i just read the most insane book novel, it was only 30 pages, but man was it fucking crazy, it is called "From Heaven to Hell", here is the PDF of it to read for free
I just read the most insane book novel, it was only 30 pages, but man was it fucking crazy...
30 pages is a short story, not a freaking novel.
>book novel
>30 pages
for zoomers, it is probably too long
my work is meant for zoomers, not boomer trash like you, so KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh so it's not something you stumbled across and read, that you felt you then had to share; you're trying to promote your shit story that appeals to the lowest common denominator that you can find?
So many samefags
Hello CIA, thanks for stopping by
Read the first few sentences and I could already tell it's absolute drivel. Learn how to write, retard.
Those ears are nothing alike. You can't even meme properly.
KYS faggot.
source ?
you glow in dark nigger
Looks very much like one of the millions of scenes from "Mark's Head Bobbers & Hand Jobbers" series
Also found on all the major porntubes under "mhbhj"
you CIA seem really obsessed with me. Why?
>30 pages
sup boomer
kill yourself boomer
my novel is for zoomers
Didn't any of you punks go to high school? A novel of this length is called a "Novela"
high school is for niggers