Did you have gay experiences with your good friends growing up Sup Forums? Stories and greentexts welcome

Did you have gay experiences with your good friends growing up Sup Forums? Stories and greentexts welcome.

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And if the user from yesterday who said he would do a greentext about his summer camp cabin experiences is here, I think everyone would still love to read that.


Posted it yesterday. What the hell

>be me, 16
>have a foot fetish
>playing madden
>he’s ok, but keeps losing
>I say let’s make a bet
>he’s down
>loser has to smell the winners feet
>he’s apprehensive because I keep winning
>he agrees
>I let him win
>have to smell his feet
>he gets into it
>he wants another match with same stipulation
>oh damn I lose again
>escalates the bets
>last game
>he suggests, loser has to be the winners slave for the rest of the night
>oh damn. Lose again
>he decides he’s gonna play some games to read before bed
>makes me rub his feet
>when relaxed he wants to go to bed
>orders me to massage his back
>I do so
>after the back he orders me to rub and lick his feet until he falls asleep
>laying in the dark, me at the end of the bed rubbing and sucking
>he seems to be enjoying himself
>after about 45 mins
>he orders me to suck his dick like I did his toes
>well I don’t wanna bitch out on a bet.
>give him a blow job
>he cums in my mouth
>tells me to wait
>proceeds to dry his toes off on my face
>falls asleep soon after

Ey yo that's gay mayng

mm yems

>be me, many years ago
>15 year old retard femanon, need to get tutored by nerdlite best friend since elementary
>she's a 6/10, whatever
>we do homework together and she helps me after school
>one day I go to her house to do hw
>her dad isn't home, her mom is asleep in other room
>I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her cheek
>she touches my thigh
>I try to kiss her but the prude pushes me away
>wet dreams for the next 2 weeks
>we never talked again and avoided grouping together in projects

>how I found out I was les

When i discovered masturbation I wanted to share my big discovery with my 2 best friends. They were too dumb to follow I instructions so I just said "here, I'll do it" and jerked them off. I think it was just innocence. We are all straight and I never touched a male sexually again.

> 15
> my friend is moving away
> he didn’t have any other friends
> suggested we go camping as a goodbye thing
> campsite is literally a 30 min walk way nothing crazy
> expected it to be busy but it’s just us two there
> we make a small fire and we’re sitting round it drinking beers
> I didn’t drink much before that so it hit me pretty hard
> start saying how much I’ll miss him and I’m gutted he’s going etc
> he sits next to me and confesses he’s liked me for a long time
> I thought I was straight at that point (I’m bi) but I was horny so I kissed him
> we go into the tent and start exchanging blowjobs
> eventually fall asleep while cuddling
> wake up the next morning and mess about a bit more

We’re both 21 now but usually meet up every few months and that always leads to us fucking

Is butt stuff gay?

quite possibly

share your story user

>my friend and I put our dicks on a buddy's face
>took photos like idiots
>then put my dick in his mouth
>started waking up and licking gently
>woke up and quickly went into "dude wtf" mode
>next day I text him saying sorry and it was just jokes
>he told me he wanted to talk
>arrive at his house
>he's oddly not real made but nervous
>I tell him sorry again and asks why he's acting weird
>he's still quiet
>tell him I went to far and i'll make it up to him
>he then tells me. "ok here's what you can do, close your eyes"
>I'm no sitting on a couch with my eyes closed
>moments go by
>He tells me to open my eyes
>he's now nude on his knees infront of me
>he then says "wanna make it up to me? could we finish?"
>I then got a bj and fucked him
>none of the other friends ever found out
>would still fuck him from time to time
>And to this day I think that is now why I'm bi

Atleast there is one place you cant get banned:
Just copy and paste it


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> be me, 12yo
> watching movie with friends
> friend next to me on couch keep moving closer and being really fidgety
> eventually brushes my cock with his hand
> not really sure how to feel
> throws blanket over us and continues to rub my cock through my pants
> Cock now diamonds and start to return the favor

Go on user

> start to get nervous other friend in room will notice
> slips hand into my pants and now full on jacking my cock under blanket
> “dude hes gonna notice”
> nervous, but feels too good to stop
> start jacking his cock also, eyes locked on friend #3
> it’s longer than mine, but much thinner
> start playing with the tip and he shudders
> otherfriend “da fuck are you guys doing?”
> oh shit “nothing dude shut up we’re tryna watch the movie”

