I mean, where are the interviews where a reporter is asking her tough questions and she is answering them? Does this not ever occur in Germany? How can a leader appear to be a recluse? Don't Germans and others want answers from her?
So Germans here, does this bitch give interviews?
I am American and i want answers now.
Interest bumb
She went to a Talk Show earlier this year, but you know how staged this Shows are.
So Hillary-tier essentially?
Yes, every 6 months or so, she is invited to a scripted interview on a one-on-one setting in the German state propaganda channel. The interviews are typically even worse propaganda than the ones of Kim-Yong-un.
Does she ever give speeches, do anything public outreach, anything? I honestly don't know much about her side from her politics.
speeches and public appearances are likely filled with people who cheer and applaud for some money.
nah, only on New Year she rambles 30 minutes about how we "can do it" and other nonsense
So the answer is no.
Okay, so how in a '1st world' Western country can a leader, and not just of her own country obviously, but of the EU, conduct themselves like a 3rd world leader or dictator?
How do the German people not demand she make her self available to answer policy questions? How can this occur?
I mean fuck, we see other leaders give interviews, tough ones as well, but this bitch and the German people are like.."no communication, no big deal"
Only 21 years until she reaches the life expectancy for women in Germany lads!
shes a cia asset
she just does what shes told to
dunno, most European Nations just don't drag their president after every mass Shooting on stage to ramble about social Problems.
shesh literally never saying anything.
the last thing i heard of her was 'WIR SCHAFFEN DAS''.
before that she wore a chain with the german flags colors and weirdly celebrated the german soccer team
>implying this doesn't happen in America
When the Snowden leak happened the first (((interview))) Obama gave was to Jay Leno on the tonight show.
His first fucking public appearance addressing the public's concerns was on JAY LENO.
Digest what that means.
>How do the German people not demand she make her self available to answer policy questions? How can this occur?
Simple: The majority doesn't give a fuck and/or is onboard with how things are going in this country currently. We were fucked as a people long before the refugee crisis.
you rarely see her and to be honest nobody wants to see her.
She knows it as well.
nope. She got no power.
Only in war time she has total power but that´s all.
The interviews and inflammations you need are from the political Partys. That´s the course the nations will go and the compromises made in talks between political Partys.
And why should she?
Not like in the USA or any other shithole. Law and police are separated from politics. They do there thing.
At this point she basically shut down and will come back up when there is a clear political direction the german majority belives to start collecting votes with said direction.
Uh..really? Seem to see Hollande on TV after the attacks in France, Saw Brit PM on TV after attacks, see American Pres on TV after attacks. Even fucking 3rd world Bangladesh Hamid on TV after attacks there..and so on and so on.
But German Chancellor...crickets..wtf.
This, bitch might as well be italian with that kind of shameless opportunism.
Every Tuesday our Prime Minister have a press conference and you can ask him about everything as a journalist. Is this uncommon?
"Uns geht es gut" -> "We're fine"
"Wir schaffen das!" -> "We can do it!"
She has GREAT writers.
yep and they are right.
Used to be common in America going back to the Eisenhower, but it became less common under Bush and almost never happens now under Obama.
You wont find any journalist worth the name who would roast her in an interview. And teh oens who exist will be never allowed to get an Interview with her.
And the only Interview she gives are at the state owned media with Questions for Morons.
>I mean, where are the interviews where a reporter is asking her tough questions and she is answering them?
Does that happen anywhere?
I mean I've watched Obama get tossed softballs by the press for 8 years.
>Don't Germans and others want answers from her?
Yeaaah. Naaaah.
She simply has no fucking clue herself where this train is going. Expect that there are no brakes on it. No brakes at all.
To Obama's credit he actually does go on Fox News a decent amount, more so than Bush went on MSNBC at least (I don't think he went at all honestly).
>going on (((fox news))) or (((MSNBC))) is the benchmark for presidential access to journalists today.
What happened to the press corp from multiple outlets getting to ask him questions every week or so? They replaced the president with his designated yes man nearly 16 years ago now.
Well it's germany what do you expect, they need another austrian leader.
Why don't you send them one?
Wtf is this Beowuf?
Because they don't deserve one yet, also we are kinda too lazy to fix dem camps.
all she ever does is appear on state TV where everything is run and scripted by her party cronies
and sometimes she reads pre-written speeches and then has the pre-recorded video broadcast on state TV
How, after Hitler, could the German people allow their leaders to be so untouchable, so unaccountable, so free from any questions from it's people?
I mean, I hear all the time how Germans were/ARE made to feel after WW2, yet, they did not think that maybe, to help prevent that from happening again we need to have leaders going forward who have to be answerable to the German people.
How did you end up with another Hitler, but from the other side of the fence? It truly is baffling and contradicts all Germans state about their guilt ridden past.
