Does anyone elseremember fake coupons of 2011? Does anyone do this anymore. Do they still work?
Does anyone elseremember fake coupons of 2011? Does anyone do this anymore. Do they still work?
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Newfags cant into fake cupons user
I was informed that the fake coupons in the hardest hit areas changed the Protocols of Doing Business. user Wizards warped reality so bad that Anti-Magic Protocols have been laid into place.
The Normies do not understand meme magic.
The Corporates had to hire Anti-Magi to shield their bottom line.
Anons started getting arrested so the threads stopped.
No but I do remember when I used to trust people.
Used to do this, I remember seeing an example coupon like the op on a cash register that said "THIS IS FAKE" written on it. You'd have to change the style a lot and even then you would still risk getting arrested lol
We traded these things and legit profited. I only tried small shit free doritos. Batteries.
If you got working ones for the new year post away
The thing was that when coupon bro cracked the coupon code, he freely shared it here. And as he did, other anons betrayed him and doxxed hom to the FBI. He now serves a sentence in jail because of us and we can no longer use the coupons he gave us.
any proofs on this?
I remember ones before 2011. I used one for xbox live points in 2009 for rockband. It was buy one get one and worked at Ultimate Electronics. You bought the 800 points and got the 4000 point card free. I used it a few times before I stopped.
Why did you invite me?
There was used to be one of these for a $50 prepaid visa gift card. I was in college in 2011 and at one point I was really short on money. So I went around to like 6 different grocery stores around my town and tried to use that coupon. I specifically went through checkouts manned by older women. I think I got four $50 gift cards out of it.
One place just told me they couldn’t take the coupon. But at one place they called over a manager who asked where I got the coupons because she believed they were counterfeit. I just said I got them from answering online surveys and then got out of there.
I was always kind of nervous though that they’d be able to track those cards and I’d get a knock on my door eventually.
I just was mentioning this to my friend. He said it was the 400 point card and you got the 4000 free, which sounds more right but I can't remember entirely.
I used fake coupons for pizza back then. Got at least $50 in free pizza that year
Coworker of mine went to every Walmart in a 50 mile radius and bought a PS3 with a coupon and enough cash to cover taxes. He then sold them all on CL and made around $1000 in one weekend.
I tried using one of the "25% off" at a self-checkout just to see what would happen and one of the associates came over to check the coupon, asked where I got it, and I said it was sitting nearby on the shelf. She said "what aisle?" and looked all flustered. Dodged that bullet.
Its far easier to slap a cheap item's barcode over an expensive one and walk through the self checkout these days
Well there is footage of you buying those 4 cards at 4 different locations with those coupons.
I wouldnt be suprised if you are profiled.
The incident happendd in real time and I was watching the threads turn on him. I can't provide current proof because all the articles show that the FBI did all the hard work and praises them in capturing him. They basically took all the credit rven though that isn't the truth. Other anons here back in 2011 might have seen what happened in those threads.
That sounds like a lot of work and gas money. So basically he sold PS3 for $50 each instead of $200-300. Your friend sounds like a real smart guy.
Just letting you know it is only easy at shit stores.
Walmart has a camera "AI" system at any store they installed TVs near the self checkouts in. The "AI" checks the items based on scans and makes sure everything was scanned. It is why the self checkout doesn't scream when you don't bag stuff, they don't care about weight, they already visually know the items you are scanning and if anything was left behind. My friend works at Anaren that developed the technology. Only walmarts with the tvs near self checkout have this "AI". This is also why there are more yellow vest people than the last decade, to check receipts to make sure the "AI" does the right job and you didn't fool it. Finally most expensive shit is hard to fake anyway.
Poor bastard
lexisnexis com/legalnewsroom/financial-fraud-law/b/blog/posts/college-student-charged-in-counterfeit-coupon-scam
yeah before Sup Forums was trash
>inb4 Sup Forums was always trash
The mods banned coupon threads sometime around the first and second time Sup Forums died and mainstream media started reporting on them. The free coupons didn't work most of them time and were too risky. You had use a $xx.xx off coupons or buy one get one $xx.xx off coupons. Changing the value amount to something reasonable, like $50 off a $100 product worked without issue 95% of the time.
Texted him. He nabbed 10 and sold them for $100 each. Said it took him 4 hours.
I don't fuck with it, honestly. The only time I go to Walmart is for motor oil since Castrol Edge is super inexpensive there. I scan 6 out of 10 but make the motions and always get out fine. Full synthetic 10qt oil change for like $35.
My friend also said "tell that newfag he lost the game"