Continue, like where this is going

> otherfriend goes back to watching movie (it was snow dogs lolz)
> we continue jacking each other off and I start playing with friends balls
>while Im rubbing and playing with his balls he takes a quick peek at otherfriend
> darts under blanket and wraps his mouth around my cock
> oh fuck
> feels so good, but so nervous of getting caught and also feel kinda ashamed
> not really sucking it, but kind of kissing and licking it, and holding it in his mouth
> goes on for a few minutes
> says now its his turn

Keep going, hope the 3rd friend ends up getting involved too

> take a quick peek at otherfriend
> watching movie still, how has this simpleton not figured out whats going on yet
> go under blanket and start sucking friends cock
> slowly slurping on his tip trying to be quiet
> his dick is rock hard in my mouth
> licking down his shaft and finally make my way to his balls
> start sucking on his balls
> friend lets out a gasp when I start sucking his balls
> I freeze
> otherfriend “yo seriously wtf are you guys doing?”
> “nothing dude im just fucking with him and he freaked out”
> otherfriend “you guys are bein weird”
> Let things chill for a few min
> im super nervous and pretty ashamed, horniness is starting subside
> cant believe I just sucked friends cock
> friend tried to start thinngs up again but I dont want to
> movie ends time to go to bed

user, that's hot

Story better not end there...

> throw down sleeping bags and get ready to go to sleep
> friend lays down for a few min before edging over closer to me
> “what are you doing dude? We’re gonna get caught”
> reaches into my sleeping bag and starts rubbing my cock through my basketball shorts
> “otherfriend is already asleep its fine”
> cock is diamonds again
> combination of overwhelming excitment, horniness, and guilt
> reach into his sleep bag
> shorts are off and his dick is already diamonds
> Start slowly jacking him off
> now both on our backs fondling each other
> rolls onto his side and moves his head downto my crotch
> starts sucking it again and licking my balls like I had done to him
> feelssofuckinggood
> jacking me furiously and I feel like im gonna come
> body tenses, friend can sense whats about to happen
> slams my cock all the way into his mouth and I come
> 12, so like little trickle of jizz comes out
> Holyfuck what is going on
> friend insists its his turn and I have to help him


> move my head down to his crotch
> put his dick in my mouth, now that hes on his back and not sitting up on couch I find his dick is pretty big
> try to put the whole thing in my mouth but cant quite get it
> sucking and playing with his balls and hes letting out grunts of pleasure
> finally I can tell hes gonna come
> take it out of my mouth and start jacking furiously
> he tenses up and comes
> small, thin load trickles down my hand
> fuckinng grossed out and starting to feel ashamed again, post-nut clarity and all
> End

This was the first time, but it continued for ~3 years after that. We never acknowledged it in words, but basically any sleepover, camping trip, etc. We’d wind up next to each other sneakily jacking and sucking each other off. Almost got caught a few times but never did. We stopped when I got a gf when I was 15-16. We’re still good friends today and havent ever talked about it. He came out to our friends a few years later, and ive only been with women since. Idk fucking weird man haha

This is your threadly reminder from a fellow user that OP will ask for more details whilst trying to incorporate his piss/group/fart/cun farting/dirty smells fetish. This is more than some "admit what you did with your friends" thread.

never any butthole stuff?

Nah. Sorta tried once but I wasnt that into it

Post moar

Not with my friends, but I was bullied relentlessly by a group of boys which culminated in them holding me down and forcing me to suck their cocks on an overnight school fieldtrip in sixth grade.

>hanging out with friends for my birthday
>we get shitfaced off cheap beer at my house
>over time everyone starts leaving
>it's about midnight and only me and my best bro are left
>talking about life, jobs, girls, etc
>best bro feels bad about not getting me a present
>"nahhh it's fine man, i'm just glad you're here"
>he looks really flustered and nervous
>kinda cute.jpeg
>"i have something for you user"
>excuse me
>"you said you were a virgin, right?"
>"yeah, i did bro"
>"then fuck me silly user"
>hold up.tiff
>too drunk to reason so whatever
>fuck him silly
>wake up with him in my arms
>get dressed and make breakfast
>bro comes from my bedroom with only boxers
>"yo what the fuck happened last night?"
>say nothing
>still haven't told him i fucked him

the anons posting about smells yesterday weren't actually me lol. just accept that everyone who comes to this thread is some kind of perverted (including you) and move on

and to other anons: if you post a story here, you might be asked follow-up questions by anons, and answering those questions is entirely up to you. shocking, right?