It's 2020. What's the stupidest thing you've done this year?
It's 2020. What's the stupidest thing you've done this year?
year just started so...nothing.
nothing yet but I think I might try that
nice feet
Dropped half a capri sun in bed..
Quit drinking and smoking weed.
your mother
So far?
Wrote a comment on your post.
Dude, I've seen you spamming a few boards and every time I try to go to your link it say's it's not valid.
Talk about work.
Just came to /b to say "if nazis are racist why is the swastika black?"
Flew to Berlin for New Years to do exactly what I would've done at home.
Not much.
Posting in this thread
Started smoking cancer sticks again.
They're so good tho.
I slapped a girl and then kissed her right afterwards because she wanted to
Dude, dont know if you are joking, but you copy links from Sup Forums?
No, he just searches for "anonymous"
Broke a bone in my hand, cycling back home from the pub...only had 8 pints
leaned on that door
walked on a whole wall
Punched my best Friend in the face a hour after new year
Slept with a black woman. Worst mistake of the year. Should’ve stuck to my typical: Asian, White, Middle Eastern.
Started drinking after i stopped. Fml