Why can't Atheists define Atheism, Sup Forums?
Why can't Atheists define Atheism, Sup Forums?
You're still making these threads?
Atheism is the lack of a belief in gods.
Lack of belief in a god now fuck off
/b cancer. Your mental illness is a burden you force the world to bear. Terrorist.
Fuckin Magnets? How do they work?
Its all magic up in here....
So rocks are atheist?
>tfw you're as dumb as a rock
Well yeah, in the same retarded sense that rocks are vegetarians, unmarried, and dont vote Republican. Some labels dont apply very well to non sentient objects, dumbass.
Because you use a false premise slash straw man argument.
How does the bait taste you fucking idiots?
So because you take a shit just like a kitten then I guess that makes you a pussy idk? fuckin idot.
if i'm not mistaken you're here too.
OP can eat all the comments he wants for all I care
>OP here
>mfw everyone is mean to me
>he's STILL making this thread
the absolute status of your "life" lmao
You've seen this thread hundreds of times, yet you still reply as if your 'words' will somehow make him stop.
Because it's fun to make you ask constantly in every conceivable way you can think of while everyone ignores and trolls you. Its 2020 you seriously must realize.this after all these literal years?
More like Sup Forums just HAS TO REPLY, because Sup Forumstards are weak and can't ignore anything.
If you cant handle me triggered than you dont deserve me when Im chill....
Yeah ok, kid...deeeerp.
btw chekd
It wasn't meant to be deep, idiot.
God doesn't exist .
It was a joke because i couldnt ignore your dubs. Im sorry, user....please dont hit me...
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Are you a potato?
But what if God was one of us?
Then it would not be a god in any way, so it could not be one of us/
Just a stranger on the bus?
That... that pic my friend, made me LAAAUGH HAAAHAHAHAAAAAA !
Because they're commies
I can. It's one who does not believe in a higher power in a religious or spiritual sense. Next thred