Hunger Games Thread
Suggest a code edition
First 24
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>City Code
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Attached: xane.jpg (596x811, 119K)
Ducke detective(s)
Attached: DUCKE DETECTIVES.jpg (624x614, 58K)
Richard Rawlings
Something with cars
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Attached: Gash.png (375x375, 41K)
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Nutella Girl
Wacky races pls
Attached: Nutella_Girl.jpg (932x932, 194K)
Attached: 680.jpg (600x790, 66K)
Best Doki
Attached: DokiDoki.jpg (1042x1500, 449K)
Jack Noir
Attached: Jack_Noir_Plain.png (130x275, 1K)
we haven't had the timetravel one for so long tohugh
Big Tits Kylie
Attached: BTK.jpg (180x253, 7K)
sad kitty
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suiseiseki desu
Attached: Kill_yourself_desu.png (255x326, 59K)
I'll host time travel later and city after that
Orange Ghost
Attached: Orange ghost.jpg (1000x750, 258K)
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God in Disguise
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Totally human ayy lmao
Attached: advent keks.jpg (357x380, 42K)
The Joker
Attached: joker.jpg (634x908, 276K)
crying piggy
Attached: dwdw.png (612x792, 29K)
Attached: Murrica.jpg (2000x1416, 1.65M)
Hegemonic Brute
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Attached: reaping.png (533x629, 381K)
Ü‚Goodluck Megumi!
District 9 got this
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Good luck everyone! Except bloodbath deaths...
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>joker death
just a joke tho
RIP Megumi
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Please stand by for a moment
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At least I have an idiot sandwich for my troubles
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Yeah my stuff always leaks oil
Hey Orinin, whatcha watchin' on HBO?
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Alright, back to buisness~
I know, right Jack!?
Advent gets rekt
If only it had been with her boobs, it wouldve been 300% american
At least Gyobu is gentlemanly
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It's amusing to think that Gyoubu is just racing with his horse instead of a car.
That's a really fukin fast horse
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Gash got a real car, not some made in china BS
Based Rawlings something out
Poor horse...
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Looks like American got his food express
Xane gets to meet Hulk
Orin won't give up that easy!
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Fs in the chat for our boys
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Richard pls
Poor boomer
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I was apparently too based for this thread, damn
I'll be joining my waifu in heaven
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Oh hey a feast
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yes please, i want to post my tribute in the next one and sleep.
Let's make this quick, then
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Go piggy!
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Piggy pls
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God's gonna do this for his totally human ayy lmao homie
Hy, no jinxing for once!
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Have thine winner!
Attached: winrar.png (540x785, 366K)
>god switches reality to win
Thanks for hosting
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Sorry for shitty commentary, I got disctracted
Thanks for playing everyone. Sadly, next game will be delayed so sorry to that user that has to go
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Thanks for hosting! Holy victory!
Attached: are_you_there_god.jpg (800x800, 56K)
Thanks for hosting OP quack!
Grats God and thanks for the game Rigs
Attached: 889.jpg (804x915, 89K)
It'll be Timetravel code, though
Was nice to finally get in one today, thank you.
Finally figured out my waifu has a waifu, which means I really have two waifus! Time for a Richard Rawlings sandwich...and beer
Attached: RRBeerTime.gif (422x237, 981K)
O you, your commentary is always shitty