Recommend some products that will nuke my Acne away...

Recommend some products that will nuke my Acne away. Please list possible side affects so I don't take Jewish medicine blindly

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otherwise you deserve no pity.

Diaper rash cream. Put it on every night at bed. No shit it works.

Just rub bleach or brake cleaner on your face

Cum. Jizz all over your ugly ass face from watching traps. trust me, even if it wouldn't work, at least you would become less gay.

Any good antibiotic. Minocycline did it for me.

Quit letting them guys shoot so much jizz on your face that's why your cum catcher is broke out

Wash your face morning and night with lukewarm water and if you can afford it some ceravee cleanser based on your skin type, for the actual acne problem maybe an exfoliator with salicilic acid because it's not really that bad.

Don't listen to this guy, he's trolling

Rubbing cum into your face will clear up your acme.

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everybody I know who took acne medicine/treatment either became an alcoholic or or a druggie.

tretinoin cream
or retinol

plus benzoyl peroxide cream

Colgate White toothpaste works well , change pillow cases everyday, shower and wash your face everyday. try to stay active. Eat healthy.

the best you can do on your own is drink more water (seriously 1-1.6 gal per day any more is overkill) and change your pillowcase/sheets every few days, a week can be a long time. medication sure but its usually just from not enough water

>tretinoin cream
not the gel. not the pill.
the cream
I had mild to severe acne.
completely gone in 3 weeks and never came back

Everybody I know who became a drug addict/alcoholic also drank water.

Loreal Men Expert 'Pure Power'. A mens skin product consisting of a salicylic and stearic acid scrub including powerful exfoliants. Scrub onto a freshly washed face at the end of your shower and leave it on to burn a bit. It doesnt actually burn or sting but you feel ot working. Its sort of expensive but it works amazingly when you leave it on properly.

Correlation, not causation.

Your faggot friends were pizza faces and couldn't get any quality Sup Forumsussy so the became alcoholics and drug addicts.

Stop eating sugar and use moisturizing
lotion you're clogged up with pimple juice cause ur face is dry

Was going to call bullshit, but trips.

Trips speak the truth.

This is what you have to do user.

Chicken Grease with pepperonis over your eyes.

The Grease encourages the bacteria to leave your face while the pepperonis help with the taste. Give it a few days though.

There's a good combo that really worked for me; tea tree oil and Polysporin. If you can't find Polysporin, anything that helps heal small cuts and burns will do. Before bed, wash your face, apply a SMALL amount of tea tree oil to your acne, then apply a small amount of Polysporin as well. Put a bandage over it so you don't rub it all off while you sleep; take it off the next morning and wash the area. After a couple of nights, you'll notice a big change.

There are two drawbacks though. The first is that both tea tree oil and Polysporin are kind of expensive; you don't need a lot of either though, so just get small bottles. The second is that tea tree oil dries out skin very quickly (hence why it works well for getting rid of acne) and if you have sensitive skin, it could cause redness that will last two or three days. I have that problems and I find that as long as I'm only using a tiny bit, it's fine.

That combo really worked for me though. It's quite good as long as you remember to keep the amounts you're using low; using more will NOT speed up the process. If you do that, you'll be fine. It's definitely worth a try.

Lmao the master race is full of pizza faces too! Perfect. Jew here. Never had much acne. I'm still inferior so don't worry.

Avoid eating these
1) High fructose corn syrup
2) Trans Fats
3) Dairy (hard cheese is usually okay though)
4) Caffeine

Acne will disappear in 6 weeks or so.

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That's barely even acne faggot.

It will go by itself as your get older.

>Colgate White toothpaste works well , change pillow cases everyday, shower and wash your face everyday. try to stay active. Eat healthy.
yeah no.
there's plenty of people who don't do that and don't get acne. the underlying cause being genetic,but you need medicine to wipe out the bacterium completely or the cycle will repeat.

mine didn't go away until I used tretinoin cream. I was healthy, well hydrated, and otherwise practiced great hygiene.

Stop eating processed foods/drinks Take fiber with Omega 3s and 6s, L-Glutamine, quality probiotics, 2x a day, zinc about 30mg a day, for about 6months. That's all to heal your gut flora. Acne comes from your gut being damaged from what you eat. Google gut Flora, that's how I reversed my cystic acne.

a straight razor will take off the pustular protrusions right quick then hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to condition the skin will fix you right up.

user on gut flora here.

Why do you think theyre called "pizza face" think of all the things pizza has in it. You are what you eat. (;

This site is for people over the age of 18.

Teen acne is mostly caused by sugar and starch intake. Stop eating like one of the fat fucks from Wall-E and it will go away on its own.

Cut out sugar and all carbs except complex carbs.

the best stuff you can do at home is mixing honey and salt and rubbing it on your face
1 put some hot water on your face
2 honey salt stuff onto your face

Get a load of those lonely chin pubes LOL this board is 18+

He said acne, not sexuality

Even if you cure your disgusting face leprosy no one will ever love you, you eternal virgin.

>so I don't take Jewish medicine blindly
Try asking Jesus you massive faggot.

Try killing yourself worthless white nigger

Whn u have no chin

dubs clears em right up

>check em