IRAQ is involved, UK will get involved too. Nucleair weapons may be an Iranian option

IRAQ is involved, UK will get involved too. Nucleair weapons may be an Iranian option...

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i honestly think that the current conflict between the US and iran are either a UK pulling some strings to make a dumb country start a war
its russians trying to do the same thing

>Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Nucle-Air

Escalation like that wouldn't be the first time...


>Iraq vs US
We've done that before.
>UK vs US
We've done that before.

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Damn right the UK will support our US Sup Forumsros.

God bless America. God bless UK

Thank you UK. We love to buttfuck you while you fight for our Oil and Israel.

stand there and don't speak britbong. do as you're told.

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Yeah, yeah, remember when we were going to go to war with north Korea a few years ago. This is just an impeachment subject change

Nah... just stupid war monger murica.. Wasn’t a UN sanctioned strike.. UK has its own problems.

It's Putin pulling the strings to put Russia into position as the main player in the middle east. First he gets Trump to pull out of Syria literally handing over American bases to the Russians. Now he gets the US kicked out of Iraq. And who do you think will be there to pick up the pieces as the superpower to help the Iraqis out? Why Vlad of course.

Soon enough WMD’s will be the justification... Hurr Durr dumb murica

this is why burgers will never be the biggest superpower

All memeing aside fuck you cunts, I'm aussie and our government has already said that they would issue a draft order in the case of a large scale war overseas involving our allies, I'm not scared to die mate, and every man in my family for about as far back as I can throw a bottle has fought in a war, that's not what this is about, it's about the fact that this is all going to be for Israel, if I dodge the draft my family will disown me and I'll never be able to respect myself again, but the thought of dying for the Jews fucking repulses me, and we didn't even fucking do anything, this is between America and Iran, what the fuck does that have to do with me? I have zero connection to your bullshit whatsoever and now I have to go die for it? Fuck you, I'm not going to dodge the draft if push comes to shove, but if any one of you gives me shit over there I'm going to fuck you up user, I'm fucking pissed about this shit, I was just starting a career too, fuck you, fuck jews

And this would hurt us how? I say allow Vlad to sacrifice his people over this blood soaked shit hole of a region. You can let an attack on an embassy go unchallenged. And the best thing that could happen as a result would be to abandon the area to people who aren't going to cry about every dead kid on TV

Putin is doing nothing and not responsible for anything. America is dumb enough to drag themself into the shit. All Puting does/needs to do is sit back and watch the shit hit the fan.

Settle down, that job at the boomerang factory will still be there when you get back.

i'd rather be homeless and without a family than die for the jews and be a good goyim

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What have we drug ourselves into? People are acting like this is our first drone strike.

Why does everyone keep saying this will be ww3?? It will just be another iraq/iraq2.0/Afghanistan/Vietnam/Korea war

Gawrsh, if I had a nickel for every time WWIII was predicted... but this one will be real, yes?

russia is willing to step for iran
most of the west is willing to step for the burgers
in the end everybody fights a meaningless conflict because of a small disagreement
third time in history...

Iran has the 18th strongest economy on earth, their terrain is a natural fortress and they are allied with Russia and china, both of which have stated they would directly help iran in a war with the US, which means it would be WW3, no more proxies, actual, open conflict between NATO and Russia, China, and their allies

It won't even be that. It's going to be like bombing that airfield in Syria a few years ago. Forgotten in a week.

Yeah, you guys being drugged explains a lot.

You really think Private Bonespurs has any idea what he's doing, going to war? The guy's so stupid I'm sure he thinks this is the same as doing business. 52 targets? Just Trump making stuff up. I suppose this makes him sound like a tough guy, and it is transparently a teenage move.

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Except for that fact that Russia has no way to support their assets in the area and they aren't foolish enough to start shit when they don't have an advantage, sure.

Bump for the end of the world

That's great, but it's the libcucks screeching about war.
Orange Man Bad.

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The third part of a trilogy is never as good as the first two.

The difference between another Iraq and another Vietnam/Korea war is about 9000%


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i mean, if everything goes by plan US will leave their military bases in iran and iraq which coincidentally makes good military bases for the russians to settle into

Russier and Chiner just got involved via their promises of support for EERAN if the US touches Iranian soil

ONLY the UK stepped up so far for the US, trump fucked off all of the US's allies with threats and tariffs and insults

yup, it'll be all special effects and not much story

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Yeah, China is going to loose access to their largest market over Iran, keep dreaming. Russia isn't in a position to oppose us in the region. Not to mention there's no reason the deploy a single solider to Iran. If they wanna sling some lead, Trump's just gonna drone their leadership.

