If you have a gun, post what you have. If you don't have a gun, post what you want. If you don't want any guns, don't post. If you don't believe people should have guns, get on your soap box and complain about it. I don't care. Gun Thread.
No gunz. Goonerment will protect me. Plus.... lost em all in a horrible boting accident.. but yes, mp is great for lefties. Ar is highly customizable to ones needs, shotguns are great in their own respect. Sig , walther and hk make great options. Taurus is highly decent for a budget, Not a fan of glock, its not bad, just not a fan of the ergonomics.
Nicholas Rogers
Got caught up in some BS domestic shit with my gf. Being in CT they take your guns and say you can't own one until your case is up. My suspended sentence is up but there's still a partial protective order for another 18 months so I have to wait till that's up to apply for clemency then once I have my hearing and get approved (hopefully) I can get one. After the Sandy Hook shit and this husband killing his wife in Tolland I think, gun laws just went ape shit.
Zachary Clark
FBI: shoe us ur gunzzz
Christopher Price
Im not FBI tho
Lucas Anderson
I'm proudly in the "doubt it cocksucker" category. Let them confiscate my cheapest gun once I'm done.
Ooh, guns! The majority of you would shit your pants and drop your gun in the event of a shooting. Owning one and knowing how and when to use it are very different things...
Zachary Johnson
CAfag here saying fuck the "gun laws" Freedom baby
>817816129 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Daniel Cooper
Fucking hideous
Nathan Clark
Nice choice, I have the 2.0 version chambered in 45. Wonderful firearm
Luke Myers
Nice copy pasta
Jayden Gomez
>gsg mp5 I thought about it but idk
Connor Johnson
Niggers and homeless are coming to you right now
Owen Butler
Nice reply to a pasta fucking homo
William Wood
>817816465 Yep, you're correct. It's the "GSG 522". Basically it's one of those 22lr copies with a fake suppressor. I heard H&K is going to release their "SP-5" soon but it's like $3,000 but that's way too much more me at the moment.
Austin Rogers
Thank you
Ryder Reed
Surprising you could still reply with that giant black dick in your throat.
David Carter
Yeah I want the 45 for my home and the 9 for CC. 45 has some kick though but it's definitely the most comfortable in my hand being a lefty. They said I can't own one, didn't say I can't shoot em at the range.
What’s BS about it? Did you actually hit her or what? Personally I agree with Sean Connery on reserving the right to smack a woman when she’s just bat shit but it still shouldn’t come to that if you’re smart enough and didn’t get hitched with a psycho bitch
Nicholas Flores
I sleep with a Mossberg Shockwave. . . . . . In bed with me.
Easton Diaz
Nice job replying to a homo who's replying to pasta
She's a psycho unfortunately. She had called me crying one night after work saying she was gonna kill herself. Turns out she was feeling guilty about cheating but hadn't told me yet. It was super bowl night 2016. She bartended and I did my own thing that night and was gonna see her the next morning cuz I didn't wanna drink and drive. So I stayed at my dad's.
Told her calm down. I'll see you in am. She's played the suicide game before. So we lived together. I go home "unannounced". Deadbolt is locked. It's never locked. Hear a guy in there with her. I'm like yo let me the fuck in. She's like go away. I'm like You're saying you're gonna kill yourself and you got someone in my home?! They're both trying to hold the door shut as I'm opening the lock. I kick it in. See what's going on. Flip the fuck out but No one gets touched. We all argue. Neighbors call cops. I bounce. They arrest me 3 months later for felony burglary. Apparently burglary in this state is defined as "forcibly entering a dwelling." And apparently even if it's your own home. I pleaded out to 3 misdemeanors and Alford pleaded to avoid felony
Logan Thompson
yes. but you have to have it shipped to an FFL dealer. when you pick it up, FFL dealer will conduct background check, though. you can buy 80% receivers without a background check. technically, they are paper weights. you'll have to complete the remaining 20% milling to make it functional. all other parts are legal to buy and sell online.
Speaking of guns, Do you know how much a gun costs? A handgun that can be used for suicide thanks
Noah Gonzalez
You could just get a bb or an airsoft gun and rob a bank or something and then draw on the cops and have them shoot you. That way you'll get into heaven.
Jace Perry
I have red dots on two of my pistols, extremely fast target acquisition/follow up shoots.Have switched one of my daily carry guns to red dot.
Jaxon Martinez
stick ur guns up ur ass
Brody Ortiz
Very nice, bolt gun?
