What’s the worst thing about Sup Forums?

What’s the worst thing about Sup Forums?

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The lack of traps

When Stormfront and Reddit found out about it

>be me
>be black
>God traps me
>On probation
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Rekt threads on Sup Forums

kek yeah this, the perception that this is some faggy right wing political website really fucked things up here....

Loli/shota threads.

I don't care if you call it "ephebiliaoa" or whatever the fuck. I also don't care that it's animated or hand-drawn. It's children.

If you like that shit, you're a fucking pedophile and deserve to be shot, or at least castrated without anesthetic.

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Everyone who found this site after the fappening

It's all good nigga

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Porn addicts and tranny/cuck faggots who push that white vs black narrative.

This... so much this.
The quality, well it wasn't good. But it was its own thing. And then came the stormfags and redjitters, that don't give two shits about a unique place, but try to spread their brand of ideas and "values" like a fucking virus. They literally infected Sup Forums with politics, when previously the notion of anonymity and the abstract idea of identity was cleaned from our interactions.
It has gotten so bad, a Caturday thread was attacked by many of these faggots.

Best* the ones on /gif/ are good
Sup Forums is a hellhole fuck this board

He said "the worst" not "the best" dummy.

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Was Mao Zedong, like mentally slow?
People make history, like no shit? You don't see dogs writing books.
It's like if I said, "Oh you see factories, and factories alone, mass produce things. Without factories you can not have an industrial revolution."
-And then a billion chinks clap in unison make me a supreme commander, then I make shitty uneducated guess, kill off millions with famine, then start the cultural revolution because I'm afraid of language arts and brainy people correcting my insecure ass.

* best

Stay there

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polcucks think they're woke lmao
muh jews delusional retards

they refuse to coexist

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Nah faggot, I am here too


Fucking disgusting fetish. I hope your gfs finds out and dumps you cunts

All the Russian/pro-Trump propaganda. The site has really gone downhill since that shit started appearing constantly.

Every single one of you posting, and no, not posing as an old fag, I've been here for over 10 years.

I guess it's time to move on. God speed newfags.

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Nobody gives a shit about how long you've been here shut the fuck up delete your post, cretin.

Mods and jannies.

nigga what??

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It's a few priceless gems in an overflowing sea of shit. But those few gems are honestly worth it.

Probably the exploitation of women

You'd have to have a grasp of real politic and history to understand.