Playing video games instead of meditating 17 hours a day

>playing video games instead of meditating 17 hours a day
never gonna make it

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What do you do the rest of the day?

ever heard of sleep?

You don't cook? You don't eat? You don't take showers? You don't go outside? You don't exercise?
You just meditate 17 hours a day and go to sleep?

>he partakes in lowly earhly "needs"
never EVER gonna make it bro

Like sleep?

Gonna make what?

>falling for the meditation meme
at least do something that actually tangibly improves yourself if you're going to drop vidya

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>17 hours of godly meditation
>7 full hours of Real Sleep

>Doing nothing instead of doing something with the finite time our lives have

Jokes on you, ive already made it

post benus

Make what?

>doing nothing instead of fucking little boys
never gonna make it

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You guys don't have a time limit to play the games you love. Why spend ALL your time playing vidya when you play vidya PART time, live a good life, and continue playing the vidya where you left off AFTER getting reincarnated?

What do they meditate about? I don't get it.

Do my saves transfer over to the next life?

Video games are the epitome of doing nothing

Fucking this.
This world is FILLED with shitty games. Just wait 100 years when there is more 10/10 games than you can play in a lifetime and use this life to meditate.

Does meditating even do anything?

How am I going to meditate if I don't travel to SEA and learn from the masters? Don't tell me you believe sitting and doing nothing is actual meditation bro.

How does one even quiet the mind to meditate in the first place? Seems impossible to me.

I really got to start making those Let it Die yoga webms

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>meditate for 17 hours a day
>die anyway
Spending all that time coming to terms with life seems absurd when you just lose it all in the end

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Who Lao Tzu Daoist here?

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>constant pressure to enjoy your life because it might be your last day

If it was any other way it would not be the way.

>no praying to the one true God Jesus Christ
Stay pleb

>not meditating to god
yeah im thinking this is cringe

Don't focus on quieting your mind, just try not to let any thoughts linger. If they come into your mind, just let them do that, and then let them drift out. Don't focus on them, just let it happen.

Don't think of meditation like 80's Kung Fu movies, just think of it like pretending to be an empty chamber with two doors. Wind/thoughts/feelings come in, stay a moment, then move out.

>when you realize its all the same and you end up praying to your god
>when your god and your self are actually synonymous not just in literal text but in reality

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>he meditates for 17 hours because of Tantrayāna
Look at this fool and pity him for he will never enter nirvana nor achieve complete enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings

The irony of OP's post is palpable.

Lately the idea to abandon my current life and just travel to tibet and become a monk has become more and more prominent in my daily thoughts

Most studies that have examined this question have determined that meditation has numerous cognitive and psychological benefits.

A bit off-topic, but am I still a coomer if I fap but don't watch porn?

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God slept in the 7th day. Sleep is much deeper than lowly needs like eating and showering.

I feel it too. But it feels very selfish to me. I don't think I want personal enlightenment, I want to work towards world enlightenment.


I'm curios but do these guys masturbate and/or have sex?

You worthless heretic. The Holy Bible says God rested, not slept.

>reincarnate into next life 100 years from now
>video games were banned and melted down like guns

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Rest these nuts on your forehead.

Ok, but seriously why? I've gotten into meditation and whatnot, also various /x/ things, like Chaos Magick, and I realized that everything is meditation, so I just do what I will ... which is often playing videogames, with the intention that it's a meditative interaction with a hypersigil that will bring about desired change.

Why should I meditate instead of doing what I want?

just keep getting reincarnated until you hit that sweetspot, bro

It depends on what type of monk they are. Shaolin monks, for example, do not masturbate or have sex. Shalin warrior monks, however, can. Shaolin monks can't eat meat, warrior monks can.

guess it was always going to escalate

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Ironically, introspect on the idea of it and you will find out. Or just derive it in a meta fashion from this interaction.

yeah I'll admit it comes from a very selfish place. Mostly just the desire to abandon social norms/the need for money and physical products and commodities. But who knows, if something hypothetical like that could happen who's to say I wouldn't eventually find some sort of enlightement.


>meditation is great for the mind, relieves anxiety and aids your brain in “solving” problems

>don’t do anything but meditate so never have any problems to solve or any reason to be anxious

What’s the point then? Do they just think about life and do nothing with that information?

>ywn be a moonker

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>get reincarnated
>manifest as a charasmatic Chad and do cool shit that I'm too ugly and weird to do in this life


What are you doing in your life that is leading the world towards enlightenment?

How are you making the world better? What are you actually doing to achieve your goal?

Raping children

>doing nothing
It's all absolutely subjective and the reason why people find solace in religion, the believe that everything you do will have value beyond your lifespan. Many would believe that a stock broker is productive, when in reality all he does is move bits around inside a computer. Most of his work never translates into the physical realm. How is that different from video games? It isn't. Most people would associate "doing something" with creating resources to effectively pass on your genes, but even that has to have a purpose. Most people here are probably aware that their genes wouldn't contribute anything to any good purpose, so them doing nothing is actually a good thing for the ones that do have worthy genes.

why not both to a degree? it's noble to have goals that aim to better humanity, but you also have your own desires.

I am a Lu-Tze Dadaist

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I laughed

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Believe or not, some people don't center their entire identity around their desire for sex and whether or not they get it, and lo and behold they're better off for it.

I will never understand why people who identify themselves as incels choose to get so mad over something they themselves decided has to be their defining factor for some reason.

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I really want to write it but I fear for my identity. Essentially it involves furthering pieces of technology. It has already impacted things and continues to get better. It gives me hope for the future, for myself and others.

I thought about writing something similar to but ultimately I think anyone starting on this path is bound to reach their own conclusion organically. Your sense of balance seems most reasonable. I myself need more practice.

Matthew 6:11 - 6:12
Give us this day our daily based.
And forgive us our dabs, as we have also forgiven our dabbers.

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I'd kill myself if I had to listen to my own thoughts for 17 hours.

Rude to be honest family.

Based mod.

For free.

thanks mod, I hadn't set foot into Sup Forums since like 2011
let us continue exchange of meditation arguments

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nah the threads die whenever they get moved to Sup Forums
only porn survives here

jesus christ it's like I'm looking at a decomposing corpse
god damn

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Who's going to want to talk about meditation on a board where most people post porn user? A more appropriate place to send this thread would have been /x/.

Yea but how do you deal with the fact that you're doing something autistic? That would negate any benefit honestly. Would make me feel like a weirdo since nobody I know would EVER meditate.

what a shame, the mod was a big fag

>meditating 17 hours a day instead of chanting and praying 10 hours a day and dedicating the rest of your time to helping your community.

How quaint. But eastern spirituality is just relaxing.

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if you let other people mold your ideas (such as the idea that meditating is autistic and for weirdos because no one else does it) then you've got a whole other problem

You can meditate by yourself, you don't need to do it around people, you know?

I'm already kinda weird. I can't afford to take up something like meditating.

>I can't afford to take up something like meditating.
says who? You can do whatever the fuck crosses your mind, as long as it's legal.

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Thanks for this brother

Is there a version without music?

17 hours. Tell more. Where are you living this life. Where did you start, a guess it was quite a few years ago. What kind of tradition. Where should a btard start, not unfamilliar with meditation but not doing it regulary.

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Life without problems or anxiety sounds pretty good to me

Ya'll ever just L I V E or E X I S T

important question, answer OP


Do you cum?

For some, video games are the meditation.