Looking for advice on quitting smoking. Everytime I try to quit I get really bad acid reflux...

Looking for advice on quitting smoking. Everytime I try to quit I get really bad acid reflux, to the point where my chest feels like it's burning and taking deep breaths is painful. Is this normal? How do I get rid of this? Is this considered heart burn? Also I've tried bringing this up in the past with my doctor, but at the time he didn't really understand what I was talking about. Almost like he never heard anyone bring it up before.

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I've tried quitting several times recently with no luck, I'm not fucking switching to vaping because that's stupid

Just stop buying cigarettes. I quit before for 3 years. I started again cause I was dating a smoker and havnt quit again yet. I dont want to yet.

I'm not either I'm going cold turkey. But I'm wondering if anyone has had this problem when they quit and how long it lasted. What I really want to know is how to get rid of it. It only goes away after I smoke.

I have 4 cigs left and after that I'm not buying anymore. I'm on winter break in college so it's the perfect time to quit for me.

It's easy, I've done it lots of times.

Cold turkey it you fucking pussy i had my last cigarette new years day and havenr had one since so far. Also have had co workers smoke right infront of me and i still refused. The cravings only last a few minutes. Grow a pair

Smoke weed until you stob being a vegena. Then be sober. Or do copious amounts of LSD on a daily basis.

It's your lungs healing themselves

4mg gum

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I quit mid pack, cold turkey, years ago. Its called will power. The ciggs dont put themselves in your mouth. Act like you have control of your life.

I switched to e-cigs OP. Feels sort of like wearing a nicotine patch for a couple of weeks (just enough to keep you from raging out) then it's way more comfortable, cheaper, and healthier.

I've quit cold turkey for years several times, and switching to e-cigs felt like a cool breeze on a warm day compared to that.

Just don't become one of those vapebro faggots

Quit two years ago. Went straight from ciggies to vape. Got a flavoured one, went from 18mg to 3mg in a couple of months. Only problem is I still vape...and I look like a gigantic faggot.

invest in some acid reflux medicine

It's the tumor in your esophagus pulling up acid from your stomach. Smoking helps keep it down.

its your lungs burning, not a reflux. had exactly the same. your body cries for nicotine.

It's not the lungs. If it were the lungs there would be pain in the throat.

Hey OP

The ONLY way you will quit is if you decide to do so.

My baby sister smoked and I chewed. I wanted to quit but was a pussy about it. My sister got married and decided she wanted to have kids so she quit COLD TURKEY. and she quit. No shit, no more smoking. After like 3 months I realized that if she can do it, so can I.

So I quit COLD TURKEY. Sure there was a few hard times when I thought I wanted to chew but I just remembered that my baby sister is a tit and if she can so can I.

That was 10 years ago. After the 2nd year of not smoking I stopped getting bronchitis. I also stopped getting colds all the time. I gained a little weight but lost it in summer. Don't be a fucking tit.

But you will NEVER quit until you have 100% made up your mind to do so. Just fucking stop. If my tit baby sister can, so can you.

If u actually wanted to quit you’d switch to vaping and stop being an insecure faggot, it makes it so much easier. It’s also way cheaper and ounce your less dependent on stoges you switch to a nasty flavor and you won’t even want to vape or anything anymore

quit smoking after 20 years, the last cig I had it felt like I was on deaths door. Didn't even finish it. Haven't held a cigarette in 5 years and I can breathe great again, smell every little thing. I didn't know people wore so much perfume/cologne. After a while the cravings go away if you choose to set your mind and be determined that it's part of your past.

Just stop. Don't smoke. Are you mentally challenged?

I know vaping is fucking gay and stupid, and real man get cancer with their nicorine. But if you actually want to quit smoking you should do it.

They don't make you smell, they taste good, and you can walk to your apartment without needing to go to the hospital. Get some nic salt pods if you want to quit easy and without worry, get some regular nicotine and a mod for a better experience. If you want to quit altogether you can just just a nic vape for a couple months then smoke without nicotine, but be warned that it isn't the same without nicotine.

Or you can die of cancer like. The only thing gayer than vapes are nic patches or going cold turkey. Own up to your death at 55!

Hahahahahahaha ha

Have you tried snus? Google it if you don't know what it is. Basically tobacco pouches you put under your lower lip. You get nicotine but it doesn't ruin your lungs and you don't smell. One lasts up to hour (nicotine runs out by then but I leave it in for the feeling).

I am not a smoker, I admit, but many people do recommend it to help with quitting.

I am in the process of quitting smoking because it makes me have heartburn, which nobody understands. So i hear you. i have quit for a year +, but chose to decide to smoke again for really immature reasons, definitely a self control thing.

for your acid reflux, i suggest drinking more milk, milk is basic and if you have a glass or two or it a day it should really help with the acid reflux. if you still have this pain after a couple of days of trying this then i think it’s a pain that’s mistakable for acid reflux, something beyond my knowledge. Good luck man.

As far as I know there's no one piece of advice that works for everyone. If acid reflux is the only thing holding you back from quitting though I'd suggest taking some antacids.

thanks satan

just go cold turkey and smoke weed instead.
its what I did when I quit alcohol.