And all three are about 90000000000% different than ww1 and 2, which was my point

We don't have bases in Iran. They are a hostile nation to the US. Kindly shut the fuck up until you have a clue.

>Nucleair weapons may be an Iranian option
Imagine being retarded enough to believe this

>Hi I'm clueless.


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there are no US bases in Iran you stupid shit

Russia's only carrier is in dry dock. China can't support themselves without the US buying all there substandard bullshit exports. And step one of open conflict with China is to desolve our debt with them.

im fairly sure that there is one or more military bases in the iraq region

Lurk more faggot.

Iraq region yes, but not in iran


Don't you have some fires to put out? Lazy cunt.

And those bases are not in Iran as was claimed. But going on keep being fucking retarded.

>And step one of open conflict with China is to desolve our debt with them.

Do that and watch China dump its reserves of USD, tanking the value of it.

And the global economy, fuck it chaos sounds fun

So, I expect all the redneck gun nuts are down signing up to defend the American liberty they seem to be so enamored with. What you've been waiting for, right? Go shoot your guns in the name of your favorite sports team, Amerika?
What? You're not going to sign up to do your patriotic duty? You're all just a bunch of big-talking pussies who like to shoot at cans and rocks? Are your bonespurs acting up again?
So, patriots, what are your excuses for not being patriotic?

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That's a temporary effect to counter a permanent effect. The US wins that exchange and China knows it. The more important point is that the Chinese government isn't going to expose themselves to any of this type of risk over Iran.

>IRAQ is involved, UK will get involved too. Nucleair weapons may be an Iranian option...

War in Iraq, this sounds familiar somehow. Wouldn't this make it WW IV then?

i mean, if everything goes by plan US will leave their military bases in iran and iraq
>iran and iraq
not sure why i didnt say iran OR iraq and i guess its a error on my part but i'm sure that having a base in iraq counts
checkmate far right people
not sure why are you stubborn to admit that russia is a superpower with some potential power in the region if everything goes by the great russian plan

Nah not all, Scott Morrison is still backing trump, as I said above our government has also said that in a large scale war involving our allies (the US being our closest ally) they would issue a draft order

The only people falling for this fear mongering of liberal cunts who don't understand how the world works. Anyone else knows this will be forgotten in two weeks

Meanwhile, China loads up on mineral rights and isn't hindered by most environmental agreements as well as having trade around the world even without the US.
Like Russia buying shit under sanction through former Soviet sattelite states, the US will still buy Chinese shit. They don't have the manufacturing capability to do without (or buy through another.
You're an idiot if you think the US will be in the better position after all that.

If only

just pointing out your statement was incorrect
fucking snowflake

Wow wrong on point. Great job. Russia can only project power against sand niggers. Weather you said bases in Iraq AND Iran or Iraq OR Iran you are still wrong and show you don't understand what you are talking about.

Fuck off cunt, I actually am volunteering but training takes 8 months, dont you have some kikes to suck off? Or is it Tyrone on Sundays?

No nigger you were replying to the wrong post.

explain to me how military power isnt universal regardless of someone's race or geographical position
or just be clearer as english isnt my first language

>Thinking America would still allow the import of Chinese goods during an open conflict with China.

Sorry faggot,you're disqualified to talk with adults.

quads wasted on a butthurt faggot

>thinking China doesn't have the massive firepower to blow through any murkan blockade with their anti-carrier missiles

fucking retard.

>doesn't understand proxies, stamps changed to say made in another country or the inability of border control to keep cargo out when they can't even stop Mexicans
Truly you are retarded.

>thinking china and russia are weak nations militarily

1. pull out a .45
2. chamber a round
3. fire a round through your head.

