been up today, as you may have seen via Discord, I have devoted the entirety of today to doing nothing but gaming.
I do hope that you have been slightly more productive, at least.
Ill find out on the 20th
cute picture. i always feel bad for her.
nice dubs+1
i like her eyes a lot... and her face... you know what? just everything, really.
i hope it goes favorably
Let us both hope for a positive outcome. Not even my worst enemy would I wish to have to go through what you have been for such a long time now.
Stay strong.
It would appear so, at least on the outside.
You know, just as I am typing this up, I'm upgrading my backpacks in World of Warcraft to where I now am able to carry 140 different items. Storage space should be sorted out for a while now, I was running into such problems when soloing mythic dungeons today.
Heretical trips. Though not trips of heresy.
If you look for the bad, itll be there. I know that this surgery will only be positive.
You shouldnt, she wouldnt want that.
I want to but if work needs me, they come first.
oh, that's really nice
i remember when i made backpacks and stuff
then i stopped playing
this was in Classic
should i pat her head and give her some chump change instead?
No, she can manage on her own
an independent waifu? you better watch out, she might try to marry up
Truly words to live by, perfectly applicable in any kind of predicament. Fourteen more days to go, just two weeks! Make sure to treat yourself to a nice, savory meal when the deed has been done. Of course in a medically-justifiable period of time, not immediately afterwards but you know that.
You had fun, that is all that matters, you do not have to pick it up again.
I see her less as a waifu and more as a daughteru.
I've just been lounging today. Really tired already but I took a nap earlier and I don't want to accidentally sleep too long
You can tell that was drawn by an American
do you think we're not friends?
oh, right, that sounds vaguely familiar... sorry
looks 2d to me
That is fine too, it is the weekend after all.
Accidentally sleeping for too long is something that happens to me more than I would like it to happen, if I'm being honest here. The worst thing is when you wake up very early in the morning and think you are just going to sleep for another hour, but end up sleeping in.
>You can tell that was drawn by an American
Artists goes by uso ameuzaki. Twitter full of moon runes.
Go sit down grandpa you're losing your weeb senses.
I looked at the dating method. Its an American method to go month/day. At least until I looked it up, thanks for correcting me.
Easy there partner, nobody said any of that.
Probably because the Renge poster is also of the same mind. Hugg, no fugg.
What happened to the weird Haruhi poster that was obsessed with candy canes?
Same 2morrow. Getting new GPU, that's about it.
okay, sorry. i feel bad
yeah... i get that mindset... i'd like to say i agree, but i find it hard to find what i believe to begin with
oh yeah, that guy sounds vaguely familiar. he probably buggered off onto an altchan or something
Lain is upset at me
Then work, work gives tradable paper, and the paper gives sustinence.
Getting an upgrade is always sweet. I pray for a successful install without any compatibility issues.
Don't be, life is too short to be.
face poke
life is too long, too
Its why I work. To get that tradeable polymer
Guitar strings
Is there a work that offers more? One you can get I mean
Fuck yes!
Not that Ive seen. Been applying but no one wants someone they have to teach for computer stuff. Not even an experienced worker.
Some people take the shortcut, however, I'd advise you refrain from that.
Either that or when you lay down to take a nap and then wake up the next morning. Sometimes I wake up on the morning after that. My spirit animal is either a house cat or a sloth or something.
Reverse card
Maybe try learning a little in your free time? Don’t take whole chunks at once.
sometimes i think about taking shortcuts to things like that, but i know it's more useless than being alive
cute picture
>free time
Whats that? A lot of my time is taken up by the things I cant do during the week as house maintenance and keeping clean.
A house cat seems nice, I'd take you in.
I'd love to own a kitten of my own someday.
Fear not, call out my name, shout it out as loud as you can and I will be there for you. I will be that rug that warms you up and calms you down.
Or so I'd like to think at least.
pretty cute, what's his name?
that's very nice, thank you
i like that Cirno picture. i found it while browsing pixiv and sent it to the Cirno poster. at least, i'm talking about the original
Yuuki kei
Horrifying fecal demons
Rising up out of the caverns below
Dark robotic astral zombies
Eating the peasants who live in Glasgow
Siege engines of hell's creation
Blasting the walls with unholy fire
nice dubs+1
what do you like most about 「『Yuuki Kei』」?
the Brits?
i agree, Ireland forever!
No problem, I hope you never doubt what we two have again.
As far as i know, they already have this one.
Tiocfaidh ár lá
okay, thank you. sorry if i'm not good enough
Eh, close enough
Sup. Rikkaposter here.
you're welcome
all your pictures are really cute
easy, it's 9.
i really like your waifu's bunny features
cute picture but please don't hit the cute girl...
Main claimed
Kino from Kino No Tabi (2003)
I wouldn't want for it to be anyone else than you.
I would enjoy that! Especially since I believe you to be low maintenance. I have been talking about cats with a friend on Discord and apparently, small, young kittens are te most difficult to put up with.
While it is certainly hard for you and I'm in no place to tell you this, but i strongly believe she/he is somewhere nice and always observing you, whatever you do.
This is it for today then.
I'm so tired, tired-
Of everything in my life.
Don't know why I try
When I know how it ends;
And even though it hurts inside,
To love you, I've made up my mind-
I'll say goodnight, but we both know
That I will never let you go.
I'll close my eyes and drift away,
To somewhere I can't feel the pain-
I'll say goodnight, but we both know...
go away
cute! is she your main waifu?
i really like that hat
i don't understand but thank you i think
I don't think it's normal how much I've been sleeping lately
What is everyone up to?
Yeah it's cute, the anime is p underrated and she has an alternate design for the remake in 2017 but I find both the redesign and remake to be vastly inferior imo.
based clown shoes
Shes sad because you haven't posted her
i like your anime girl
she's cute and i don't remember where she comes from
i feel like i recognize the name of the anime but i never saw it. what's it about?
i know that anything with "kino" in the name will be kino, at least
It's Clownpiece from Touhou, Touhou 15 to be exact.
Is that Yui?
I love them, second best thing about her.
aw... i'm sorry... i'm not a Rikka poster, though... i don't think i have any pictures of her, either
yes, of course, the 2hu. sorry for the confusion
it may just happen to be Hirasawa Yui from K-On!, how did you know?
lewd picture
what does (S)
(P) stand for?
what's the first best thing?
her outfit is interesting. who is she?
It is definitely kino, one of my personal top 3 anime. If you've ever watched and liked Girl's Last Tour it's pretty similar in structure and is episodical. Revolves around Kino and her motorcycle Hermes (who can talk) who travel several unusual (fictional) countries while tackling some philosophical points of interest relevant to the country they're visiting, it's only 13 episodes long and has an amazing atmosphere, subs and dubs for it are fine, if you're like me and just watch subs/dubs depending on if english dub has good voice actors i'd reccomend watching it dubbed.
My waifu drives me to be positive and to be the best I can be!!!
Doritos® Locos™ Taco only from Taco Bell®
oh yeah, that sounds cool! i'll have to check it out eventually
that sounds good! i wish i had a similar drive...
whoa bro did you just say an antisemitic slur?
Well I tried watching K-on but imo it sucked so I stopped halfway through