>Trump kills bad guy
>Leftists REEEEEE
Trump kills bad guy
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump does anything with a hostile country
>everything works out great
When will these retards stop freaking out? Remember 3 years ago when we were going to have a nuclear war with North Korea?
The news is just a TV show.
>Leftists REEEEEE
We need to institute shooting squads for these traitors.
Lol no faggot
defending a military leader of totalitarian regime.. Amazing mental gymnastics
Islam is never wrong. All infidels must perish.
>Lol no faggot
Okay, evil mastermind, then
>Orange man bombs man American gov hates
>American allies abandon America
What "allies"? The USA's former allies washed their hands of America's bullshit once they let the unelected dunce Drumpf in the White House.
Your brains are too simple to understand the complexity of what is happening... that is not our problem
Killing him isn't the issue bro. Starting shit with a country we've spent decades trying to keep from getting nukes and destabilizing a region that's already crazy is the issue.
Oh and to do it at the very begging of an election year, is 100% a wag the dog.
Tl;Dr destroying years of diplomatic progress as a campaign stunt is the issue
They attacked our embassy, Youd rather just have a repeat of benghazi apparently.
>Muslim kills American bad guys
>cuckservatives REEEEE
Best just rid the people that are causing problems for the world. This guy was the worst of them and has threatened US numerous time.
>years of diplomatic progress
Are you fucking blind?
Checked btw
>Best just rid the people that are causing problems for the world.
Unless they're white, am I right?
And if this guy ended up attacking another embassy and killing more americans, you'd bitch about that too
why do people think that we're gonna go to war?
Iran isn't gonna do shit in retaliation because they'll get BTFO'ed but even if they do something, who's gonna back them up? other than people who despise Trump of course but that's not a Country
>Starting shit
>Iran kills hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq and maims thousands more
>hijacks tankers in the Strait of Hormuz and tries to bomb them
>shoots down an unarmed American drone
>sends a mob to try to Benghazi the American embassy in Baghdad, which is American soil, killing an American citizen
>Trump kills the two guys responsible for the Embassy attack
>"h-he's starting shit!"
You're insane.
That's the point, these people just want to bitch about Trump no matter what he does. Now we have these scum pieces of shit defending a fucking murderous muslim general. This is fucking ridiculous.
>trump pulls out of syria
>"no more endless wars!"
>trump threatens war on iran
>"if you don't support endless war you're with the terrorists!"
see this is why I don't take maga seriously
im not sure what the hell you actually stand for other than defending trump's latest tweet
>bad guy
nice bait
Retards don't understand that (a) this action may have been illegal, (b) informing a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT before Congress is a big no-no, and (c) the man was an invited guest in Iraq from the official government on a potential mission to end hostilities.
So, yeah, Trump screwed the pooch.
Iran is probably going to target a VIP somewhere in East Asia. When they do it depends a lot on what the US political situation is. Maybe a few months, half a year, or so.
It'll be a third party, and it will be difficult to connect Pompeo's ()? airplane getting blown up with Iran because he's also pissed off half the world.
It might even be Trump's own family. I wouldn't shed a tear to see Barron Trump getting some hot steel.
>Trump slaps Iran's shit and tells them that if they try anything more, the response will NOT be proportionate
That's called preventing a war.
>this action may have been illegal
Is it? So why wasn't your team bitching when Obama did it?
>That's called preventing a war.
That's called riling up his dumbass followers with an ignorant act.
Because that is the only thing ignorants understand.
This forever, the news is like professional wrestling these days, storylines and characters
>your team
>direct acts of war is actually preventing war, hurr durr
Imagine thinking that the extraduicial killing of a foreign government official without congress' approval is anything other then a grossly irresponsible move.
Yes the dude was a dick, doesn't stop the fact that America has now effectively assassinated a foreign official... Typically an action that is seen as an act of war.
If anyone here genuinely thinks that this is a good idea, or wants to continue sucking Trump's tiny cock while he fucks over both your country and the world feel free.
