What's the catch?
What's the catch?
>Dated BBC during rebellious phase
She's going to school for an art degree
Religious retard
Too good to be true, user. It's probably really some fat sweaty 30-something year old man living in his parent's basement.
She seems fairly normal
too normal
shes probably a serial killer or some shit
>serial killer
that just makes me fucking diamonds
some religious nutcase and she fucks horses
high maintenance, like super gold digger expects you to own 2000 acres for her horse hobby that you have to pay for
shes 26 but already in a late 30s mindset, will bore your out of your mind after 6 months, religious and socially conservative might have a difficult time with sexual intimacy, she will expect the same level of committment and values from you
>majoring in art history
>horse girl
Everything she listed is a huge turn off.
Yep as soon as i saw saw Christian "and its important"
art history is closer to a history degree than an art degree, since you need to know the context of the art, which means knowing actual history.
With that said I've always dated medical professionals for a reason.
real life loli she looks 12 years old
Girls could look like they're 12 until they're about 35 if they work out and don't have a shitty diet.
i mean, obviously the catch is that it's really just some alt-right troll.
spoiled rich girl
dissatisfy one desire or disrupt her world, and suddenly that chart at the bottom right gets reversed.
>horse girl
>generic 2deep4u taste in literature and other media
which doesn't mean a damn thing because she's conservative and old fashioned and has no sex drive, which means you're not seeing her naked until year 3
this is the correct use of "average build"
>less thrifty
>to the max
That’s all you need to know.
> hates sex and bad with money
> spend money for no sex
no thanks
>Least thrifty
>Art major
She has expensive taste and you are too poor to support it
>With that said I've always dated medical professionals for a reason
Because you're a cuck and need someone to support you?
>horse girl
if you don't know you deserve it
She's Russian. Pretty typical for Russian girls.
You young idiots. My wife is christian, and a conservative and also a total fucking slut in the bedroom. You don't have to be a libtarded athiest to be into some crazy, freaky shit
>Art degree
>Horse girl
More red flags than a commie convention bro.
that and it's easier to talk to her than go to the doctor
what do u mean
>Less sex driven
>God freak
>spends too much money
I know a woman like this. She ruined my best friend. Trapped in him a marriage and proceeded to control his entire life. A cult of two (until the kids came) and she's the leader.
I thought she just didn't like me but she took him from his entire family. And his family were straight-laced Mormons. Made him convert to Christianity and God and religion became the only topic they discussed besides what she didn't allow him to do.
Most of the country is Christian and conservative. That's not what makes this specific person a sexless she-beast.
There's a difference between church-lady and every other woman.
Seems like my ex Korean GF. Loved her to death, but really didn't dig the super religious side to her. She was very good with the violin, very conservative, and very Christian. I was very agnostic and didn't believe Christianity, open with drug use, and lived a sort of a centrist mindset. Maybe she dated me because I was Korean? Oddly enough, the girls I'm into are the girls next door types or the normal types
she will become maximum thrifty?
>what's the catch
She has standards way above you
Came here to post these.
Everyone on OKStupid is (most of the time)fat, but even more so a disease baring, emotionally damage, left wing hipster cunt with a meme degree and stupid views.
the catch is you are using a dating site. That girl doesn't exist. ~90% of female profiles on these sites are astro turffed.
> every std stv stb
> deceit
> only luvs you if you eat her poop and drink her peep
> blacked
> doesnt stay a birgin sealed 4 marriage, givs her virgin seal 2 fuck nigga that eats poop drink peop deceits leaves her 2 b single mum wet sotuhpark toilet lil poop
> drinks frozen clear peep, does recycled toilet paper xanax and pills, drinks karo mix wet peepee smokes crack cocaine cooked in clear peepee ajax babypowder coke"
> etc
If you don't know why those things are red flags, then there is no helping you.
>having a mommy gf who supports you while you stay home and cook meals and then fuck her brains out
why are they bad lol
Art degree and some boring movie tastes. Beyond that, she seems wonderful.
> tranny wants 2 b super villain, practices falsehoot, only wants her sun darnell 2 practices falsehood and cod gta irl
> im stayang a virgin 4ever 4 ever alone
>art degree
>single with no kids at this age
Yeah, dont fall for it
majoring in arts means she's not very likely to profit off it that degree, ever. and horse girls require horses which require an absolute fuckton of money to maintain
both are massive red flags for massive debt
or fucks her horse
That sounds spicy
ok lets think about this rationally, she will be get 50 to 100 messages a day , she has not found mr right a girl that looks like that does not need a dating site,why is she on there ? My view GOLD DIGGER !
>both are massive red flags for massive debt
This only matters if you're poor yourself. I don't expect any girl to supply significant funding to a relationship so it's hard to disappointed
How is this a bad thing?
Yes, but you will still have to fund her horse, which is a huge amount of money. Horse gets sick and she cries for you to get it treated? Tens of thousands of dollars for her horsie to live another month
You faggots are insanely gullible
That's 100% a fake profile
no its not. it cant be. why would someone do that. smh
Well babe, how are you gonna afford all that?
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
>She's a Cock Carousel veteran that maintains sidecocks.
Her name is Sunflower.
You seen the price of Opera tickets lately?
Not being naive but there are women who are so perceived as "perfect" who have little luck in love because most men get scared.
Religious horse enthusiast
>less sexually driven
>wants kids
It's a single use, and then never again. Missionary, in bed, pre and post shower, where you do all the work and she won't blow you at any other point let alone offer a handjob.
most importantly, when the kids come, you can kiss your sex life goodbye
then you can kiss the marriage goodbye after you avail yourself to an escort once after years of sexless marriage
>Horses, Opera, Symphony, Art degree, conservative, Christian, wholesome.
This is a girl who's existence is being funded by her father. I guarantee.
You will be forever held up in comparison with that man, and you will forever be judged inferior every time.
Even if you pay for everything, she'll always be her daddy's little girl. She won't swallow. She probably won't even suck. Enjoy missionary every second weekend at best.
Trust me, I've dated a girl like this. Loved horses, wanted me to take her to the Opera, entirely funded by her perfect father.
Avoid avoid avoid.
Pretty much this. I dated a girl that was raised extremely religious and conservative and the most I got out of her was a handjob after 3 months. I'm surprised I got that tbh
His wife is actually really fucking slutty.
I'm gonna bet on her asking for your email address within first 5 minutes of you messaging her. And it's likely that "she" is actually a Pajeet.
Can I trade your wife for my ex?
Pussy is wrecked by all that horse cock
Pans labrynth was shit.
She is into horses. Abort.
She does yoga in public. Attention. Seeker.
The catch is you're not a good match, so she'd never be into you. Fuck off.
it's pretty easy to make women forget and neglect their religion. they'll never denounce it, but you can make them stop going to church and talking about god all the time quite easily. of course, you are going to have to play along while dating
>Cancer sign
It's all too obvious
I would marry her only if she cucks me once a week
She looks perfect for BBC
is that like a better badoo?
>MA in art history