Homophobia should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such

Homophobia should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such.

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Homosexuality should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such.

Heterosexuality is a mental illness and should be treated as such. Especially if you're a white male.

Conservatism is literally a mental illness. They have underdeveloped brains that make them operate on emotion and fear. Like animals.

Lol good one. Never happen but that sure is amusing

>evolutionary benefit
What is it?

Homosexuality should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such. Especially if you're a nigger.

Is that moistcritical?
Is his music any good?

Imagine being too scared to suck on a penis or ram some tight twink cheeks

I feel sorry for you

so much low effort cringe. Try something other than your reptile brain disgust reflex you fucking subhumans

It's not a mental illness, it's just an astronomical level of insecurity

Two of your sibling’s kids bears the same weight as one of your own. Evolutionary behavioural psychology is funny like that. Ensuring the survival of your genes does not always mean first hand reproduction. On top of this you have a human brain.

So, homophobes and conservatives are sort of.. Born that way?
Should be illegal to attack them in any way because that would be some sort of hate crime, attacking the mentally ill and all.


Liberalism is literally a mental illness. They have underdeveloped brains that make them operate on emotion and fear. Like animals.

That’s something an authoritarian fascist would say - get rid of all personal opinions if they are wrongthink.
Why so fascist, user?

"homophobia" is a very health behavior, as is racism

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People aren’t born conservative. That occurs as a result of an oppressive environment that teaches one to respond with fear, disgust, and anger to the deviants of the hegemony you’re taught to strictly adhere to all your life.

Homophobia is a natural reaction.

People aren’t very fond of disease or the chance of catching the big gay.

homofag living with shame sighted

No, because they can choose to over come that and stop hurting others. Where as homosexuals can't and don't hurt anyone anyway.

I mean, you’re wrong, but if you want to believe that....

Atleast there is one place you cant get banned:
Just copy and paste it


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Except when they rape kids, ala Kevin Spacey.

They are literally just significantly less intelligent then leftists. It's why they make up conspiracies for why universities lean left/liberal. Because they struggle to grasp objective reality and can't defend their ideas rationally.

Yeah I’d agree to this.
I’m pretty insecure wether I’d catch a disease around fags so I tend to stay away.

Yes, raping kids is bad. Nobody disagrees with that. Unless you think literally ever single homosexual rapes kids... in which case you are a retard and your opinion is disregarded

I've never met a racist/sexist conservative. I've met many seething hateful "Liberals".

Conservative projection

AAll racists / sexists are conservative by definition. You are lying.

>conspiracies for why universities lean left/liberal

>Seething on Sup Forums
Calm down Diva.



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>survival of your genes does not mean first hand reproduction
Ummm...yes is does.

Some 10-15% of gay/bisexual men, something like that. No biggie, right?

you dont know what a phobia is
you dont know what conservative is
>inb4:autistic screeching
i know, that hurts

Found the liberal.

truth has been spoken

Except nobody is actually scared of gays and lezzers, many just have no time for their shit.

I don't hate homosexuals I only hate FAGGOTS

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kill all nonwhites white traitors and homosexuals

>Homophobia should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such.

No it's totally a rational thing and makes perfect sense. This shit below isn't a complete laughable failure or reason sense.




>No it's totally a rational thing and makes perfect sense.
Well of course

After all, if it were a woman reacting the same way to a man's unwanted sexual advances society would call it self defense and empowerment

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Stop being afraid of the HIV STD cocktail needle sharing chemsex party fucking degenerates, people, it's so irrational. It's not their poop-noodle sucking and cum-piss floor sliding lifestyle that's the problem, nor is it their extremely high instances of pedophilia. The problem is you, for being afraid.

It doesn’t. Your genes are in your relatives as well. It’s just mathematics.

I have never in my entire life met a single person who was actually afraid of knob goblers or carpet munchers

Natural reaction that is irrational by nature. Hello definition of a phobia.

Some of my genes are shared with siblings, but we're not identical in every way. How do you account for that variability among siblings?

>irrational by nature
>by nature
What is the evolutionary benefit of homosexuality? There isn't one. It is a mental thing.

to bad I don't have a phobia for homos, I just plainly despise them and find them repulsive. nothing to do with fear at all, faggot

Your inability to identify hatred as derived fear is truly a testimony to your retardedness.

yall got a few yunguns with you're mother too?

well, its after all very naturall as well.

