ITT: We make up generic liberal arguments and think of optimal responses for them.
I'll start.
>White people should pay reparations to black people for slavery.
ITT: We make up generic liberal arguments and think of optimal responses for them.
I'll start.
>White people should pay reparations to black people for slavery.
i didnt own slaves u didnt pick cotton fuck off
>Jews shouldn't be exterminated.
1.4% of white Americans owned slaves. None of these slave owners is alive today.
>But yo ancestors did own slaves and our ancestors picked cotton white boy, pay up them gibmedats.
The system is racist and for the white man. Your going to pay reprations or will personally make sure you become unemployed. You bigot
gratz kill yourself
Your people were replaced by the steam engine fuck off
>wow user is such a racist. My pussy is so dry.
That's because nobody wants to go there
Ben Rothenberg, Clint Eastwood, and caramel truffles
They live already in the greatest country on earth (made by white men), that's more than enough reparations.
bix nood gibs me dats muh slavery
"Donald Trump is a racist, and is going to piss off all the other countries and get us into a war"
Everybody is literally the same in every way, from appearance to intelligence to physical ability.
Thinking otherwise makes you a racist bigot and racist bigots are objectively bad, because Hitler was a racist bigot and his racist bigotry caused the deaths of 6,000,000 of our greatest allies.
>wow did you all hear what this misogynistic bigot just say to me!? I'm going to get my friends to Fuck you up
Other countries can fuck off. The US constitution promised isolationism and for Europe to go fuck itself.
Should all of the freed black men who owned slaves pay reparations too?
>implying I'm not armed
All the wealth that was made via slavery was destroyed at the end of the civil war.
>I don't care if Hillary Clinton was "bought by lobbyists" and will sell our country if elected, Donald Trump gates Mexicans and is mean
You just lost a good Redpilling opportunity bong, don't get aggressive or they won't listen
>I'm calling the police . You can't own a gun. You crazy fucking redneck
No because niggers dont care about nigger on nigger violence
Then we need to pay reparations who've financially suffered upon immigration under the pretext that black people were going to not be citizens.
The economic implications are very real, and many people have suffered and had to move because of giving slaves citizenship.
basically scamming the immigrants to the country
You can here in Georgia.
>The constitution was written by a bunch of white men slave owners. It is invalid and outdated for today's progressive society. It must be changed to dissallow hate speech and gun ownership.
i never got reparations, its not like the guy giving them was a slave owner and the guy receiving wasn't a slave, and just because ancestors were shouldn't mean you have to do it, like do i have to pay some zulus just because a family member fucked them up back in the day?
>There are over 60 genders and if you disagree you are an everythingphobic
Fuck, I almost spilled my drink
I agree, we'll also ban freedom of religion, free press, upper houses, personal privacy, and your vote. Damn this old racist constitution for allowing these things.
The government should pay retribution to slave owners who had their property seized by the government because of religious reasons.
Bitch you're 300 pounds i dont own a forklift
you're just saying that because you're so fat you can't see which genitals you have
that's too obvious, you need something like
>Jews are not the enemy.
Then go to Arabs and African states, they made slaves not us. Also, gimme reparation for Slavic, Turkic and Arab Slave trade too.
>but race is a 19th-century pseudo-scientific fantasy and we share more genetic material in common than is different. Also, we're all from the same root stock anyway and can easily reproduce with all other Homo Sapiens, so race is a non-existent fantasy.
Good, that's good
Do it, but be careful every minute someone's trespassing on my property of get a little more anghsty and you know how us rednecks like to shoot when we're scared.
I don't care that Donald Trump "hates Mexicans" and is mean, Hillary Clinton is an Islamophobe and started the Syrian civil war, and middle eastern unrest for money!
Let's just all move back to England... oh wait they owned slaves too didn't they. Africa? No they owned and exported slaves... THE WORLD IS RACIST AND A BIGOT
I am 67 genders all together you informationist, wanna be knowledge supremacist!
>Why do you need automatic weapons like an AR15 for "self defense" you crazy fucking hick?
>it's 2016
Our country was built by immigrants!
Conservatives like things to be simplified because they want to resist change and preserve the status quo. This is why conservative tend to be less educated (on average) and why there are less conservatives in higher education.
>Anyone who isn't a feminist is a sexist bigot
>Anyone who doesn't support BLM is a racist
We share 37% of our DNA with daffodills, guess the animal and plant kingdoms are a social construct too
> We must integrate people to make our society more multicultural.
>>Why do you need automatic weapons like an AR15 for "self defense" you crazy fucking hick?
to keep people like you from taking away my right
Was there anything wrong with our original culture? Forcing peoples together will only create disagreements and tensions. Everyone would be better off if each culture, ethnicity and religious group stayed to their own area.
Ah fuck, stumped. Pack your shit up boys, we're done.
at what has happened to europe when they decided to be multicultural
if you import 3rd world people you import 3rd world problems!
d-did I do it right?...
Feminism IS sexism, BLM IS racism
First they remove our original culture, then they import people because they want more culture, but then they want the immigrant to adopt the culture he is immigration to. You know what this is? This is the teachings of Marx.
>Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.
>Jews are not the enemy.
jeeze that is really tough to answer in a short time, how can we debate that while being quick, informative, and not loosing the attention of the libs?
If the planet was populated by Smiths from the Matrix, then yes, all people would be equal in every way. But can't you see? Inequality is both inevitable and normal. Men are equal before God and the laws, but unequal in all else; hierarchy is the order of nature, and privilege is the reward of honourable service.
>greatest allies
All i needed to know about islam i learned at 9/11
And look what happened to the natives...
Now we're the natives and THEY are the immigrants.
