YLYL, philosophy edition

YLYL, philosophy edition

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Too late, already cucked my wife, haha.
Now she has to take care of my half-black baby.
Checkmate niggers.

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Why do you need any immunities? You just replied to his post and gave him what he wanted, like an obsessive compulsive autistic faggot.

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omg laughing out loud indeed!!!!!!!!

Not risking this lmao

OP here. Love you, user.

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Fuck off cunt

Spider man thread?

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just in case

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Yes, do it.

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As long as I got to watch her take bbc, I am okay with child support

A black men are angry women just like their angry black mothers

have you no pride in your own race?

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Fuck u

Oh you

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dissapointing thread

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kys faggot

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Who has the 20 year old vacoomer post screencap?

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Pretty sure Australia is just liberal media propaganda.

All free countries are except for Israel. They are conservative.

Fuck you


Israel isn't a country, it's just a reverse country.
Instead of jews getting genocide, jews get to do the genocide!

Australia on the other hand, doesn't exist at all. Just think of it logically, if it was upside down, everyone would fall off, duh.

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not risking it

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no please

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Well played Fag

wtf is this boomer shit?

That dude is living in pure agony and that bitch is 300 pounds

mfw when the missles cost more than the cash we used to send,

Utterly disgusting

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true but you only need to send that missile once.

I mean, at least she let the dude know she's from Tumblr right off the bat.


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Why do politicalfags, especially Trump supporters always try to bash Obama?

Why use facts? Why not use the word BUSH? Oh, is it because of your faggy little party loyalty? Lying just makes you look week and pathetic.

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O shid ples no

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How dare you.

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jesus christ Sup Forums is worse than facebook now wtf.

Sup Forums died a long time ago, only for zoomers and redditcucks to take over the wasteland which is now post-Moot faggoty cunt.


You must be new here.
We're going to need to send many, many, many more missiles before this is over. We're going to send 500 years worth of pay offs in missiles in 2020 alone.

Get ready to watch your tax dollars get pissed away so missile companies and their share holders can make billions.

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what's the joke?


what was the joke? That he was wrong? Or that you're so dumb you think he's right?

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I really dislike black people.

that all of twitter has been trolling her non-stop since she posted this

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toasters are
tanning beds for bread

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I don't think he was wrong, otherwise you wouldn't be so butthurt.

You are not her bottom bitch

wait, that wasn't satire?

Oh sht, thanks bro!

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difficile est saturam non scribere

You know how a wymyn will hook up with a man and then try to change him? Well a few years ago a lot of normies and fags and niggers decided to check out 4chang, and now it has been perverted... which is really saying something cuz it was pretty weird before.

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such cringe

Worst ylyl ever

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Still better than most other ylyl's today.

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checked and keked

u-uwaaaaaaaaaa!! •///• ÓwÒ

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Fucking link me the whole vid or name please

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Trips and I’ll do it

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Skibidi bap bap bap!

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