How likely is it that we will see World War 3 in our lifetime?
How likely is it that we will see World War 3 in our lifetime?
If we do see it then it will be the last thing we will ever see. The literal last thing you will ever see is a white flash, i will feel sorry for any unlucky bastards that survive on the surface. The aftermath is where shit gets really bad, think of Chernobyl but worldwide and it was never dealt with. If shit hits the fan then GET UNDERGROUND.
I'm all for it. Humans are assholes.
if ww3 would break out i just hope the nukes would hit me straight on, fuck surviving that shit man
idk about you faggots but ive played enough fallout to know what the fuck to do.
Is WW3 for the better? A cleansing of the earth? Rebirth by fire?
If it hapened in our life time we wouldnt Even see it, just a huge Bang and you're out
There will be no rebirth, nuclear war means our extinction, there is probably only a 1% chance of us surviving as a species from such a catastrophic event.
Sounds good to me.
Yeah but there could be some form of life that would survive...cockroaches and sea life maybe?
it would be a proper purification then
cockroaches maybe, but sea life?
fuck no, the seas would be ruined, turned acidic, irradiated, contaminated with wrecks of whatever shit we sent at eachother.
if something does manage to survive in that shit then it would probably be some microscopic life form
After millions of years maybe the microscopic life forms evolve into complex self aware life forms?
You want to take the easy way out and kill us all? Things are bad but if we are just going to be pessimistic defeatists then nothing will change. I would rather see our species and it's successors (whether they will be flesh or metal) to self improve, not self destroy. The problem today is consumerism, the greedy and weak minded should be cast aside for the strong and intelligent, that is how we will go to the stars and beyond, self improvement not self indulgence.
hahahahahahaha Ha
You seem to have the same sort of ideas another fella did in Europe a few decades back.
That is a big if, evolution is not just one continuous line of an organism getting better and better, it is random and chaotic and it is probably a miracle that our species even exists, so it would be a great waste to kill ourselves.
maybe, would restart the world.
mate im no defeatist, im just telling you what id believe would happen if nuclear war would break out.
At least we have the Arecibo message and Voyager Golden Record out there in space for the aliens to find and know we existed if we nuke ourselves into oblivion.
oh yea, would be a massive waste to just kill ourselves, but everythings gotta end eventually, even our race, whether it be in ten years or a million, eventually its gotta end
Hitler only cared about the survival of the "Aryan" race, not the entire human species., the self improvement part is probably accurate though.
You are either the gentlemen that said
>it would be a proper purification then
when i said we would nto survive as a species or you are the one that said
>Sounds good to me.
when the person said that you would only see a flash and die, sorry i suppose i misinterpreted what you said, perhaps you only meant that you would be thankful for a quick death, not the extinction of our species.
I was hoping that it would be behind us, if it is still ahead then our chances of survival are extremely low, which sucks, it really fucking sucks.
Agreed but i would rather see us or our successors among them in the stars, not just our messages.
I know we will eventually end, but i want us to have successors to carry on our legacy. They will either be biologically or cyberneticly enhanced or both, the most latter being the most likely one.
With today's technology, we're not going to the stars. Our space program is incredibly primitive - we'd struggle to get to the moon. Your optimism is unwarranted.
It's about god damn time...
I wouldn't mind getting drafted if it happens.
This world has gone to shit anyways.
Lets hit the fucking reset button and give the next two generations a new chapter in global history.
i was the purification one, but i would be thankful for a quick death, would prefer not even knowing i would die a second after, i dont want to survive nuclear war
Even aliens deserve a good laugh...
90% chance you will see WW3 next week
Would the earth be better off if Hitler had won the war?
You low-key stoked for WW#?
t. Trump
imagine trying to sound so smart on the internet but making the cardinal sin of writing "it's" instead of "its"
Haha I bet your genitals have never touched the opposite sex's, loser
As cringe worthy as it sounds i trust in musk to carry us forward, government funded space agencies are going to do fuck all i will agree with that.
Does that not sound pessimistic to you? Thinking that we are so fucked that we may as well go extinct? We must never give up and keep on fighting until our last breath, no one got anything done by just sitting and doing nothing and i do have to admit i am guilty of this but still, there could be others much braver than me that i could somehow inspire, i know that sounds cringe worthy but it is the only thing i can think of doing.
>our chances of survival are extremely low, which sucks, it really fucking sucks.
It's out of our hands. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
There is no excuse for believing American lies regarding Iran.
