Why do Americans have to pay astronomical sums of money for healthcare and college?
Why do Americans have to pay astronomical sums of money for healthcare and college?
Because it's the land of the free, baby
as for college, mostly due to regulations compliance and the government subsidizing loans
The single largest increase expenses to universities over the last 3 decades has been regulations compliance.
Additionally, making cheap loans to everyone going to college drives up the supply of money seeking an education
Healthcare is a clusterfuck here
Freedums and Rites!!!
Fucks yanks
all my niggas hate yanks
Healthcare is working as designed. Wealth from middle and lower classes are being transferred at a staggering pace to the upper .1 percent. But lawmakers are protected from this intentionally by giving them socialized medicine so they can keep villainizing and railing against a nationalized Health Care Program
Only the best for.the best user, the best costs money. Umad?
>Healthcare is a clusterfuck here
There is no healthcare in Burgerland at all.
>the best costs money
Third world countries have better education. What the fuck are you blabbing about?
>implying we go to school or the doctor
If you want an honwst answer its because insurance is a scam, pricing isnt transparent, there are many regulations which slowly add to prices, its really easy to sue hospitals/doctors which adds to administration costs, and its a bad mix of both private and universal healthcare. Its also not cash based (go in for any selective surgery thats cosmetic or deals with the eyes, there's a good reason lasik is cheap af now even though it was 20k per eye not but 20 years ago). Also (and people will disagree with this but its objectively true) the U.S healthcare is the best in the world par none (minus some selective surgeries and unregulates treatments in other countries. Theres a reason a majority of drug patents and advancements in both medical devices, treatments, and surgeries almost all come (maybe not from natural born americans) but from american citizens/researchers.
As for college its actually a simple solution, remove government backed loans. When the government backed loans colleges grew in size. If real private credit unions/banks backed the loans what would they do? Only back people who are studying money making degrees. When the government backed college loans the colleged grew and added more majors by increasing administrators. These majors arent money making and add to everyone's overall loan cost. Why do they not fear inflated pricing? Because everyone is accepted for a college loan no matter the price and you cant bankrupt it. Its actually extremely obvious what the solution is, but no one wants to say to students that the solution may get rid of all liberal arts majors and may end up hurting those seeking majors in education, psychology, ect...
>Wealth from middle and lower classes are being transferred at a staggering pace to the upper .1 percent.
If you're going to spout lies, at least make them believable.
Yea, it's so 'good' that no one can afford it
Because doctors and college professors insist on making more money than in other countries.
Seriously? It's 7 sentences. That's like the high school minimum requirement for a paragraph. Are you illiterate or something?
College and healthcare goes against our constitution.
Once government started backing student loans (even for frivolous majors), university administration staff grew tenfold, if not more.
Because freedom
Just wrong. The top two rated schools in the entire world are both U.S colleges (Harvard and Yale). Technically the top 5 if you want to go by objective success of students and not by just their testing grades.
Agree or disagree with the U.S college system we do have the best private education in the world. And not a single of the top 20 schools in the world by test score or success are public institutions (if you discount specialty education institutions like Airmen's College).
>in other countries.
Other countries don't think doctors or professors should make more than dustmen.
because they're fat and stupid
Because Americans need to pay for the free healthcare and college for the 20 millions illegals living in the USA.
and all the illegals living in Palestine
I wasn't referring to the top 5 universities. I'm referring to the education system itself, from early grades through post-graduate, where the USA is last among all industrialised nations.
Harvard, Yale, (and maybe Stanford) are where they are because of high-achieving foreign-born students, not the natives.
Because US is more or less an oligarchy. Whole country is run by billionaires. Politicians are all corrupt and paid and pharma is even causing an opioid crisis and nobody cares. Look at all these presidents in last decades. George Bush was already a fucktard^10 , then Obama was a puppet and peace nobelprize winner and he dropped 250,000 bombs and now trump. Every noticed all these presidents have same name? Like bush, Clinton, etc....
This is actually part of it. People forget that before U.S medicine was more heavily socialized medicine was extremely cheap and doctor pricing was so competitive that doctors made less than factory workers (which tbf at the time factory workers did make good money).
While with today's regulationd and standards even if all you did was force transparent pricing and remove regulations which limit how many people can be doctors you would greatly decrease medical pricing for most people.
