>that will be $21.50 plus tip
>wat do?
That will be $21.50 plus tip
Wonder when prices in California got this bad.
"Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here."
Give her $25, say keep the change, smile and let her out, then eat my fucking food
Pay the bill, 10% tip?
Pay her
>Get the fuck out of my house bitch.
Then i would call the pizza place and tell them the delivery driver stepped inside my house and get them fired
Pay my bill plus tip and then say bye to her so that I may eat.
I got a tip for you alright
*unzip dick*
Pay 21.50 and close the door
Fuck her and her tip
it looks like she forgot my breadsticks
Show your feminine penis first
tip her with a *boop boop* on the nose
Plus the tip of my penis
Yeah that's cool, but what's in the bag ?
You like big white cock for fucky fucky long time?
Check for cheese stuck to top of box.
Throw wadded up wrapping paper with ripped corner of $20 on ground behind her.
Slam door.
shoot her in the head, stand your ground laws
i ordered lo mein and wonton soup, you dumb thot
How the fuck can people in America litterally ask for a fucking tip? Its like maximum impoliteness. A tip is something you get for exceptional service or performance, it is not something you ask for. I'd tip the chick but only because she is fucking hot.
give her the tip... of dis dik
Ill give her 20 more dollras cause shes cute
*tip fedora*
Ask her to watch gargoyles with me
i don't know where these broads come from, but there's a whole mess of them who do the housekeeping at the building where i work. not sure what they're saying for the most part, but they like to smile, giggle and they're real handsy. always touching me on the arm and shoulders when they come to my office.
I do pick up and tip like a dollar or two. I'm not that lazy. When ever I actually do delivery, I'll tip like 18% - 25%. Depending on how good the service was, but majority of the time, I do pickup and try to do everything in my nature to save. If I do go out, I don't mind being nice
Here's 22 and that change is entirely yours! Congrats!
>close door
tell her she got my order wrong, i would never buy bottled fucking water.......
>*Unzip dick*
Like how would you do that?
you dont have a zipper dick?
always. The answer is always, user.
Literally never heard any service worker in any industry actually say "plus tip".
Pay her, close the door, and quickly masturbate to her lingering scent
if it makes you feel better i'm saving up for velcro
Just the tip? I’d stick the whole thing in!
It's a bait thread you dumb fuck. It's been posted thousands of times. Just like 3/4 of the threads currently up now.
Money inheritance, black magic, secrets, etc... It's all endless bait meme posting.
The Fuck man no I do not.
no one asks for a tip you fucking foreign trash, its just on the bill. Social norms expecting you tip is one thing, but how about you actually learn what the fuck you're talking about before you start spewing garbage out of your mouth that is completely and utterly incorrect.
God i hate fucking foreigners.
Don't get Velcro get magnets.
>MFW a newfag doesnt have a zipper dick
"Hey everyone the pizzas here."
I like to hide the fact that I'm going to put that whole pizza down myself. I know I'm not fooling anyone though. It just makes me feel better.
Well you have to pay for your pizza, sir
Your zipper's on your dick??? Holy shit. My zipper is on my pants
>MFW a faggot doesn't have a Velcro dick
Say you ordered a beer, not a pizza.
>21.50 for a small pie and a warm Naked Lemonade
>mfw a Faggot cant afford a real Dickzipper and buy's velcro
>MFW these faggots don't have magnet dicks
Is that a fact?
>MFW none of these faggots have shoelace dicks
I wouldn't order such food in the first place, so...
fuck off db
Why the fuck does this crack me up
gtfo newfag
laces are for vagines
Never mind the tip, I'd give her the full length
Kill her and take the food. Duh
i dont tip, get a better job you degenerate
>>plus tip
Like anyone actually ever says this. These threads are so gay
tell her she got the wrong address bc i would never pay $22 for 1 fucking small pizza and a bottle of water let alone add a tip to that
lmk if u ever come to socal, i will break every digit on all of your fingers so u can't type cringe anymore
Must of europe you dont tip unless you feel you want to. I'm always amazed how America can be slightly more advanced in some areas but soooooo far behind in others
Open door *eyes wide open* holy shit!!! *heart starts pounding out of chest* is that for me m'lady? *tips fedora and bend the knee* didn't know dominos would hire such fine damsel. W-would you like to c-c-come in and savior such tasty morsels while we watch big bang theory and chill? Oh, let me get t-the damage for the bill. H-here's an extra $20 for your t-trouble. *turns to the side shyly* you know where I live n-now so next time just knock.
She can come in for the tip if she wants