Hey /b, its honest time. Let me tell you my story.
I need to talk this out.
I've got a girlfriend for 2 years now. I love her from the bottom of my heart. But here's the catch. We cant have sex because of her anexity. And im horny all the time . She know it and admit it that i deserve better than her. She has a fear to get help from a psychologist. I know he has this mental shit and i accept it also support her with everything that she need. I dont want to lose her. Any suggestion ? What would you do?
Thanks, user
Hey /b, its honest time. Let me tell you my story
kill her then yourself
Go slowly, for the meantime masturbate to hentai, also
"-I know he has this mental shit-"
It's a She* user, if this is intentional your gay
*She, sorry kinda drunk.
Bro. I know the struggle. My gf's thyroid fucks with her sex drive. February will be a year dating. I we've only had sex like 5 times. Also doesn't help we both are constantly working.
sorry bro but no sex means your just a friend kek
Know the feel, ive got a fuck ton of work lately also she has a 8-8 job :/
We have a relativly good sexual life before but lately (like 2-3 month) she can't relax and gets stressed about it then he cries
Adulting fucking sucks
Introduce her to cbd or weed?
Shrooms help fix the chemical imbalance in your brain as well.
she'd fuck for Chad bro
We only tried wine or champagne it helped a little but not enugh. She never tried weed but thats sound promising
Have sex on weed was in interesting ride. I want to do it with shrooms but the gf was anti touch while tripping.
Why the fuck did you get a bitch? Don't you have enough problems already?
get her on propranolol
Dunno, i love her
Why wont she see a shrink?
Get benzos and fuck da ass pipe
Weed could go either way, could make it better or worse
Was she raped or sexually abused? If she doesn't go to a psychiatrist you should walk, my fren. Her mental health is her responsibility and if it's interfering in your relationship and she does nothing about it, it's going to affect you too. The possibility of you cheating on her will grow and being cynical, even if remote, she might be cheating. All the best Sup Forumsro.
cut ur dick off, problem solved
Trips of truth kek
shes fucking black cock behind your back bro
dump her
Thank you user. I speak about it with her. Best for you too
i guess try using weed, if it's that bad, i'n sure you guys webt trough it a couple of times and tried using mind tricks and alcohol. in an ideal world id tell ya the relationship isnt about sex, the older your get the more you realize it but i know how it feels to be dating without sex and just being horny man
stay strong king
maybe learn how to fucking spell it....anxiety....could be a first step in terms of helping her dummy...
Try seeing if weed helps, might not be the first time, chances are she is going to be miserable and anxious the first time. But give it a few tries and it could seriously help her out. But as for her not getting help, if she continues that, then you should leave. Women that refuse to get help for their problems end up becoming crazy in the future and will ruin your life, and I’m speaking on behalf of my experience and many people I know. Good luck.
Thanks for the kind words! I will!
We are both young 21 and 20 so i try to speak and convence her to get help . Thank you
Psychologists are fags, she either has to go to regular gp and ask for ssri or benzo for anxiety, or pdychiatrist, and get ssri. But anxiety meds can kill her sex drive even more, for some time, so... also they got nasty side effects, I took citalopram for literally 3 days and today, 3 weeks later, I still have side effects. Tell her to suck it and fuck or do something about it, because there's no point in relationship without sex user.