Everyone forgets but in the U.S socialized medicine was not pushed for the average american, it was a system designed to market to doctors by telling them how much more they would make.
Whatever you say, Adolf.
Poor people don't deserve to live. America is the first to admit this and actually take steps to curtail their population.
Well I'm sorry I cant break down and extremely complex problem from two seperate industries into one sentence.
Its a bit ironic because this is the same problem with citizens and politicians. The reason socialized medicine and college gets so much ground is because its easier to say "the free market is bad" (even if it has nothing to do with the free market at all) than to spell out the real reason those systems in some ways are failing.
But hey if this is too long sorry, theres no way I can shorten it.
TL;DR - Too complex, cant shorten.
You pay much more to Israel and nobody cares Jewish slave
U.S. and U.K. degrees are the most sought after. You're pretty dumb user.
>Because US is more or less an oligarchy. Whole country is run by billionaires.
The world of Karl Marx has been gone for 150 years. Do try to catch up.
[citation needed]
>Stormfront does count
imagine being this wrong
See this Dumbarse
>imagine being this wrong
Ah, another dumbfuck. Try reading the thread. This may help you:
Typical murrican bullshit. There doesn't exist only your fucked up neoliberal pseudo democratic oligarchy or communism. But as I can see billionaires already brainwashed you. Also US is already borderline second world country with so much homeless, drug addict, highest prisoner rates in the world etc ... Also US would be poor as fuck if they wouldn't attack and exploit countries since they exist. 20 years USA participating in no war and you would be third world.
Thats based on test cores and no other objective measuring system? Thats like saying the U.S healtchare system is lower quality because you use death rate as your objective standard (even if in the U.S you are including issues with obesity, gang violence, and all other forms of death which are innevitable and not healthcare related).
Its a bad way to measure any system. Going by rates of production, the actual U.S dollar, average spending power per citizen, income mobility and many other factors. If you used those as objective standards for determining and ranking a country's education the U.S would be #1 or at the very least in the top 5 every single time.
Sure public education (which is a joke in any sense U.S or not) means the american citizens dont do as well on their world geography test. Though we all knoe that worrying about that is creating a problem from no problem.
Because interpretive lesbian dance is a costly lesson plan. Meanwhile welding is cheap and pays 6 figures.
You want cheap health care? Get a job deadbeat.
I don't need no collage. MAGA! MURRIKKAAA!
Americunt here. We have a lot of millionaires and billionaires here. But you know what? They need a little more. In fact, if they don't get a little more, they might stop investing and there goes all the new jobs. So we have to keep the rich fat and happy.
They buy access to the latest tech an' shit. That may not be a good buy, Because many of us do not have our care paid for through taxes, we see how much of our money goes to healthcare more than folks in many countries, where folks can be fooled into thinking it is "free."
You do not have to pay astronomical fees for college in the US. Many choose to, but that's their choice.
> and college
I realize the rest of the thread is backtracking
No point in arguing with people. Although I think many billionaires have made their money through shady practices and I'd go as far as saying anti-competitive practices SHOULD be punished. At the same time allowing billionaires to keep their money if they made is ethically isnt hurting anyone. People forget that even the richest billionaires dont actually have a billion dollars in spending cash, just billions of dollars tied up in assets and dispresed out to the economy to be loaned, bought against, or used for production. It cant just be liquified to tomorrow for cold hard cash.
> fooled into thinking it's free
Nah you just gambling. People which become seriously ill going into lifelong debts and people not becoming ill think it's so much freedom because they don't spend any money in health security
Fuck off. They made a whole board for this fuckery.
Cause the libtards want everything provided for them, but don't want to pay for it.
Because if someone else helps you achieve your potential so you can contribute meaningfully to society, it's communism and that's of the devil, duh
Please, keep going. It's been quite a while since I saw someone stroke out on Sup Forums.
Should I assume this was a response to this:
Bark bark...
kill yourself you fucking dull domed zilch
Nah, it's all in vaults, Scrooge McDuck style.
Dude you implied there only exists your gay ass pseudo democratic neoliberal society or communism. Go eat a dick
Greed and selfishness. Next question.
Because they are fat and stupid. They think "freedom" is working full-time and living in your car, as long as there are a dozen assault rifles in the trunk. They would rather lose their house if they can't pay their doctor than have "socialism". They're happy to give tax breaks to billionaires when they can't feed their children. They're retards.