Loli is the absolute peak of the humanity. Every aspect of it's being is next to perfection such as her body, her sweet voice and gentle personality. It's like a literal angel fell upon you in person and it's presence alone is enough to make every cell in your body shiver in pleasure. There is no better miracle compared to a loli on our human world. Don't even change my mind, because deep down you know it's true.
Loli is the absolute peak of the humanity. Every aspect of it's being is next to perfection such as her body...
Other urls found in this thread:
Pedophile fuck can't get any pussy so you jack off to kiddie porn kill yourself
Wickr is bigbadwolv if someone wants to chat.
Its also doom. Because cant have.
No, 3d kids are shit.
Why change your mind when you're right. Lolis as art are the peak. But I know what's better and you can't deny.
Still a prejudice that loli is a pedo is still strong.
Also this is now a comfy CAT LOLI thread and no one can stop this. Wherever cat lolis are posted there is no sadness or depression.
Faggots only point fingers when they can't understand a concept.
good shit, i need this today
This one I claim as a wife
Of course you do. There is nothing better than a little bit of cute fluffness. And no faggots can kill this.
What ever happened to loli threads being hijacked by actual pedos trying to spread their wickr, kik, and discords before the OP inevitable removed the post to stop the spread or an admin stepped in? Man those were the days
But these captchas are killing my laziness...
My. That's a cutiepie.
>good 'ol days
The faggots got what they deserved. Maybe a beating, maybe some prison.
The only CP threads on Sup Forums were extremely vanilla candy-doll with occasional real CP which resulted in perma-bans. Then they moved their asses to TOR and no one got to see them again, good grief.
Oh yeah I agree they were pieces of shit. But you have to admit it was always fun to watch the chaos that happened whenever they showed up
yep, made my shitty day less shitty.
Sometimes those guys weren't even pedos. They were trolls with dynamic IP's. They were posting that content just to see the closeted pedos freak out.
Because as you can see, every loli thread has some closeted pedos that get panick attacks every time a troll tries to derail.
But, this thread is different. Cat lolis only bring sunshine and rainbows even on the haters.
Cat lolis make my pp hard.
Nah Shota is better. Lolis are too fragile but they'd still be my fap material if shota didn't exist.
It seems no one is interested in cute fluffness here... So the dump is halted untill there is interest or ... the tread 404's. Seems like today ain't a good day for cat lolis to spread happiness.
Also, no gay catholic faggots allowed.
Shotas are tha abomination of the anime world.
I am interested.
Literally 6 people in the whole thread. Maybe 3 trolls, and now the 7th is a shota faggot... Sorry guy... This ain't that comfy.
More maids? :3
folder is a mess, also some tits
I love her
Loli normalizes pedophilia and child grooming. Kill yourself if you disagree.
no u
I expected that kind of answer. Lolifags are so insecure about shota, I noticed that along the years. Inferiority complex? Need of a scrapegoat to feel better about yourselves?
Anime itself is an abomination.
some are.
but idc about boys. cute traps are sometimes ok
Computer games normalizes violence then.
Little girls are so cute and sweet. They are like angels in human form, they look up to you with such love and admiration and they are so sweet and simple. Pedo haters have no idea how we see little girls, their views are so far from reality it is sad.
Feminine boys are perfectly fine. Short haired boyish shotas are trash.
>he's not a MAP
>in current year
>that's plagued with corrupt feminist roasties that hate themselves for fucking on the first date in high school
Praise innocence and when they're old enough for sex by law, then engage.
Preferably after marriage and for the sole purpose of procreation.
shotas are epic no matter what lol
Shut up!
being this insecure
o no someone on the internet called me a faggot... lets kill myself
fags are into grown ulgy men. You fap to drawings of children nontheless you're in no position to call anybody names.
>being this homosexual AND insecure
>I fap to children but at least they are female children... haha
pedo incels like you are absolute scum
Less faggottism in my bread, more loli love
Pedophilia is objectively less degenerate than homosexuality. It should be more illegal to fuck other men than to fuck little girls
Hot as fuck, but Sherry looks too much like plastic. They just can't nail that realism, can they.
No it's not Ahmad. Two grown men can consent, children can't. Keep it at drawings.
>Implying on the internet
Women by-and-large are disgusting heaps of broken innocence lashing out at a world they fucked up for themselves by being overtly promiscuous and mistakenly thinking it is what a man wants. Fuck on back to r*ddit.
The definition of consent is fluid and subjective.
Okay to everything you guys say. gz you won
I was talking about pedo incels, the dumb ones who fap to children and insult those who also fap to children because they're boys instead of girls.
There's nothing wrong with being attracted to kids but don't be a hypocrite.
Wicker- sendbit pm for group
Little girls can say “yes” which is consent by definition. Homosexual crimes against nature however lack God’s consent and are an abomination
Loli is cheese pizza and should be illegal in the US.
Laws against the mere possession of child pornography represent unjust institutional discrimination against pedophiles on the sole basis of their private desires and fantasies and should be struck down. It’s an equal protection issue
Faggot, begone. The only hypocrisy here is your own, sex is for making kids and simply has a secondary-effect of feeling good. I can fap to loli and not fuck a loli, waiting until she gets older to engage in activities. You're still a faggot and a hypocrite no matter what you do.
Now you're trying to tell me God justifies child abuse. Kill yourself.
Nobody is punching lolis around here.
Pedophile incel trying to sound like a right-winger. Are you trying to score points with them? Not gonna work, they'll kill you on sight.
I’m talking about a consensual adult-child relationship
Shut up, cuck, Sup Forums used to be very pro-pedo before all the Reddit boomers showed up in 2016
Why are pedos so stupid? You're almost as dumb and emotionally bankrupt as dog people.
Atleast there is one place you cant get banned:
Just copy and paste it
I am right-wing. Cry moar.
Absolutely based