Mom and brother only people that care/talk to me

>mom and brother only people that care/talk to me
>no friends
>no gf
>have a horrible personality
>people dont want to be near me

Any other toxic people here want to stay and chat while I drunk myself to sleep?

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How is your personality horrible?

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just some basic questions

do you smoke?
do you brush your teeth every day 2 times?
do you use floss and mouthwater?
do you change your underwear at least sometime?

sorry to hear user...
i've just had surgery but was drinking a lot last year.
seems like your in a long term rut. you got a job?
i'd suggest saving up for 6 months and heading out to SE Asia, cheap living, nice girls, good weather.

smoke on occasion, not lately though
brush teeth twice a day
no floss, no mouthwash
underwear (boxers) changed daily

I have a “career” branch manager. Id love to take off but ive got so much debt and cant afford to lose my job. I really wish i could get the fuck away from this place and all the shitty people i have to deal with

Bro if you're aware your hygiene so poor work on it it seems like you want someone else to fix your problems

Stop being a little bitch and improve yourself. Theirs always room for improvement.

why are you in debt?

I'm gonna assume either horrible at money management or college debt

I mean, its not terrible
Me not flossing is poor?

Just buy a lot of stupid shit
Cars, booze etc
Money management like said. No college debt.
About 30k in the hole. I live “above my means”

Can’t talk to anyone without coming off as weird. People seem to be annoyed by my presence

You have 2 people who care about you.
You're literate, you have access to a PC and the internet.
The world is your oyster, my friend.
Eat some mushies, go on a hike, get some new perspective on things.
Are you healthy? If so, lots of people, even rich beautiful people, would kill to be you.
Just do something, anything.

Lots of people think I'm socially awkward, but frankly I wouldn't want to hang out with those people anyway.
I have a handful of people I know and like and spend time with.
There are people out there, like you, who you'll click with.
Are you into boardgames? Maybe go to your local boardgame shop where people meet up and play games. You can usually find 'socially awkward' people there (people whos idea of a good time isn't just getting wasted at 'da club').
I dunno, just some ideas, things that've worked for me.

Seems like you are being nice to me so thank you.
I was unhealthy for a long time but about 6 months ago I started working out everyday and eating proper (healthy) meals. I don’t have motivation to do anything else. I know its all 1st world problems that I have but seriously just wish I could start over or not be me.

I wish I could meet people like that. I don’t like boardgames but really just some company every now and than would get me out of my slump. It sucks never been noticed. I just don’t fit in.

The only debt I have is my car payments. I'm scrapping by myself but I forever myself to manage my money.

I wish I'd gone and done something like this years earlier, but I spent a lot of time alone, feeling too awkward to go do something public like that.
Finally I just messaged some old HS friend on facebook, and asked if he'd go with me.
It was all kinda awkward at first, didn't really know him anymore, trying to make small talk with the boardgame people. But eventually it was bearable, then actually enjoyable.
The only thing I can think to say is, try something, anything, to get yourself out there.
Loneliness sucks, but nothing changes if you don't do something scary, out of your comfort zone.
I don't know your age/history, but just be wary of women, or men, who will take advantage of you romantically. There're some predators out there, who can spot lonely people and use them.
But yeah, just try something like that, baby steps. Nothing's gonna happen if you don't make it happen.

My sister just called me to let me know that I was never abused as a child and that all the things I've said are made up and that I'm a meth head. Feelsgoodman.

Seriously though. I'm one of the most awkward individuals, op. I manage to find a larp called Amtgard and managed to get out of my shell. Fast forward to today... I avoid it just because it's currently one giant dumpster fire. Besides the bull shit in game, I made friends and became more social. Why? Because I shared the same interest with the people I made friends with. I wish I could see them more often but as we speak, I'm at work. The only one in the vape shop at the slowest day of the week. Op, you just need to get out of your comfort zone, tell the people that judge to fuck off, and experience life.

Atleast there is one place you cant get banned:
Just copy and paste it


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avoid drinking tomorrow night and see where your thoughts lead you, grab a pen and paper.. write it down and read it the day after, see what you think about what you write down. it's hard to think realistically while drunk, and you won't remember it anyway.. so nothing will ever change.

>I just don’t fit in.
people that don't fit in are the ones that stand out.. so the fact that you are trying to fit in, makes you invisible. we need to let out our weirdness, so others can feel comfortable enough to do the same around us.. we bond using our weirdness. so let it out and eventually you will get rid of the people around you that don't like it and find people that do, it will require searching though.. just like those people are searching for.. you?

Then your dad is a nonce. And you are short, fat, hairy, half Greek, and have no personality. Oh, sorry, you have no friends either. Kys faggit