Doesn’t have to be identical, your genes just have to be shared. Hence homosexual behaviour elsewhere in the animal kingdom.

phobia = fear or aversion
You are describing an aversion
There's your learning for the day

right.. like truths that there are inherent genderdifferences and racedifferences, that there are only 2 genders and transgenderism is a mental illness (selfharm).. much conspiracy I see, no evidence at all..
bait harder faggot

>Homophobia should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such.
Focus should be on helping mitigate the actual cause, not fanning the flames. Education is best served with a side of courtesy.

Homophilia should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such.
wait... it is a mental illness

Lot of assumption here
This poster is likely dumber than the poster who they're accusing of retardedness

underrated post

Labeling it a phobia is so misleading. Other than fear of the disease and societal rot they spread, no one is afraid of homosexuals, just disgusted.

You don't seem to get it. My combination of genes is not the same as siblings. My children's genes will be separated from their cousin's genes to an even greater degree.

Also, nobody said mental illness was exclusive to humans.

Gay Asssucking Niggers

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Evolution does not work like this, which is why homosexuality can be observed throughout several species. Regardless, our cognitive abilities makes evolutionary behavioural psychology a more interesting field for humans than it does for other animals. We can easily choose to focus on career over children, even if there are no other siblings to carry on genes. That’s just the way we are.

Nah, you just need to convince yourself it's from a place of fear because you're conditioned to by your gay echo chamber you've all built around yourselves

agree. throw the trannies in there too


Nah, just my wife.

The will to live isn't rational
Even the fear of death (or any fear) is a phobia

Doesn’t matter, your genes are still passed on. This in combination with your high cognitive functions that let you ignore reproduction altogether makes the evolutionary benefits or drawbacks of homosexuality moot. This is why you’re making a naturalistic fallacy.

Evolution most definitely works like that. Homosexuality can be observed in other species because they too have hard wired brains that can and do go haywire.

Animals literally do everything without thinking about it as a human does. It's pointless to anthropomorphize them by labeling their behavior as homosexual or anything else. They're not even human. They roll in their own shit, use their babies as melee weapons and as a snack. If gays want to draw comparisons with themselves and that shit, go right ahead, I'm sure it helps the cause...

More like- many of the genes you have in common with your relatives might be passed on

It does, because one of the constant drumbeats from the right is that homosexuality is "unnatural." Which is false, it does occur naturally. Your point just further illustrates how the "unnatural" argument is complete bullshit. "Natural," isn't inherently superior in anyway, parasites are natural, ingrown hairs are natural, murder, rape, and theft are natural.

Nope. Evolution steers the development of a species based on random traits that are more or less likely to make the species thrive. Traits that are neither helpful nor damaging can still be passed on. Homosexuality in a minority part of the population is of no consequence to the species as a whole.

Yes. 2019 Guy was the biggest, moistest slap of last year

Homosexuality is natural population control.

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>Homosexuality should be seen as a mental illness and should be treated as such.


And that can be enough, especially if there is a lot of relatives and subsequent offspring.

>Homosexuality in a minor part of the population is of no consequence to the species as a whole.
So you agree that an entirely homosexual population is not viable?
>now we're getting somewhere

It blows me away that you think comparisons with even more degeneracy helps your case.

Homosexuality and hatred, the pruning shears of the human race

Of course it’s not viable in an entire population, which is why it never happens. There is no slippery slope in this matter and there never will be. The fight against it is meaningless.

No, I expect you to die Mr. Bond

you're right
anyone who fears the fag is mental

>never happens
Would you say that a strong, healthy heterosexual population makes the existence of a homosexual population possible?

I don't fear faggots, I fear fear itself. And staircases.


It's not these things that are the mental illness. But people who have these things could be described to have mental illnesses.

Got that?

is that penguinz0

I would say it’s a self-regulating relationship between people who reproduce and people that don’t, regardless of wether it is due to homosexuality or sheer unwillingness to have children, that you do not have to pay any mind to. A species would not allow stagnation.

If she assaults you and claims insanity because you hit on her then no.

>The will to live isn't rational


a man of taste

>There is no slippery slope
He doesn't know.

>self-regulating relationship
Homosexuals exist because they are tolerated.

Yeah, we just need to get rid of homos and homophobia will be cured.