America lied its way into Iraq, lied about Afghanistan, lied about Syria, lied about every single Middle East war.
If you now believe what they are saying about Suleimani and Iran, you’re beyond saving.
I never said i was an intelligent person, in fact quite the opposite, i view myself as a subhuman, and you are right in assuming that i have never had sex and honestly i feel like i do not deserve it for my stupidity, that and i do not want to corrupt the gene pool even further with my filth, like i said i only want the most intelligent and strongest to pass on their genes.
I suppose but there could be that slight chance of us surviving, that slight chance could be us trying to avoid this war by any means necessary.
>avoid this war by any means necessary
It's probably just sabre rattling m8
Musk exaggerates everything. Humans just love their optimistic stories.
We're not even close to intergalactic travel.
WWII got us Israel.
This will start WWIII.
Also we have nukes. This is a danger to mankind and we will probably wipe ourselves out.
WHy the fuck do you care. Why are you so desperate for responses that you only do this shit for attention. Kys
I certainly hope so, proxy wars do seem to be the new way of fighting other nations, aka indirectly fighting them, perhaps there is hope after all.
Perhaps you are right, perhaps the technology is nowhere near close, but at least our ancestors will experience it if we ensure our survival, or perhaps even us ourselves if we become immortal or die, become frozen and get revived.
It's a terrible idea but at my pace it wouldn't effect me too much.
I've got a death wish.
Lets get it over with.
>no magic anti-radiation medicine
>no lighting gun physics
>no fusion technology
>no power armor
>no kb processor on your arm that slows down time
>no vaults
>not a videogame
We could get to the moon very easily.
We have the technology. We've had the technology for a while. In fact, we've improved upon some of the technology since we were last there.
nukes aren't real, you can't have an explosion by smashing two metal plates together.
WW3 within the next 30 years def.
>you can't have an explosion by smashing two metal plates together
>not understanding nuclear physics
Then why haven't we gone back?
We're not going anywhere soon.
Insisting that we will won't make it happen.
Money. We haven't gone back because there is no economic incentive strong enough to send us back.
We only went because it was a matter of proving superiority. We're still sending probes and landers to the moon. Why would you think it'd be impossible to send men?
You're just jealous that you can't make a popular thread like this.
America has Jew on the brain. Having fallen for the fairytale of Jesus coming back from the dead (He didn't, he won't), Americans fully support giving billions to Israel despite Israeli efforts to weaken christianity and get christians killed off worldwide.
>proxy wars do seem to be the new way of fighting other nations
this is just going to be a regional conflict
Almost quads.
semper fi muthafucka. Put my ass on the frontlines. This vessel doesn't have much value.
If they don't try to draft me I will fucking enlist and try to dodge the medical reports.
Bad back doesn't mean I can't aim my rifle.
Its the people and survivors that you have to worry about. They'll kill you for a can of dog food.
Some might kill you anyways.
>be me, alien fag looking for signs of intelligent life in the universe
>detects signal from the water rock on some distant backwater start
>partly deciphers and translates it
>finds this website
Fucking kids messing with my instruments again
yeah i'm retarded, but nukes still aren't real. nuclear material is, not nukes though.
>nuclear material is real
>nuclear material in nuclear weapons aren't real
What does nuclear material do?
You must meant to say several decades.
Few decades implies that its less than 3.
Several means more than a few, but less than a dozen.
True. In a land without police and laws, it turns into the old west gunslinger rules. Disrespecting someone alone is grounds to kill them and there won't be anyone who would oppose you.
Just remember America thought giving nuclear tech to iran was peachy keen when it was an oppressive dictatorship, with a secret service that rivaled East Germany's. (SAVAK)
A regional conflict that will most certainly have the nations be backed be backed by the world powers. That can sort of be called a proxy war.
>True. In a land without police and laws, it turns into the old west gunslinger rules. Disrespecting someone alone is grounds to kill them and there won't be anyone who would oppose you.
Thats called USA blue cities dominated by armed street niggers.
I'm ready to either die, be nuked, or end up being rescued and dragged underground with a bunch of horny soldiers
It's been going on since Armistice.
I remember it like it was yesterday
Not likely. After all, Iran only never attacked Saudi Araibia because of their ties to the US.
You're all being overly dramatic faggots.
Ya think? Humans really aren't that intelligent and are capable of anything. Hell, we're slowly killing the planet as it is.
No war is going to happen. Closest we'll have is another cold war and even that's unlikely. Cyber wars are all the rage.
As a particle physicist, I feel like patting you in the head.