This is what liberals want for America. They see nothing wrong with this

This is what liberals want for America. They see nothing wrong with this.

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>everyone involved consented
magatards are such prudes

Incorrect. Most people would not approve of this.
Of course, Republicans dont like the dancing but would have no problem locking him in a cage.

I am liberal and I think this is highly inappropriate. CYS need to remove this kids from his parents

Wow talk about child separation

I have no problem with him getting fucked in the ass by aids ridden faggots.


How many illegals have you taken into your home?

Where he can die from malnutrition or lack of medical care. As long as there is nothing gay going on.

2. 2 Dominicans. So fuck you, asshole

So you want the cartel to be able to freely peddle people and drugs back and forth?

So you have 2 gay dominican guys living with you? Hope you use protection, fag

Children are subhuman and need to be preyed on.

Death to every last one of you.

catholics have been praying upon their anuses for centuries

Typical conservatard. Not only telling you what you should think, but telling you what others think.

now you showed him.
did it hurt when mommy dropped you on the floor as a kid?

I thought children couldn’t consent. Fuck outta here with your mental illness you subhuman faggot.

you have no business with who we have sex with

gay is here to stay bigot

what a reputable source you have there OP

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From 12/13 years and older they are mentally and physically able to consent as long as they're educated In sex

this, it's obviously 100% fake and bullshit

>fags believe this

this is what jews want for white america, they see nothing wrong with genocide

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Yeah, good luck getting that to be popular opinion. Even in the LGBTQ community that's going to be a really hard sell.

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you've already lost and you know it

It's true though. Teens from 13 should be able to have consenting sexual relationships with older guys without behaving to be slut shamed or discriminated on.

We will fight for these rights.

This one thing happened over a year ago and you're still triggered by it you pathetic retard




being gay and being a pedophile are two different things you sped

lol you guys haven't seen this before? there's actual video footage, it's real lol

Can't just say things and pretend you're right. Fags will eventually die out or realize how fucked you are and stop fuckin dudes in the ass. The world doesn't want you.

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So? You have no business what he does with his body. If he wants to transition and/or be sexually active that's his business.

only on stormfront is that real

Fight how? No one takes you seriously. You're subhuman. Stop pretending you're important. You'll not be any more free when you grow up.

The LGBTQ is just going to have to learn to accept pedophilia if they want to be progressive and tolerant.

Why are there more gays now than ever before? Estrogens and soy is everywhere. Most teens are gay or bi. Your world is done.

You do know if you don't break the law and come here illegally they won't lock you in a cage?

You do realize that happened over a year ago. The picture is even dated Dec 2018.

with fucking 20/30 year olds?

It's real, unfortunately.

Stop watching Fox

so what? tons of children make a lot of money in hollywood. there's even been underage nudity in Hollywood in the last century. This wasn't a strip dance, the boy wasnt sucking cocks or doing anything inappropriate. Just because it was at a "gay bar" doesnt mean it was deviant. What's the difference between this and say, Honey Boo Boo or Toddlers and Tiaras where children are literally being sexualized for profit?

Says the person triggered by Trump

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This is a terrible troll. You're not even trying my dude.

Fags will die out? Not as long as heterosexual couple keep giving birth to them

>doesnt have an actual response just regurgitates some hip meme that tons of other shills post

do you even think for yourself? can you? lol fucking retard

This, the cartel isn't even real. They never engage in human trafficking. Dumb fuck conservatives are afraid of a non-existent set of mexican 'gangs.'

It is legal to show up at the border and ask for asylum

>What's the difference between this and say, Honey Boo Boo or Toddlers and Tiaras where children are literally being sexualized for profit?
Nothing, and that's just as wrong as this is retard, lol.

>Yes goys, the leftists are the bad guy! Keep arguing about partisan politics!

of the two of us you're the one who brought up trump... rent free huh

>or realize how fucked you are and stop fuckin dudes in the ass

ever heard of MS13 dumb fuck?

Oy vey! The goyim know about our jew tactics

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How can you defend this faggotry involving a child and then try to bash on Honey Boo Boo? They're both equally abhorrent.

lol foxnews.jpg

stupid redneck

> (You)
>rent free huh
I'm not amerifat so I'm not sure what you mean.

I tend to avoid replying to these types of threads but yo wtf? What is wrong with people? Seriously, my family thinks I'm insane because of my drug use but god damn when have I ever been to a gay bar throwing money at a kid dancing? This is a fucked up world

OP you are a closeted pedohomo. Admit it.

because one is a kid dancing, nothing sexual about it unless you are a pervert and see sexuality in it. and the other, are little girls being dressed up as adult swimsuit models and put on national TV and forced to act a certain, sexual, adult way... for money. They're not being themselves and dancing (which is a talent, a hobby, not sexual) and being paid for it. If you don't see the difference it's because you know I'm right and you refuse to accept it.

>i'm not an amerifat
are you sure because you're sounding awfully stupid


>sTUpId rEdNEcK

Lmfao u could have said the same shit about faggots but now they're legal.

We will have our moment. Just U wait.

The kid is dancing erotically in a fucking strip club in front of a bunch of horny degenerates whose soul purpose is to go there and him up. You're retarded and you have no argument.

Stay mad Eurocuck

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Technically you can fuck underage boys if you are gay and they consent. Why else do you think Kevin Spacey didn't get charged while guys like Bill Cosby did?


You are fucking retarded. One is for actual "sport" or competition, and the other is a literal faggot in the making who's being eye-raped by every other perverted man in the club who's twice, or thrice his age- FOR SEXUAL REASONS.

>Hook up

Not him up.

kill yourself

Canadian works fine

Enjoy you're refugees!

I'm not mad though, I love Trump tbh. I wish I had him as the leader of my country. Trudeau is a cuck.

next i suppose you'll say the cartels use kids to help traffic drugs... hows that fantasy land you're living in?

>soul purpose
It's sole, as in only. Please don't give people who disagree with you a basis for a bullshit straw argument to try discrediting you because of a misused word.

Fake but not gay.

>if there were lots of 10 years olds dancing and a panel of adults judged them and crowned one the best it would be okay

the only things wrong about this is "boy" and "gay bar". i want it to be girls and a straight bar.

Brooke Shields did a movie when she was 12 called "Pretty Baby". It was about her living in a brothel. She's even nude several times in the movie. Nude at 12 years old in a movie about prostitutes. Just let that sink in for a moment. Not only that, there's even a scene in the movie where the brothel owner parades her around, and auctions off her virginity. Again at 12 years old. Yes, she does have implied sex with several much older men during the movie.


Kys fagg

> links outrageous tweet with no source
>gets reactions

normal day in Sup Forums

Did jews make the movie?

So all i have to do is become gay so i'll be allowed to fuck kids?

If you're in san francisco? yes

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Its going to be fun when this kid trys to take a dick. And discovers he is not gay. And hangs himself.

jews arent even rich dumb redneck

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only a fucking moron would believe that this is what liberals want only a stupid fucking moron

I don't get this narrative, they seperate children from their parents because every 7th kid so far has been trafficked. Dems are upset we're not letting them buy lolis, I fucking guess.

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Why you voting for it then lol

more right wing made up bullshit - mexicans have never trafficked people, ever, in the history of their country

What gives you the right to enforce your morality on others? If they want this, then it's ok.

Right, my bad. Clearly these cartel types are great guys and not dangerous at all, nothing to see here, local news only CNN doesn't need to pick any of this up because it's in no way a terrorist attack. Even if it was, a wall wouldn't stop them because they could just teleport right through it with the magic powers they learned from Santa Claus.

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