Any Scottish anons about?
Any Scottish anons about?
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Where abouts from? Glasgow here.
Glasgow too
Looks like we're the only cunts on tonight. It is a school night I guess kek.
Glasgow as well here
Cumbernauld here
ur a glasgow
Tullibody but in klsyth
aberdeen here
You lads get an epic sunset today?
. com/596551023792577/posts/2616450688469257/
Glasgow again
aye yeah we had a nice sunset tonight
Ayrshire here, going to a works party at the racecourse tomorrow, going to get absolutely leathred with the boys.
Good man
Motherwell. Not bothering sleeping tonight since I know my schedule is so fucked I wont wake up early enough to go back to work
Haha - Tullibody
what's it like living in Motherwell? I can't imagine.
Any Ayr dirties to post?
Anyone got any Mahri McWilliams? Kik me jayedwards_123
So what is your opinion on Count Dankula? I like his Absolute Mad Lads series but that's about it. Too political and a bit of a tryhard. Haven't heard many opinions on him but since he's a raging Scot figured this thread would be a good place to ask
Honestly only know him as a youtuber who gets noticed through controversy. So pretty much like any youtuber tbh.
Glasgow reporting in. just had a huge portion of salt and chilli chicken. feel pure shit now
Really shite, but I'm in one of the non-awful areas.
Degenerate Commie faggot who latched onto the alt right when his own people decided to cannibalize him. Not good optics for UKIP either
He's a good laugh, his madlad series keeps him relevant. Politically he is a one trick pony.
Anyone got nudes of Abby C from Glasgow (G5)?
Any nudes from Edinburgh or Falkirk?
Edinburgh reporting in
Paisley reporting in
Mad lads is class but fuck knows why he thinks he's an activist. shoulda stuck to just being a shitlord i think
Tattoos are so disgusting
Where are the dirties
East Kilbride
lol nice fake mate
ugly fake shit
pretty recognisable from the tattoo if you knew her
Fit as fuck, shame about the scarring
Hey guys, can you describe what does Irn Bru taste like?
Like ginger bubblegum
guys a fanny, I said boo to him once and he shat it
Someone shelled out for the only at last then.
She's tidy keep goin.
let me guess, a nikki sixx fan and has daddy issues ?
More Ayr
Fifey boy here, back home for holidays but be through in the beautiful hellhole that is Edinburgh soon
The drink of the gods.
Weel done Ayrfags
Ayr 2
Come on Ayrshire, post yer stuff.
Is it true that the Scottish deep fry many things? Also, how often do you eat haggis?
Chip shops do. I like haggis and I have it maybe every other month. It's no super popular just traditional. It's usually deepfried these days tbh.
>Chip shops do. I like haggis and I have it maybe every other month. It's no super popular just traditional. It's usually deepfried these days tbh.
If deep fried is the new version of haggis, what is the old style like, have you tried it?
Well there's no avoiding a bit of Mel lol. Dump away.
Yeah. It's still common enough just not as popular. It's fine. I like black (that is blood) pudding and shit like that and haggis is similar. No for everyone though.
You ken the wee hoor?
Like fuckin' girders mate.
Irvine, anyone got more of Esther
More from Ayr
any Ayrshire anons got Katie?
Need to see her nudes
used to be some on tumblr but that's gone to shit and it's no easy to search to begin wi
Why so you smelly europoors talk like you have a mouth full of shit?