But please do remember that "Make America Great Again" and "America First" has managed to turn your country into a laughing stock again. As well as destabilised relations with multiple countries, and left a massive power vacuum on the international stage that's now being filled by China. (Oh, and please do remember that every time you guys vote Republicans in, THAT is when the world starts laughing at you.)
Have fun learning Mandarin if we somehow all don't die in nuclear fire you illiterate fucks.
>this action may have been illegal
IRGC is a designated terrorist organization per Congress, and Iraq is a designated war zone per Congress. Read the AUMF. It was 100% legal and Congress voted to reauthorize Trump's authority to do all that shit literally a few days ago.
>nforming a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT before Congress is a big no-no,
It literall isn't -- Congress has no oversight over the executive branch's execution of executive duties, which all military conduct is. Congress has authority over funding and declaration of war, and Congress through the AUMF authorized Trump to do exactly what he did, exactly where he did. And the foreign government in question is the #1 target for blowback, so informing our allies is a big yes-yes.
>the man was an invited guest in Iraq from the official government on a potential mission to end hostilities.
Who gives a fuck? If Yemen had invited Osama Bin Laden to help end hostilities there, and Obama had droned him, it would've been just as good a thing.
It's YOU people that act like it's a fucking team. Now answer the fucking question. Why was it not a fucking problem when head coach Obama was doing it? Now all of a sudden you pussies wanna complain about drone strikes, when everybody was telling you for years it was illegal. But when Obama killed an American with one you motherfuckers said nothing. Yet you wanna shred tears over a fucking cold blooded iranian general, who would have you tortured and killed if he had the opportunity.
>illiterate fucks
That's what they are. Ignorant, illiterate, worthless human beings.
I feel like the best thing that could happen to them is more and more opioids pumped into their communities.
We cannot survive with them, and their political propensities.
the left is only reeing because a judge was mulling over making the draft count women too for the sake of equality.
they would've been just as fine with an iran war under Hillary (since she campaigned on more war, and wouldn't have chanced drafting women to do it) but are only mad because it's Trump, and unlike the entire 8 years of Obama, Trump took out real targets instead of made up civilian targets arranged for him by piss real.
>all lefty media silent when Obama droned civilian schools and hospitals and weddings
>suddenly lose their minds when Trump drones a military/terrorist convoy in an open area free of civilians
Jesus christ I am glad you aren't old enough to vote.
The only ones riled up are you ridiculous lefties, shrieking and pissing your pants over literally nothing, just like you were about North Korea in 2017. Nothing's going to happen. Iran will bitch and grumble but there's literally nothing they can do, especially since Trump just made it clear to them that any retaliation will NOT be met with a proportional response.
Iran, with their shitty little militias and their decrepit, decades-old Soviet military hardware, can't win a game of escalation with the United States, and everyone knows it.
>Iran sends militia to attack US embassy, which is American soil, killing an American citizen
>Trump drones the two guys responsible
>omg act of war!
All you trumptards should waddle down to the Marine recruiting station and sign up! $6,000,000,000,000.00 and counting spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, what did you get out of it?
this aged well
Fuck off back to plebbit where you belong.
This, we need to open borders and forcibly confiscate all firearms after we ban republicans.
It was a giant fucking problem for all of us when Obama was doing it.
I am not proposing the Democrats as a viable alternative. And Obama is ancient history at this stage.
This conversation is about the Mango Mussolini and his blackmailed Christian Zionists.
It is imperative for all of you to form a third way block that obviates the GOP and the DNC. Because we cannot get dragged into a nuke slinging shitshow for the sake of Zionism and corporate profits.
I’m so fucking sick of towel heads. They’re always at war with each other anyway. Good thing I wiped my ass with a towel heads towel today. Fucking sand niggers.
>without congress' approval
lmao since when did Congress get to approve anything related to military conduct? They have authority over the BUDGET. The executive carries out the strategy and actions.
Further, the AUMF that Congress literally voted on the other week explicitly authorizes Trump to do this without any imaginary consultation of the legislative branch.