Caleb Morales
Shit that sucks a lot of dick dude but at least you’re not technically a felon. And that’s such a load of shit that you breaking into your own house Jesus. At least you’re done with that psycho whore though. Best revenge is to live well and be happy so try to make the best of it man. Did it fuck up your job or anything like that? Probably cost you a bit with lawyers and shit no?
Henry Ross
no. this
Josiah Roberts
Not muc Not much room up there with your moms tongue deep inside
Logan Lee
I want cz 805 bren s1
Jacob Mitchell
Sigh, another furry thread
Robert Lopez
No you don't. Just buy an AR-15.
Carson Myers
Very nice rig
Benjamin Phillips
Yeah I ended up getting fired. When I got arrested... It was a bench warrant from a judge. So the Marshalls were looking for me. She was telling me nobody made a statement. Turns out that was a lie too. So I just chalked it up and thought everything was fine. I got my shit outta there. She tried to reconcile and I'm like fuck that. But anyways they got me on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. So there was no court the next day cuz it was good Friday. And since it was a bench warrant my bond was 100K and it couldn't be reduced thru the bail commissioner that visits you while you're in holding.
Had to sit in there the rest of the weekend. Then go to court in shackles on Monday. I was supposed to work Fri sat and Mon. LUCKILY the judge let me out in a promise to appear otherwise I would have been stuck in jail cuz I wasn't gonna have my parents spend 10k to get me out and never see that money again. Ended up spending 5K on a lawyer. Guy did his fucking job though.
Brandon Gray
bushmaster lower custom built upper from local gun shop $80 barska optics entire rifle was < $800
Hunter Stewart
well, not exactly a gun per se, but I plan on building a recurve bow at some point
Sebastian Wilson
the only people who need guns are those who have not mastered the blade
You gotta love a budget build that runs well. My last Anderson lower build was under $500 and it surprised me how accurate it is.
Gabriel Collins
are those all pictures of the kids you've killed in the background?
Benjamin Morgan
Damn that sucks bro. At least you didn’t spend too much on your lawyer though. I knew some people in the class they make you take after my DUI, who spent like $7,000 just on their lawyer and still lost their license for six months. That guy was legitimately fucked up when he was driving though.
Fuck it dude, you live and you learn. I’m never losing my freedom to drive again I’ll tell you that much but just try to better yourself and make a good life and all that shit. Leave that bitch and shitty experiences in the past. You got a different job now? And think of it this way if you have to wait two more years to get a gun cause of cucked Connecticut you have all that time to save up for just about whatever fun you want.
Josiah Green
picked this up on sale last year. also have several shotguns, pistols and hunting rifles. no ARs though
Anybody here have a sig p320 or p365? Been looking at different models for CC over a Glock 19.
Sebastian Rodriguez
>Saving money in CT Holy fucking kek. It's impossible. The taxes are fucking outrageous let alone the cost the living but the state cries poor. >Different job Yeah. But it took a while to actually find a decent job cuz until I pleaded.. when I'd get backgrounds checks for jobs they'd see pending felony. So I was stuck doing kitchen jobs and overnight stocking or warehouse jobs. Once it was misdemeanor after the plea I was able to get better shit. Now I'm about to be done with my trade school in 3 weeks and already have a job lined up for $35/per.
And you're right. The best thing you can do is make a good life. That's the best revenge. And The better thing is we still have mutual friends. So I keep hearing about her trying to keep tabs. She's stuck at a diner 3 days a week and 2 nights at a bar sniffing percs and Coke and who knows what else. I'm taking this as a blessing in disguise.
John Garcia
wife decorates the house. i defend it.
Cooper Butler
P320 is not bad. Medium compact is a decent option to look at. Find one used with a few spare mags if you can. Make sure trigger was fixed.
Yeah taxes suck here in NJ too. I hear you man but as I’m getting older and not going out as much to bars I’m saving a bit better.
Good shit on the job though, trades are definitely a good go to nowadays. And it’s nice living good and hearing about your stupid ex still being a crazy dumbass. My exgf broke up with me for no reason other than to find herself our some bs like that and I ended up finding out she gave a mutual friend of ours gonnohrea six months later. Meanwhile I bought a house and got back to the gym and working towards another career and shit. No where near as bad as your situation obviously but it’s just funny how life works out.
David Carter
she's a prude. don't have any
Brayden Garcia
Did you build your upper? Or buy a completed one? And if so who is the manufacturer?
Caleb Torres
It was an 80% build kit as a whole from 1776supplyco. Just drilled out the lower. Not sure what parts they use.