so Iran is going to build a nuclear bomb, there is no other choice but to destroy the region.
am i wrong on this?
So Iran is going to build a nuclear bomb, there is no other choice but to destroy the region
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You're a burger right? Such a simple mind just have burgers...
rip teabag
lol this is comparable to a toddler about to bust some MMA nuts all over the sweet sweet face of the JEWish overlord's honey necter
Yes. Withdraw troops and apologise for ever setting foot there.
Nuke it or it will be another Iraq with loads of US servicemen dead.
rolling for world peace
Atleast there is one place you cant get banned:
Just copy and paste it
their main nuclear research facility is buried deep underground. out of reach of US bunker busters and nukes... it will have to be a ground invasion
turn it all into a sheet of glass, works for me.
They’ll build one, then Saudi will build one, and that’s pretty much how it will all end.
Hell, regular bombs can fix that problem, just seal up the entrance for about a quarter mile, problem solved.
dubs ain't good enough for world peace, we are going straight to hell bois
So you think just burger and teabags exist? God you're truly retarded
I'm sure Russia, Europe, and China would appreciate the nuclear fallout. Cool things off a bit.
Maybe you shouldn't have attacked Iraq if you don't want dead US soldiers
guess who we will need to deploy those regular bombs
Not out of reach of hacks. Fuck it up like we did their nuclear centrifuges a while back.
Even offline, there're contractors, etc. You can get a program in there somehow or another.
But yeah, ground invasion works too, definitely not morally opposed to that. A hack beforehand might help it all go a little more smoothly and save some lives though.
gotta jump start the economy somehow
The only country ever dropped a nuke on civil targets was US. And that twice. Don't act like US are the good guys. You're attacking countries nonstop since over 100 years. Tell me one war were US defended themself because someone attacked them. And I mean with defend not some lies or false flags attack to defend freedom thousands of miles away from US border
>somehow it will work
you are a tactical genius, we should send you there
We invade whoever the fuck we want. You non-Americans from insignificant tiny countries wouldn't understand what it's like to have as much power as us.
They'd need a delivery system as well. Same problem the Norks have.
> Tldr; I have no idea what I'm talking about theoretical everything's possible
It's a tactic that's literally already worked before...
Why the h8 user?
Look it up, we got a program in there that gave us control of their uranium centrifuge control systems.
We compromised a vendor/contractor and got it in there.
People can be compromised, you can use those people to compromise systems.
Not that complicated, we have the means to derail their nuclear facility without a bunch of blood and fireworks.
just nuke the Israel, it's the capital of the US after all
You literally just acting like niggas and are proud of it. Well murricans are not really white anyway. Probably your nigga genes.
>defend freedom thousands of miles away from US border
If you have the capacity to project force -- as the US does -- you'd be a fool to choose to fight only within your own borders.
Begun the meme wars have.
That's not how the US works pal. King Carrottop needs a new distraction. The US will pump tons of money into Europe, Israel, and the Saudis; they will do most of the propaganda building and foment a need for a 'unified Western front'. Enter next ten years of middle East war.
> Israel ded
> Proxy government lost
> US has no idea wat to do
And yet you're losing against every little shitskin country for years now.
Besides, china is the number one now, you're just lying to yourself, keep sucking that jew/saudi cock while pretending you're in control, it's very funny for the rest of us.
Well but then you don't have to think you're spreading freedom. You are imperial and Clinton is your chancellor palpatine and trump is Jabba the hut
kill every nonwhite and white traitor
I rember the day capital loss, I was eating burger in mcdonal, then phone ring
"Isreal is nuk"
Google "stuxnet" numbnuts.
The US has already done this before.
It's not just "theoretically possible", it's proven effective.
Haha, neo-nazis have the worst time defining what white is?
>Enter next ten years of middle East war.
I think at this point it's just called "middle east culture."
An E-3, maybe a F-18G, a couple of B-52's and a couple of F-22's to keep the bad guys off the F-18.
Murricans are too stupid to realize that the American dream brainwash and freedom bullshit is literally just giving the people an illusion that poor people can blame themself. Meanwhile a few dozen people get all the money and they are working their ass off.
I know what stuxent is... It's still simply stupid to say it would work again. Especially after they already got fucked once and probably securing their facility because of that now 10x more
Murricans are non white
>flying planes into enemies territories with no additional support
you can just call it a less effective kamikaze
And F5 to reload page
He tries to sound smart by naming a few airplanes.
Many Murricans aren't too stupid, they are too tired from working non-stop and are lost in the Dreamland that they actually have a chance at being one of God's Chosen Rich (1%)
And most of the world wants the same thing.
Funny you guys voted on Trump to avoid war now what happened? "Bring our boys home!" And he just sent out a bunch. Take the L americans
It's silly to think the US doesn't have hundreds of 0 days stored up, just for situations like this.
No facility can possibly be completely secure, they're run by people.
But I mean, the "blood and fireworks" route might entertain the americans more effectively, so yeah, let's stick with that.
But you're losing them so get rekt
Your post shows a distinct lack of knowledge of how modern military hardware works. But, keep fighting WW 2 there cowboy.
Would be fair if it were just 1%. Right now the 100 richest have more wealth than the poorest 35000000. Until 2050 it's estimated that the richest 100 will have more wealth than the poorest 90% population.