Okay we will take it slow. Russia can project power in Syria because the opposition they face their does not have the military hardware to disrupt Russian landing or logistical operations. If Russia wanted to move forces into the region to engage in open conflict with US forces they would have to deal with the US Navy that heavily outnumbers them,and do so with no air support because the lack a carrier or the in flight refuling capability to cover their fleet. I can go on but let's see if your still following

tell the world to stop fucking with our laws and society and they wont die that simple. blood revenge for 9/11....if you ask me just keep on killin the mother fuckers

India announces it will back Iran.

god trump's a fucking retard. every superpower given reason to align against the US

Youre suggesting they would run a blockade to sell us shit while we are at war. Look at yourself.

no they dont have any good reason at all. we pay the rest of the world very well. dont be jealous shit skin, your time is coming. america destroys communist ideas.

I think you replied to the wrong post m80

In open conflict that cargo is never going to make it out of port and no US company in thier right mind would import through proxies during a war

i see how your point can make sense
thank you for being sensible and enlightening me about the fact that i forgot that marine military even exists kek

>that cargo is never going to make it out of port
You know there's more than one port and more than one way for cargo to leave China and get out in, oh I don't know, Russia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam.. You know.. The entire region. Good luck controlling that.

>and no US company in thier right mind would import through proxies during a war
Like no company would hire illegal workers or buy cheap shit to resale from other countries?

China has been shameless about copying things, let alone rebranding a "made in" stamp.
You really haven't thought this through.

No one would be foolish enough to take on the USA, especially not when the UK has already declared support for our American brothers. The USA is the only super power left, militarily even China isn't as strong as the UK. So number 1 and 2 world powers against Iran and maybe some tacit support from a few regional powers. There will be no contest.

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memba when trump ran on a promise of no more wars? i memba

don't forget

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3 Americans killed by al-shabaab in attack on base in Kenya per Iran's orders

Trump says NOTHING, the cuckold!! WEAK FAT RETARD!!!

His endgame is to get merkans KILLED!!!

the united states cant even beat goat fucking farmers using half a century old weapons over the course of 3 decades. how do people think they are going to win a war with a country that has an actual military and the backing of russia and china?

americans are so fucking stupid its insane

India, Russier, Chiner, Iran, V marka = marka gets skiddadled


unless the world goes nuclear, and it's over for everyone. so retard trump's responsible for ending the world. fitting.

His endgame is to try and get reelected. 100% Self serving.

>Nucleair weapons may be an Iranian option
Iran doesn't have nukes
they were going to start trying to make the materials to begin testing but, that's years down the line.

The penalty for hiring illegal immigrants is next to nothing. And the penalty for treason during war is death. I'm sure the CEOs of the importing corporatations will see those as equal just like you do.

The volume of freight they are moving across the ocean to us can just be shifted through another route and vanish. That's assuming the manufacturing base in China isn't destroyed in the first weeks of the war. A war you've still sited no reason the Chinese would see an upside in joining.

lol @ the China vs UK comparisson.

No seriously, LOLOLOLOL

Seems like hes stuck with it so far since this isn't a war.

Because this time around we aren't going to fight the goat farmers with the concerns about who's a bad guy and whose a good guy. We're going to sink the Iranian Navy, shoot down their air force, kill thier power grid along with that nuclear aite, drone their leadership and then call it a day with out anyone able to oppose us.

>its not a war
>we just want to sent a hundred thousand troops over and fight with iran
>totally not a war though trust me

>That's assuming the manufacturing base in China isn't destroyed
You don't know anything about China do you?

>I'm sure the CEOs of the importing corporatations will see those as equal just like you do.
Prove products stamped "Made in India" aren't actually made in China.

>beaten by rice farmers as a superpower and stalemated by goat fuckers in the middle east
>totally gonna win against China and their manufacturing base
Good luck, Hernando.

Sure we can. The difference is that we are not at war with Afghanistan. We are at war with a specific group of people in Afghanistan and do not want to just massacre everyone.

If we actually go to war with a country it will be over fast. Iran particularly so since 90% of their economy goes through Kharg Island, a target so small we could completely destroy it in an hour using nothing but drones.

The thing the USA isn't good at is subjugating a nation, what they are good at is the best technology and quantity of firepower. Toe to toe with the Iranians, Russians, Chinese they will win. They would not be able to occupy any of these countries but they could take our their military capability.

Yeah, he's good for nothing. Typical politician.

>literally been chanting "death to america" for our entire lives

>with out anyone able to oppose us.
except for you know.... china and russia. fucking idiot american

(Liberal autistic screeching)

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Who won?