Can anyone help me get a clear image of this guy

Can anyone help me get a clear image of this guy

Attached: Secuencia 01023.jpg (1920x1080, 606K)

Have you tried looking a bit harder

what for?

Nope. Sorry they robbed you but you're asking for.evidence to be tampered with so no.

Have you tried using glasses?

Here you go OP. Don't know what you want it for but hey, that's non of my business.

That's not tampering asshole. No mayor modification was made, stop being a faggot. Also nobody would be able to trace your coward ass.

Attached: Robber McCreep.jpg (290x233, 44K)

Here you go, he's white, therefore he is innocent. White privilege!

Attached: Polish_20200105_134613845.jpg (320x344, 23K)

Better than my work. Teach me sensei!

I really apreciate your help, he stole a lot of stuff im just trying to get a better face recognition so he can give me everything back

White privilage nice joke :@

Well there you go I couldn't do anything more. I don't think CSI enhancing computers exist so that's the best you can get

Nope, not buying that bullshit. Be mad, dont care, not getting involved in your drama. Buy new shit and lrn2 anti-nigger proof your house. Faggot

Thank you a lot

You are a nigger

I just need to compare to the other ones i have tk make sure is the right guy

Hope you get your shit back, or at least get that dude behind bars. May the universe smile upon you, OP.

What's wrong with you faggot? You don't have to be in this thread

Thank you user
I will try my best
May the force be with you

No you are

Attached: scv20190901_222443.jpg (1438x1795, 1.45M)

May the force be with you too, user

Got apex you my homie now
Next cook out you invited

Attached: 15782047318.jpg (370x570, 68K)

Good to know friend. Beer's on me.

Thank you