Would you fuck this chick?

Would you fuck this chick?
How and why?

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I love the dead and broken look behind the eyes. You know she'd let you do some fucked up shit.

Would fuck.

She's pretty hot and those tats make her even hotter.


facetats are gross , looks like you are about to fuck a gangmember

hahaha I enjoy the smell of sarcasm in the morning

obayang God
> heavenly pussy mouf vagina oral only no anal clean all i drink is clean bling bling

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Who is she? Sauce?

she has a tattoo of a order of nine angels. probs not, maybe she will sadistically ritualmurder me with her buddies after i leave her

I was serious

Anyone want more?

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You're wrong.

is that an outie at the gallows that I see?

why yes. post social media etc

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Love this one even more than OP. She looks bimbo-fied here. Imagine fucking that mouth till she gags.

Holy jesus that's one fiddly fugly trap

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Would much rather fuck the one on the right.

Rule #1 - Never stick it in the CRAZY.
Rule #2 - Even if you think it's hot refer to rule #1.

No. Because her face looks like a bathroom stall and she looks as filthy as one.

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Agreed. Much sexier. Bigger looking tits too.

Just how I like my tits
Fake, f'kank, and badly scarred

Post the cock faggot

You know she's hella slutty.

She will soon regret dating such a shitty tattoo artist. I would play but wouldnt be seen in public with it. Zero future.


No, she looks like she'd stab me.

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Any nudes of righty????

>face tattoos
>neck tattoos
no thanks, I'd rather not have my dick rot off.

>Would you fuck this chick?
>How and why?
With rubbing alcohol and sandpaper because those tattoos are trashy as fuck.

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As a nigger, I'm gonna let you white bois have this one

Lol why

You grab that one. it's all yours.

If you're going to have Facial and Neck Tats at least be artistic.
Reference attached image.

Attached: Good Face Tats.jpg (640x799, 155K)

What is her name?

Found this image on this thread.

>Would you fuck this chick?
like i fuck every jew, cum and then piss on them