Further, Congress designated the IRGC, that Soleimani was the head of, as a terrorist organization, which makes any member of it fair game anywhere in the world at any time. And then, through the AUMF, they voted to authorize Trump to do what he did, and gave him unlimited money to do so.
>t-they d-didn't cc--c-c-consult us
lmao. Since when has that ever happened? Did Obama consult Congress before taking out Osama? Of course not.
>You're insane.
It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Orange Man Bad.
>I’m so fucking sick of towel heads
And we are all so fucking sick of retarded Rednecks and their useless culture.
You belong in the garbage
As a leftist, doesnt bother me at all. Trump just gave the green light for any country to assasinate himself now at anytime. He opened the floodgates.
It's pretty neat being 12 isn't it? Next year you'll be a man!
I am actually a Leftist that heavily promotes gun ownership for all.
> Political power grows from the barrel of a gun
And open borders would be disastrous for the American workforce.
Leftism is not the same as pro-business Neoliberalism.
And I am not a big fan of faggots or feminists in any case.
>media victim
There's not going to be any war in Iran, calm the fuck down and consider that your sources of "news" are trying to whip you into a panic for clicks. They're lying to you.
You're probably too young to remember, but Bush spent literal months moving 100,000 troops and their hardware up to Iraq's borders while the "debate" about war was going on. None of that is happening.
If you are even slightly concerned about a war with Iran, you are getting fucked with by liars who need your clicks for their BMW payments.
Bull fucking shit it was a problem. Your team wasn't doing all this bitching and whining when Obama was droning the shit out of the middle east, no where close. And give this bullshit "let's all come together" a fucking rest. You faggots always love to whip this out when you want something. But when it's the other way you wanna play fucking stupid and say nope, we're doing it our way. And you wanna act fucking offended that someone accuses you of acting like a fucking team? Give me a fucking break. You faggots act like you're a team every single day.
>>Iran sends militia to attack US embassy, which is American soil, killing an American citizen
>>Trump drones the two guys responsible
>>omg act of war!
oh so killing american citizens is the bar for political assassinations now? cool can't wait for a drone to take out kim and putin. I'm sure that will happen any second.
>>shoots down an unarmed American drone
You're an alt right faggot calling himself a leftist.
>so much edge
hes an conservative libertarian who thinks legalizing weed makes him a leftist.
>Your team
Do you even know me? You have no fucking clue what my team actually is.
Given how you're a liberal pussy, yes it's pretty obvious who your team is. Keep trying to play stupid though, unless you're are stupid for real. In much case feel free to KYS because people like you do nothing but vote for bullshit anyway.
Styhexenhammer can go suck his own filthy hairy cock, Ben Shapiro is a lying sack of shit, Jordan Peterson needs psychotherapy because he is a religious fruitcake, etc.
The Proud Boys should be executed.
>political assassinations now
>political assassinations
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, of which Soleimani was the head, is a designated terrorist organization, per Congress. The Authorization for Use of Military Force passed by Congress in 2001 and reauthorized endlessly since, plus the recent defense spending bill, authorizes the President to, at his sole discretion, kill any member of a designated terrorist organization anywhere in the world at any time for any reason he wants.
Soleimani was a military commander, not a frigging politician, AND he was head of a designated terrorist organization, who'd literally days ago organized an attack on American soil just days previously.
That's not a "political assassination" and anyone who tells you it is is either a fool or a liar.
>If anyone here genuinely thinks that this is a good idea, or wants to continue sucking Trump's tiny cock while he fucks over both your country and the world feel free.
