Americunts need to understand this

Americunts need to understand this.

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First is steak fries
Second is fries
Third is chips

Fuck outta here with your eurofag bs.

Wrong again, fatso

It's foreign to them so they won't understand it even if they could.
Like how they're the only civilised(?) country that doesn't use metric.

As if we give a flying fuck what twee britbongs say.


First = Fryboys
Second = Tato Tendrils
Third = Greasy Crumblers

You fucking idiot

You should listen.
Dont piss us off again, that White House will be burnt another time...

Steak fries
French fries
Potato chips

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Americans don't need to be corrected by a dune coon

>Crooked toothed, inbred island.

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1 - chunky bois
2 - skinny bois
3 - crunchy bois

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First one is pub or steak fries. Last one is chips.

Eat our collective assess. It's a step up from your cuisine anyway.

First = Yankee doodle hiccy fucking dandy fucksticks
Second = Slightly thinner version of the above
Third = The flakey shit that your yankee fucking doodle mother scratches off her labia majora

I rate this 8 bongs out of a possible 10.

You're all retarded. All of them are chips

I want crisps

Name one American dish that's better than fish and chips.

trump fries
freedom fries

>telling Americans what to call their own inventions

Euro here and I'd agree.
Don't lump us all in with the UK


Listen here you little shit
1- fries
2-french fries
If you say else your iq >69

Girls - Motley Crue

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This. (frenchfag here)

My IQ is more than 69, thanks for noticing.

Why are Hertfordshire and Berkshire pronounced as "Hartfordshire" and "Barkshire" instead of "Hurtfordshire" and "Burkshire"?

>1st = steak fries
>2nd = fries
Shoestring fries
>3rd = chips
Potato chips, yes, because you have to distinguish from tortilla chips.
>All that disagree
1. Potatoes are from the New World (Peru), so BrittBongs and Europoors don't get a fucking say (Monroe Doctrine).
2. Pretty sure we invented each of these, especially potato chips.
3. Way more Americans than fucking faggy UK pussies, so we'll call them whatever the fuck we want and you can't do shit about it.
Also, there are a bunch of fry variations left out: crinkle cut, curly, wedges, waffle, seasoned, beer-battered, etc just to name a few.

well i didnt go to the fryie for fish and chips

crisps are crisp so its in the name

fries are some french muck to bulk out americans verson of food

I work in a grocery store in Canada and this British lady comes up and asks me where the crisps are. So i bring her to the cracker section and she gets pissed at me and says no i want crisps. Like how the fuck

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Cudighi sandwich with chips. Alternatively burnt ends.

This. GTFO britfags.

1. Po
2. Tay
3. Toe

Aussie master race reporting in.

This is actually chips, chips, and chips. Last one could be potato chips if you want to be a fancy wanker about it. If first one was even fatter it would be wedges.

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I want crisps

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This is why aus is on fire

Woah, slow down there buddy

where's the fire?

why is instead not ..... in -ste -add ?

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Can I hab some I don't care what they re called, its been 6 days since I last ate anything

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The typical American Borgar

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You're both wrong. Those are all chips.
>t. Ausfag

You use the English language, it's called what we call it.

These are burnt ends. It's the crispy end of the brisket resulting from a 12 hour pit smoke. We cover 8tbin a spicy sweet bbq sauce . Meanwhile you're eating fried fish. Hardly call that living.

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We should stop calling this language "English" because the English consistently fail at using it.

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Fish and meth

More like fries, fries and chips.
Chips are flat, fries are sticks.

Yeah because america really needs to fear a government headed by Boris Johnson.

Get brexit done you fuck, then come back and tell us about how formidable you are.

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Bet me to it

Crisps are made from reconstituted potato flakes (aka Pringles).

Fries are these thin weedy fucked up verson of a chip .... so called french fries to denote that french speakers as in the french and dutch liked them cooked in this manner

Chips got called chips by the English not the British after some beardy fucker brought some potato back in around 1580 odd or as we like to call it fuckin years before the americants even existed ..... so we got to name this state of affairs regardless of how it offends your precious feels

and sure as shit when you peel a potato your left with the skin which when fried goes crisp and hence crisps

you dun gone made a boo boo

educating fuckin sherman tanks even in 2020 ... will it never end ?

>colon cancer on a plate
looks tasty tho

Fucking Bongs...

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Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, foreigner

1. pommes frittes (or just fries)
2. pommes frittes (or just fries)
3. chips

central eurofag reporting in

tho some are still made from sliced potatoes
while others are made from wheat and stuff

1. chips
2. chops
3. either fish, pickled onion or pickled egg can't remember which one they call it..

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Fuck off britbongs.

Your missus said I beat you to it when I rearranged her arsehole yesterdee arvo too, and your mum.

Better pick up your game cunt.

Fag fuck off

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the thick ones need a loicence

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It is.


Even by that logic, where you're dismissing the true origin (Belgium), they were discovered in "our language" by American soldiers stationed in Belgium during World War I, where they were dubbed French fries in English due to the locals speaking French. Your kind neither created French fries, nor dubbed them their original English name.

Is your education system this poor over there, or do you just have your head stuffed way up your ass so that all you can smell is that sweet, aromatic arrogance you're producing?

It’s fish and fries.

Funny you argue that crisps are crisp, but you ignore that what you call “chips” aren’t chipped.


eerste is patat kankerlul

How do I down vote this?

Nah, ya fucked up the funny m8

Nah you're right our education is actually good, that's why we couldn't careless who named the 'French frie' lol

>Potato chips, yes, because you have to distinguish from tortilla chips.

this is why you dont have any friends.

>1. An itsy
>2. Bit
> Teenie-weenie, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, that she wore for the first time today (yeah)

Can we all at least agree that hash browns, are called hash browns?

Ah, yes. Thus why you're in a thread discussing said topic you couldn't care less about, and why your post is formatted so well, with a lovely "lol" at the end as a stop.

You are a fine representative of your education system, for sure.

wrong, their Flat Jeffs

left fries
top right fries
bot right chips
anything else is stupid

>Brittbong faggot talking for entire world

True enough

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I'm not even trying, you clearly are lol.

>Britbongs think they made English
Normans and Danes beat you faggots at your own language

problem ?
we were doing that for centuries before America butted in

Meanwhile at london hospitals 8 future rapi...
I mean kids named mohammed have been born. This man has fucked up priorities. OP you really are, a faggot.

You're a mere extension of us, remember that faggot.

So what you saying is americans are so stupid that anyone in any country speaking french must be french, even if you can't remember the name of the country you are in.
And we should all honour the stupid misnaming of a dish by a bunch of tards?
That's not even the earliest reference to the dish, just the first thing you liked that you found on wikipedia.

>Nah you're right
>our education is actually good
> 'French frie' lol
Three phrases showed what a completely unironic retard you are

Says the idiot from the so called nation of immigrants...

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You have no say in central Europe faggot. Enjoy brexit

Check exif data faggot, i'm in straya

So then these are wood crisps? Fucking euro fags make no sense.

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'These three show'*
'What an'*

Coulda fooled me with the way you type.

I wonder what the fuck they call funyuns™ over there?