I wanted to see what she says in interviews about the issues going on. What she says to address the concerns..and found nothing..absolutely nothing where she is actually being asked anything. I fig'd my Google-fu was failing me, but it appears not. Such interviews do not exist and do/will not ever take place(unless people wake up and it is at her cultural crimes trial).
The Germans just have a system designed to make their leaders dictators basically..nothing has changed from Hitler to Merkel it appears.
>How did you end up with another Hitler, but from the other side of the fence?
Marshall plan.
Its how the french had De Gaulle for so long as well.
she grew up in ddr communism.
You might as well ask why hillary clinton doesn't give interviews.....these people know they cannot defend their decisions and actions with reason, so they play a game...an unfortunate game that has tremendous ripple effecting many people...
so I ask why are these systems protecting and promoting these incredibly bad people? why is the US federal government about to eat itself just for one person? why is the german federation accepting really bad decisions from this idiot merkel on money & immigration?
Haben die nicht mal eh bei Galileo so ne Spaghettifresserin gezeigt die aussieht uns so werden will wie Mutti
We are a very rich and prosperus country. During Merkels 10 years of leadership Germany exceded in economic terms while the rest of Europe appeared to go down the shitter. This has bought her a lot of sympathy from the population. She is basically seen more like a monarch then an elected leader. People usually say she should do this or that but you hear very seldom that she should step back from office.
Also German politicians are expected to be boring and dull (because Hitler) and there is almost no other politician in Germany that could be seen as the logical replacement since she successfully eliminaterd them all over the last years.
Americans dont realise how good of a politican she is. She basically killed off the liberal party that has been in parliament for 60 years straight and she cut the votes of the social-democrats in half. You can think of her what you like but her resume is impressive.
I'd add to that the element of pride. Under merkel / with the euro-crisis and stuff, germany came to the forefront of european politics.
Should merkel be voted out of her position, her replacement won't be able to throw around the same weight.
But really, if the refugee crisis has shown anything, it is that merkel is pretty much untouchable. Kohl got 16 years in, guess if things go on, merkel will top him? >>
>Americans dont realise how good of a politican she is. She basically killed off the liberal party that has been in parliament for 60 years straight and she cut the votes of the social-democrats in half. You can think of her what you like but her resume is impressive.
>consolidating power under one party and eliminating adversarial minorities in the legislature are 'impressive' points on a resume
Never change, Adolf.
That Germany did do better than other countries isn't due to Merkel, the credit goes to Germany and the people itself
She on the other hand dumped billions of € with the Greece-rescue-packages and the "Energiewende" and now even worse with the Rapefuguees
Too bad that the normal German citizen had absolutely NOTHING from this economic strength. Imagine if all that extra money from the so-called strong economy actually went towards the people who earned and deserved it and not to shitskins and other wastes. The money was meant to strengthen the middle class who earned it, but they got jack shit from it.
good question. for a country so racked about enabling a dictator you'd think officials were expected to appear and explain when their policy mistakes get people murdered. on the other hand if theres anything going on with the EU shes never away from the fucking media.
>dumped billions of € with the Greece-rescue-packages
Actually, I would have heard that we are profiting from that one. Not all that into economy though, might be wrong.
Either way, while I completely agree with your points, do you think normies will muster up that much critical thought, unless any of their "basic needs" are in danger of not being met? Right. Didn't think so either -.-
if you want an honest answer why things are so fucked up in Germany:
the fundamental dilemma with democracy in Germany is that in Germany the democratic system doesn't trust the people (due to history).
on the one hand, we don't want democracy to die.
on the other hand, we don't trust the people NOT to kill democracy by voting.
the irony of course is that you'd have to abolish the entire voting system to absolutely ensure nobody votes for fascism etc.
we Germans fear that by having a true democracy, we will end democracy, and that's why we can't have democracy. but we still want democracy.
She usually gives a candid interview during her holiday.
Always for one of the quality newspapers, which explains why Sup Forums doesn't know about that.
Worth a read.
Yes she does a lot of public appearances, some short TV interviews, some longer interviews like some annual summer break interview, as well as the usual EU/foreign policy/summit press things and least not forget, parliament engagements.
Those Germans here who claim otherwise are dumb shitheads.
>I mean, where are the interviews where a reporter is asking her tough questions and she is answering them?
german politicians introduced this practice of having journalists sign agreements that they won't release a single word of an interview unless it was ok'd by the politician interviewed
our highly competent saviors from the AfD reject that practice and got themselves fucked in the ass by journos for shit they said
>Don't Germans and others want answers from her?
she's pretty clever desu as she manages to answer questions without actually saying anything
Can we have Hofer, please? We even let you join in again.
