Liberals are in mourning

Liberals are in mourning

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this b8 again. its midnight over there give it a rest.

Jews are dancing.

What do you mean "again"?

Your family is dancing?

And redneck republicans are all marching to their closest recruiting office to sign up to defend liberty, as is their patriotic duty. They love guns, they love their country, they love their president as they love Jesus …
What? They're not signing up? They're not going to defend the good ol US of A? And why's that?
Oh, right. President Bonespurs has set the example to follow again: cowardice.
All you pussies ...

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Liberal Jews are in mourning/dancing depending on whether people are looking or not.

Live by the sword...

They managed to lure Trump into making the US do all their heavy lifting again. Have fun signing up to die in Israel's wars.

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Ah yes, all of those trannies and homos in the military defending our freedoms. Oh wait, that's right. Your lovers aren't in the fucking military. They too busy having faggy protests over not being allowed to use the girl's bathroom.

He achieved more in death they he did in life

>A true aryan man is murdered by a fat retarded Cheeto stain of umpa lumpa From miles away.
We should all mourn.

Rofl right, this horse shit again. And next you're going to say Indians are white.

Iran is more white than USA tbf.

No it's not you fucking sandnigger

>And next you're going to say Indians are white.
As you travel east from Europe the last population not to have epicanthric eyes is India. Eastwards from there is Myanmar where the real Asians start.
The original Aryans came from southern India.

iran isn't our enemy. Mossad orchestrated the attack surprise fuckin surprise

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Uh huh, and Jesus was black

When you get triggered over something you have no idea what you are talking about.

No he was a Jew.

Except the difference is, they didn't start and they're not defending the fight. Trump and his idiots did. They can go and die for Trump.

"Aryan" derives from "Iranian". The word was stolen and transformed by the Nazi party.

hillary declared the US be in a state of mourning for three days.

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No one asked them too. Nobody expects you and the rainbow brigade to do anything. So head on back to your cuck thread and let the grownups worry about it.

Good. Strokes and infectious diseaes for all of them.
Liberals are a pox on humanity

Iranians are whiter than the average mutt, yes.

Leftist here.

I support Ilhan Omar on this. The Twin Towers falling down killed 3000 useless paper pushers in New York City, the world capital of scammers.

Trump and Pompeo: 2 pasty faced assholes who cannot run 100 yards without dying from a heart attack. They killed Soleimani, a man of honor, a true warrior. A man like Soleimani deserves to die in Battle, not killed by 2 fat degenerates in the manner.

Sure Mohammed

Could do with a second 9/11, American's deserve to die.

imagine people supporting terrorists

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>Soleimani, a man of honor, a true warrior.

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He was a key figure in destroying ISIS.

I cannot fathom how fucking STUPID Trump is. A fat fucking slob, a mobbed up New York slumlord. A man without moral compass.

And his fucking Trumpanzee followers, they all need to be rounded up and machine gunned in one fell swoop.

The irony in all this is that the USA has lost complete credibilty due to its domestic political instability. It doesn't matter what Trump says, nor what his successors may say. Anything promised, treaty or not, will no longer be believed, and this means for US business dealings with the world as well.

How well is that fucking Tariff War working out for you Trumpanzees? The goddamn farmers are getting the biggest bailout in the history of the country, and you are STILL dying from opioid overdoses because your people are nothing but shitty losers.

The USA is circling the drain, courtesy of Fox News and a man who fucked a 12 year old while being filmed by Jeffrey Epstein

Don’t tell him things like that user it will fry his brain. Probably doesn’t know adolf was a Zoroastrian and that where the sun and fire worship comes from.


By this same logic Assad is a great guy, right?

Fuck off with your leftist shite.
The saner half of the Left, and that's not saying much, are Neocon as fuck.
This is an issue solely about how kiked the supposed right are.

Psst I know right? He probably doesn't even realize they had fried chicken and diet coke at the first supper either.

You should probably just kill yourself already. You're clearly a raging fucking faggot.

We armed and funded the Taliban, then armed and funded groups who formed ISIS to fight the Taliban, then armed and funded groups to help us right ISIS.

By no means was this quick explanation the beginning of our troubles, nor is it the end. It's a quick example of how we've created our own troubles. We need to stop this cycle, and pull out of foreign wars.

Fucking Liberal cuck.

The Left is growing balls, and soon you will start seeing real weaponry shouldered by people who mean what they say.

