Rate my gf

Rate my gf

Attached: 126f63276a95ca5854381a17663a4799416695985ec9da2b9c07837e237baac1.jpg (2160x3840, 1.46M)

Show her tits


is she making a face or is that her natural smile

Closest you'll get

Attached: IMG_086.jpg (1024x576, 58K)

Why is she always making stupid face

oh lawd

More pls

Is this better?

Attached: 91a398a8fe2930d91824f03238c8ce6738629cacf200e881b31567da725e7fba.jpg (2160x3840, 1.5M)

fuck tits, if the pussy is trash dump her ass



Attached: 5407913d1694060e09928b2d40ab9f966e01d4869c093300d79438248a1297d9.jpg (1881x2132, 1.76M)

She's cute. She have any nudes out there?

Quite a few, yes.

This is girl is definitely a sociopath.

Got 'em? Care to share?


Tits or gtfo nigger

Not your gf

Attached: 51CDC3D0-E9FE-4E43-B852-755527A422F8.jpg (1024x683, 72K)

Attached: 8854CEA6-7D23-4841-8A11-C2FEFE20F31B.jpg (577x1024, 59K)

What’s her current ig?

Post titties

Post discord

post traumatic stress disorder



She cute

havent seen eliza in a while