The word Sexist and feminist implies gender superiority bigot
Liberal and conservative are just labels, the same way black and white are just labels. If you think being one or the other makes you any different than any other person you are a classist bigot and need to check your priv kiddo
We are already multicultural, displacing people from their original and native land is a crime against humanity and implies racial superiority bigot
Close, the right answer was "I don't need a SEMIAUTOMATIC AR15, I need my 2nd amendment right to rebel against a corrupt government and the ability to defend that resistance"
Here's the libby rebuttle, "things have to get worse before they can get better"
They don't understand that stupid fucking bong, you need to make them come to that conclusion THEIR SELF
>White people should pay reparations to black people for slavery.
Why pay reparations for something legal?
Exactly. Multiculturalism is anti-culturalism.
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority"
>do with terrorism.
just like, San Bernidio, 9/11, the massacre at pulse, Brussels, Paris, and Nice had nothing to with Islam as the attackers shouted allah akbar in their devil tongue and the hatred of all the things that makes the western world great in eyes.
I dare you to look into the eyes and to tell that to the victims of those attacks and their familes that you should be more open to the type of people that nearly killed you or your family members
>Non-vegans are worse than all the bad people in the world combined.
So you're telling me that the idea of superiority or enlightenment religious or political, has nothing to do with the people who go to radical lengths to defend that precive superiority?
Have you ever been to the jungle half vegan?
Lel how you going to enforce it? Do rich blacks get a check? Do mulattos pay or receive?
>Thinks libs are capable of thinking for theirselves
>Don't criticize other people's culture you bigot
>"things have to get worse before they can get better"
But the situation before multiculturalism was better than the current one. What will the 'better' look like? Tolerance is unnatural and will only happen if we have our distance and our identities.
>We don't need to act like the animals anymore! Surely we have evolved, and we don't need to kill other animals!
>U eat meat! U need to be exterminated!
when another culture centers their ideology on war and threatens the existence of my culture and well being I think that gives me every right to judge and criticize them
The fact that people kill each other everyday proves that we are still savages, it's just that some peoples are more savage than others
Think of the poor plants that you eat you genocidal maniac
Hitler was a vegetarian. So by that reasoning you agree that Hitler is a better person then many people alive Nazi!
They are, they just need to be swindled into doing so. Are you capable of thinking for yourself? This isn't the echo chamber you'd like it to be
"Maybe you need an identity change racist! How is segregation, war, and hate better than tolerance, acceptance, and equality?"
You did really good based brit, let's see how you respond to the textbook liberal "personal attack" breakdown
Putting the fact that we haven't been technologically advanced for more than 300 years out of our many millions of existence, I mean have you ever had to eat in the jungle?
Novel, synthetic and highly processed foods will not always be around, but since you spend so much at whole foods I think it may take you a while to realize that.
>Our country was built by immigrants!
yes, white European immigrants, not these third world beggars who we helped built up their nations in the past only to watch their civilizations fall the second we left. Now they are going to come in here and ruin what we've built just like they have done to their homeland. Don't believe me? the South Western American economies are collapsing as the migrants fill in the positions that once proud great intelligent Europeans who know what they were doing, soon our whole great nation will be like that
>To think for theirselves
>To be tricked into thinking something
Pick one
>"Maybe you need an identity change racist! How is segregation, war, and hate better than tolerance, acceptance, and equality?"
Tolerance, acceptance and equality creates segregation, war and hate.
>That wasn't real communism
*fails to answer and starts an off-topic tirade thinking you're gonna go vegan*
>Why does the term "Vegan Nazi" exist, when to the ANIMALS all HUMANS (who aren't Vegan) are the real Nazis? I express that being a non Vegan is the worst crime you can commit and this is founded on the fact that animals are objectively more valuable to the Earth than humans, and on a personal level, are 100000% more valuable to me than the humans who abuse, torture and eat them. Animals are the most VICTIMIZED, OPPRESSED and MURDERED beings on Earth, and EVERYONE should be speaking up for them, with no fucks given.
>strawmen: the thread
Don't you have something better to do, like going to work? Oh wait, Sup Forums is all NEETs
>It is wrong to deport immigrants who do not wish to assimilate.
I tried real communism on my skin.
>those people are just a minority! We can't hold them accountable for everyone else!
>completely misunderstanding because you're a silly fuck
Libs are too used to their subconscious being guided and dictated by external stimuli. It's a brainwashing tactic, and one of the easiest to exploit. Their subconscious still functions, it is just highly disconnected from their consciousness. So to reconnect, you either have to A: Give them some intense psychotherapy, or B: Coax them into using their brain a certain way like teachers, politicians, and
propaganda specialists. Beat the jews at their own game by learning it first, you can't just try to force ideology down peoples throats
"No it doesn't, martain luther king didn't create any of that the evil white republicans did!"
You're doing good user, unlike some ITT
And all examples of democracy aren't "Real Democracy", marxist systems don't work and the world doesn't have time for trial and error.
I'll bet they would be very offended if you called these people a "minority" to their face racist
Good one user
The animals are bred for slaughter alone, with no demand for meat they would simply not exist in the current numbers, therefore no fucks would be given for non existent beings.
>Strawmanning, the thread
Maybe so, but even if only a small portion of muslims commit these crimes, it is still blatantly obviously that this is an issue within the Islamic community. Is it not most prudent to allow this community to fix itself before we take in members of said community?
Agreed, we should just shoot them.
nice meme EDL NEETcuck
>Why are you so racist? Islam=peace
>Oh my God, get the fuck out of my apartment you creep!
Dr. King died nearly 50 years ago and race relations are the worst they've been in a long time.
Thanks user, I have to deal with the new liberal youth every day so I'm used to it. You have a good understanding of them.
>Black lives matter
Pick one
they're worth less than fecal matter