You will rue the day that Latin American leftist methods arrived in the USA. The LARPing rednecks will never survive the first shot that scratches the paintjob on their Chevy Silverados.

>We armed and funded the Taliban
>With fried chicken and basketball

>Leftist here.
You're not fooling anyone here retard

Yes, we all know the dumbfuck spics will eventually turn this country into another 3rd world dump. But at least then they will finally have no one left to blame for their own fucking stupidity and monkey behavior.

>A true aryan man

suit yourself. You can believe anything you want.

You are probably a religious nutcase, in fact. Have you been saved by Jeeeeeeezus?

Can even begin to understand the disdain that everyone in the world has for most Americans?

Boy do you look silly.

Nope, how about you break that down for us junior

>everyone in the world sad fuckwit with zero friends... knows the entire world's opinion. HAHHAHAHAHA!!

>18+ to post here.

>Liberals are in mourning
They hate it when a bad guy dies.

Liberal? Kek
You commie faggots are going right in the ovens with the "conservatives" and their Zog masters

Better than any amerocuck.

Imagine that.. I am silly.

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No really, America is hated by just about everyone outside the USA.

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Funny how America is supposedly hated but yet dirty foreigners like you keep moving here. So why don't you retards stay in your own shit hole countries instead of ruining this one?

Your bate is low grade

This is true.. Russia helped a lot also.. it’s not like they’re carrying m16’s

repubs are cucks that dont realize that this is a money transfer from your pocket to $LMT

You don't know anything about the real world.

His point still stands. People from every other country in the world migrate to America for a better life than the life they have in their own country. Prove me wrong

I know more than you do, apparently. You wanna try answering my question now, or are you too triggered?

Love it, always trying to look bad ass!!!

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Imagine people supporting trump.

You both derived from immigrants. I'm sure the indigenous people said the same thing about you dirty foreigners when you came and shitted up their country.


You posted the very same thing yesterday.

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The "indigenous" people didn't have a fucking country. They were all too busy fringing shit at each other and ripping out their hearts and organs as religious offerings, to make one. But thanks for proving this statement that "everyone hates America" is wrong, since you just admitted everyone wants to move here.

Yeah and that "great guy" would cut your fucking throat in your sleep and not feel an ounce of pity watching you die

Trump's Iran policy also includes pallets of cash. It's just that he's managed to get those diverted into the hands of friendly Russian bankers.

Why are americans so retarded? is it the TV?

>runs photo of Sean Connery

Satanic trips from a guy who is clearly not muriKKKan.

How to be a be a republican:
>Demand we watch out over our troops and say we should pull out troops out of Iraq despite Kurds dying as a result
>Send ~5,000 troops back over to Iraq to fight another pointless war with someone

americans are the dumbest people on earth
>government that doesnt give a fuck about you does something
>you get mad at your neighbor who is "on the other team"
fucking retards

Trump's last attempts to hold on to power... sad

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Americans don't have a country. They are too busy shooting school chldren and inbreeding with their redneck cousins to make one.

That's the purpose of almost all emigration everywhere.
Why do you think Elon Musk wants to develop Mars?

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Please don't spout any more nonsense.

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If you retards are so scared of whites why are you even on this fucking website? Shouldn't you be over at world star, looking at planets of fried chicken?

It's deliberate, too. See the BBC series on Edward Bernays.

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Typical response.

Seriously, go to world star where you belong. The fried chicken is waiting for you.

Sup Forums was created just for you. Because you're special. In fact, you're exceptional!

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Taking "don't kill the messenger" into the realm of 4D chess.

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the 4d will be by the Iranians


hehe thanks XD

America about to fight another one of the Jew’s wars again.


If you think he's so great, why don't you move to fucking Syria?

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Lmfao... Bystandard. This is a stupid response you fucking moron. Go dig a hole and jump in it douche nozzle.

"If yoU LiKe hIM sO mUcH WhY DonT yOu juSt Move tHErE"

terrorist attack by saudis = suck saudi dick, invade iraq

act of war angering 2 countries = self defense, me no like your general, do wat i want, doesnt matter that europe will suffer lol im on other side of the planet rekt umad

congress will block war, trump gets impeached, bernie elected, deport republicans who voted for trump to Iran for "recreational activities" , dont book return flights = problem solved - world better place


Too bad it won't.