So, enlighten us with your encyclopedic knowledge of military hardware then faggot.
I don't think you have any idea of computer science and security measures.
your post shows a distinct lack of knowledge of how any military warfare works. But, keep fighting in Sup Forums here you Sup Forumstard
Never said I have that knowledge. Just said you sound like a big mouth which tries to sound smart.
I cannot wait, CAN'T WAIT to impale dozens of dying Iranians in some bushes and dance around beneath them as they drip blood. It will be like a torrid rain dance as I invoke the ancient deities of Hell and horror and mutilate their still breathing faces. I will rip their faces off and wander around in their clothes until their families think they have found some grievously injured relative, then rip it off, yell "SURPRISE BITCHNIGGA!" and strafe them down with a machine gun.
Then, with their relatives bleeding and injured I will spread their dead assholes, chop the cocks off any males present, and sodomize them all with them. I will shove a stick in the cock and rape them in their dying assholes as they bleed out. I will fuck people with their own sons, brothers, or fathers dead, severed cocks, and then bury them in piles of bacon.
I would elaborate on each of these aircraft, but since you have no knowledge of this, then it would be pointless.
I would elaborate on how if you know, then Iran can probably google them as well. Since it's literally a military compound that has a nuke, I sure will take more than just sending planes to take it down. But hey, some guy on Sup Forums is a military expert, he can outsmart an entire country am I right?
settle down there jethro, tour fatass wont be doing shitall.
There are no nuclear bombs, u can have an explosion by smashing two metal plates together.
I’m active duty. Slaughtering goat fucking hajis is why I signed up.
Since you're a expert for this problem you maybe should advise trump. All these high paid generals and researcher and nobody bombed yet the facility. If they had you, then USA would win war against China in 1 hour.
World War 2
> As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the cognitive bias of illusory superiority results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."[1]
Did Germany invade Texas or what? Also US didn't participate until war was nearly over. Although they asked a lot of times for support.
>not knowing anything about history
>challenges people to name a war in which they defended themselves
>but he doesn't know anything about history
You have to be 18 to use this site.
Are you wrong?
Yes, there's a million different paths to a perfect outcome.
Is it the most likely choice given our current timeline? Then you are not wrong on the context of what may well happen.
The human will and concept of choice is our strongest tools. We don't always utilize them.
We would lose to the Chinese and they wouldn't have to fire a shot. If they surrendered 100k troops a day, it would take about 30 days before all US troops would be needed to guard the prisoners. War over, China wins.
Shut up bitch—too late to stop this train. It’s time for PERSIAN CARPET BOMBING.
hey I know I am retarded, just want to remind the F5-to-refresh-Iran guy he is as well
Plenty of Toyota trucks around.
youre a jew to believe this is all
The reason we haven't bombed anything inside of Iran is because we are not at war with them. Only if and when war is declared (doubtful) then it should be open season, unrestricted warfare. If we can't handle that, then we have no reason to even be fucking with something as dangerous as war.
well the iran deal was working perfectly. they totally stopped working on the bomb, but trump hated it cause Obama did it
> Because England never owned more than half of the world.
Ok Burger.
American capitalism deserves to die. If iran is going to take the americans out, ill side with iran. Fuck america Theres nothing but incels and stacies there
>china is the number one now
Yea because a nigger-rigged economy and political instability is 100% a true superpower
>Ok Burger
England owned over half the world because of how disconnected the world was. You fucking idiots will always appeal to shit that happens 500 fucking years ago and pretend it applies to Modern Society just to make yourselves sound right.
You don't sound smart. You're actually fucking retarded which is why you're on Sup Forums, being an incel that nobody takes seriously.
>political instability
>nigger-rigged economy
>retard on Sup Forums
I am seeing lots of self-shadowing here
Time is relative, and different outcomes are always a persistent possibility.
Many thought the 1960s would be the most advanced we got as a human civilization, especially at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. They too, said it's "too late" for any other outcome.
But in this timeline we've gone far beyond because of concession and diplomacy.
That’s why we execute them, instead. Trump won’t let something as stupid as the Geneva Convention get in the way of us winning that war.
>hurrdurr that sounds like your country XD
OH I like this one too. Simply copy what someone said and and accuse them of the same thing without any real basis!
>president getting impeached
>slave for the big crop so then you can owe more money to the real estate agents
enough reasoning? being dismissive doesn't make you look less retarded you know?
Wtf? Translate to English please.
>when I suck my own dick all the problem just goes away
Are you talking to yourself? The only part of the world the US has control over is a 3rd world bunch of desert dwellers.
>Yea because a nigger-rigged economy and political instability is 100% a true superpower
Again, are you referring to yourself or are you just oblivious to the glaring irony of that statement?
The amount of nukes it would take to "destroy" the region of the middle east would definitely set the planet into nuclear winter and we would all be decimated.
So, Islam will pretty much just be self correcting itself then?
>he tries to make an implication by pointing out what everyone knows without his snarky little attention whore remark
You could get away with 3 x 2 exchange.
The problem would be, if Pakistan and India launched as well, in response.
yes, its the jews
You're a faggot shut your dumbass up until the dick is removed from your throat.
They are pretty Iran so it shouldn't be that hard. They tend to surrender with almost French speed
Thank you for your service and sacrifice
Nuke the sandniggers