Found an animal abuser bragging about it on Facebook

Found an animal abuser bragging about it on Facebook.

Do your thing, /b

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NYPA faggot

Well, positive side of this is it let's me know god is a colossal faggot and I wouldn't follow his piece of shit fucking ass even if it does send me to hell. fuck the piece of shit that allows this planet to exist when he could easily turn it to dust.

is that a pit bull?

sjw thingy is for reddit. Sup Forums is for trolling

Attached: 4chanjew.jpg (736x852, 140K)

OP, if it's that big of a deal to you, report them to local animal control services.

Can you show me more posts of his proving he really did it?. Got his home address?

Nobody gives a fuck.

good shit. What more is there to do? We all march to his house with pitchforks and do a public hanging?

Yeah why do you think anyone gives a crap about some dumb dog?

Attached: Screenshot_20200105-164127.jpg (1509x285, 87K)

Join PETA faggot

Fuck animal contro. Call the cops faggot. "just got finished bearing the shit out of it". Show the cops that shit and claim animal abuse. Obviously the dog looks scared and combine that with the mispelled "beating" post and see if they'll do anything.

Yall fuckin newfags are cancer. Oldfags cared about animals more than people and would have handled this appropriately.

Cops have been notified

And his employer

I care, can you keep us up to date with his posts?. I want to see him bitch about it.

Ok boomer

>inspect element
>get hardcore internet buddies to ruin guys life


Attached: maid-Sama.jpg (970x545, 364K)


He deleted the post, but people are still commenting on his wall about it. Seems to have to remorse whatsoever.

Ok boomer

Correct. It's also correct that Sup Forums has been known to forgive nypa requests in cases of animal abuse.

Making animal abusers pay for being pieces of shit has always been a b thing you retarded newfag.

100% this. Newfags are so fucking clueless.

Stfu incel

Yes. Animal abusers are worse than Jews..... Wait, worse than niggers

Fuck off newfag

Lmao wanting to do things to people over a fucking dog

fucking coomer

Yes, dogs are angels. Humans are pieces of shit.

Now gtfo newfag

Should we create a discord sever for this?

For this specific instance, or for justice for animal abusers in general?

Peta isn't about caring for animals, it's about hurting animals and making others feel bad for eating them in humane ways

Oh my god that poor useless animal. Seriously how small does your nutsack have to be to get all riled up about some stupid dog. I hope he kills the dog and leaves it on your doorstep, moralfag.

Newfag detected

Animals have consciousness too, and your lack of respect for them warrants no respect for your own.

For both. Can you create it?

On it

Is this confirmed? What's the plan Sup Forums

Thank you! Post when done.

discord /P7DWJb

Nypa, this is nothing. The dog is still in one peice, the stuff we raided and doxxed for were serious offenses. Stop being such a pussy, OP.

He says he doesn't live there anymore, but he confirmed the other details.

I got that info from the Maryland judiciary case search

How would we find his address? Should we send pizzas?


He said something about living near Brooklyn Park Elementary. Not sure the best way tip pinpoint the address other than the internet.

i dont see the fags profile

fb .com/david.vasquez.370515

thanks even bigger faggot than i suspected

"Oldfags" didn't get involved because they felt bad, they got involved because luls were to be had. Nothing will come from doing anything to this guy that's worth anyone's time.

Your right cunt. No one asked for any action, just stated the case. We can act if we choose to or not. Don't be such a little bitch.

nofags do anything now except post log and bbc threads so who cares if ppl decide to have fun with this guy

According to search engines though, current addy is 212 E 11th Ave, Brooklyn Md, 21225