>be a stupid fucking blackwater murdering contractor faggot
>get killed because you're a blackwater murdering contractor faggot
>US kills literally 600 people in response
>Iranians throw a brick at an embasy in response
>someone tells the idiot that Obummer wouldn't have the guts to kill blow up that dude
>idiot tells Iraq to set up a peaceful meeting to negotiate with dude
>Iraq says sure guy, lets all work together
>missile inbound
>Iraq says TOTALLY NOT COOL BRO WTF get all your troops outta our fucking country
>the entire fucking populate of Iran rallies behind the death
>drops all nuclear talks and says FUCK U PIG DOGS WE GET NUKEZ NOW
wow, look at all the good this has done. that's some 37D chess
>brown woman bad
I was saying
Lmao bitch you salty
no whites causing problems or immediate threats. And define white. Many races have light skin.
Look at this fucking kike
>Iran announces they're renouncing the deal they were never following in the first place, which itself was a solemn agreement to slow down their nuke program for a decade or so
>bringing up some Twitter star who's about to get screwed out of her seat by her own party
>unironic AOC supporter
>OP misrepresents politics
>OP (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you)
>Bad Guy
So go live with the towel heads
> bad guy
> In Stage three (good intentions as determined by social consensus), the self enters society by conforming to social standards. Individuals are receptive to approval or disapproval from others as it reflects society's views. They try to be a "good boy" or "good girl" to live up to these expectations,[4] having learned that being regarded as good benefits the self.
> en.m.wikipedia.org
Congrats you reached lvl 3 of 6 faggot
>screwed out of her seat by her own party
Just cuz Sup Forums posts things doesn't make it true.
They should be after what king nigger did with drones. But that’s ok because it was king nigger
because china and russia dont exist
>never following
That's funny. It seems that literally everyone else in the world outside your cult seemed to thing they were square.
I guess you also believe that everyone saying Ukraine wasn't playing by teh rules for the funding were also lying?
>no whites causing problems or immediate threats
Do you live under a rock? Did you miss the entire last decade of mass shootings, opioid crisis, incel and neonazi bullshit? ALL perpetrated by whites?
this, NO ONE commits more crime that whites... they are responsible for over 90% of ALL murders and rapes
He is not worser than all US generals. I mean they proved a lot of times they are war criminals. For Abu ghraib there was never a real punishment. For all those civil massacre. Use of radioactive ammunition in Iraq. Agent orange in Vietnam. Unnecessary nuking of two civil targets short before end of war... US is still leading in being the bad guy
obviously perpetrated by the ultra radical left as a setup to make the right look super awful
bigly framejob. much false flag, such leftist agenda by brown woman
>if daily kos doesn't report it, it's not true
NY is going to lose a Congressional seat after the 2020 census, and the state party hates AOC almost as much as Nancy Pelosi does.
>well I didn't see it on TYT so it can't be true!
>Iran nuclear deal: IAEA finds uranium particles at undeclared site
>The warehouse, which Iran said was a carpet-cleaning facility, is on the outskirts of Tehran in a village called Turquz Abad. Commercial satellite photography purchased by the Washington-based, nonpartisan Institute for Science and International Security shows the site being gradually emptied of multiple large containers between July and September of 2018, following Israel’s heist earlier that year of a huge cache of Iranian nuclear documents.
>As for the I.A.E.A., the agency only got around to inspecting the site earlier this year, long after the suspicious materials had vanished, and Amano died in July. But nuclear inspectors were nonetheless able to detect radioactive particles, corroborating Israeli claims about the purpose of the warehouse. On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Iran is now refusing to answer the agency’s questions about just what material was stored at the warehouse — and, more importantly, where it might be now.
You need better sources of news. The Iranians got caught stone cold cheating on at least one occasion, and have been stonewalling the IAEA on other sites for years.
inb4 the BBC and the New York fucking Times are Trump propaganda
Commie fagtards, shiity sweetcorn down your dick holes, faggots.
>Unnecessary nuking
Fuck off, Jap.
>mass shootings
holy shit, you have to understand that the news is just a TV show
americans are the dumbest people on earth
le left
le right
fucking kill yourselves you braindead twats
> They are always at war
Wait uhm...
I myself am a left leaning centrist, never thought it would start ww3, people who think it will just knows nothign about politics and about what is going on in the world RN. Also I think it is natural for a country to retaliate against enemies.