>we Germans fear that by having a true democracy, we will end democracy, and that's why we can't have democracy. but we still want democracy.
Sounds weinmar as fuck
Look for her press spokesperson then, I think he does a daily Bundespressekonferenz, but usually it's rather boring.
>man jaw
>wide man shoulders
>man hands
They are everywhere!
Sounds dumb as fuck, too, because it is dumb as fuck and not true.
>what is representative democracy
We just don't see a need for referendum bullshit abused by populists and dumb voters.
>see Brexit
You have had the same head of state for over a decade. That's a failure of democracy in my book brud.
its a old woman...
invisible dicks?
Why? She's good at what she does which is administrating and crisis management. We also don't have term limits if I'm not mistaken. She does a good job at keeping Germany stable.
You think Germany is stable atm?
I don't see any point in arguing with you if you don't see the problem with theoretically indefinite control over the executive branch and the legislature for a single party.
wow, we got german shills on Sup Forums. what has the world come to?
She gave an interview to a retarded Youtube celebrity a while ago.
egg man would be good jesuit.
K if you call unregistered mass immigration shady deals and agreements with other nations and supporting a goatfucking dictator stable I'm just gonna assume you've got a couple millions of brain cells missing or a couple to many chromosomes
Head of executive, not required to appear in legislature to deliver policy or answer questions. How is that democratic? Chancellor is accountable only to their party it seems like, and only as leader of the party.
And lets not forget that Merkels fucked up rapefugee giveaway will likely impact all citizens of EU member states.
you also do a good job at taking ahmed's cock up your ass...but then again, that's probably not an insult where you come from, you filthy degenerate.
You realize we usually have a two (or three if you count the CSU) party coalition, a mixed and recently SPD heavy federal council as well as a strong opposition, right?
>Kick the crisis into the long grass
>Tell the press to keep quiet about it.
>Crisis management.
She even stiffed Erdrogan when he had legit refugee status. She seems to fuck up every ball passed to her.
there is no perfect democracy
I thought a burger would realize this before anyone else
No not really, personally I think they just power her off after speeches.
Cold as a fucking robot
>not required to appear in legislature to deliver policy or answer questions
I don't know why you all talk about our political landscape without having the slightest clue about what's going on.
You can ask, just don't fall for the next best >muh race retarded German here who happens to talk out his ass the same as you.
pretty sure most germans support her tbqhwyf(tobequitehonestwithyoufrauline)
>She does a good job at keeping Germany stable.
Meine armen Seiten.
Merkel is the opposite of a good speaker.
She mostly avoids doing speeches
60%+ approval rating iirc
>be British
>believe retarded tweets which aren't only dumb as fuck but also false
You probably voted for the Brexit, if you can actually vote yet, seeing you like lapping up dumb false bullshit.
I can't help but feel that this is actually a pro-Putin caricature of Ukraine """"fascists"""" wanting to enter the EU.
Its really fucked. Like reeeaaally fucked.
Obama is such a piece of shit, horrible president. Every move he makes isn't to make things better but to masque his failed presidency.
Cops get shot? Its because of the Cops, but because of the hateful rhetoric by Obama's supporters.
Trump nearly gets assassinated? Its because of Trump saying things the government doesn't like.
Terrorists attacks? Its not the terrorists fault, its our fault and the fault of people not opening their hearts to baseless love.
Obama might be one of the worst presidents we have EVER had. I am not saying this lightly. His mistakes and fuck ups and blatant insults will take decades to repair, that's only if Hillary doesn't win. If Hillary wins, we get the same shit except worse.
she already said she is working to stop illegal migration
You sound deluded and dumb as fuck.
Why do all germans do this?
Shh don't remind him of how much of a sperg in a dumb bubble he really is.
what do you mean? ^^
Sure. By bringing peace and prosperity to the middle east and africa.
>where are the interviews where a reporter is asking her tough questions
>reporter asking tough questions
>tough questions
I just realised we're done. Nothings gonna change. They won.
>Invisible refugees
>You have had the same head of state for over a decade. That's a failure of democracy in my book brud.
As opposed to:
you mean?
>good job
>letting immigrants en mass inside our borders
Willst du mich verarschen, du Dämlack?
>she already said she is working to stop illegal migration
>while presiding over the single largest wave of illegal immigration in the country's history
and people unironically fall for it
it's mind-boggling
Don't all (free) countries have a PMQs equivalent?
>In a country without free speech
Top Kek.
>muh immigration
What is the lowest unemployment in decades?
What is increased trade with China?
What is saving the german car industry?
What is saving us from the Euro cebt crisis?
What is political stability?
The list is long.
Didn't say America is doing any better, see:
But he IS saying Germany is doing fine, which is preposterous.
>refugees are the same as immigrants
Go vote your dumb AfD shitheads, you imbeciles.