Drawthread: avatar interaction edition

Drawthread: avatar interaction edition

Attached: 1552587073906.png (900x900, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requestin this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake v0re references: imgbox.com/g/QMi1dnPYlz

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252K)

what happened to the other one

Attached: dormouse08.png (1500x1400, 1.19M)

Requesting Geppetto-bot from the movie Pinocchio 3000 with an erect robot cock.

Attached: Pinocchio 3000 Geppetto-Bot Reference.png (1399x778, 1.96M)

Attached: dormouse16.jpg (1080x1776, 178K)

Attached: dormouse02.jpg (1200x1650, 465K)

Attached: dormouse13.png (2175x1500, 801K)

Attached: 57BB4C06-F985-454B-A750-686E87C79A5D.jpg (621x725, 54K)

it fucking sucked


The words 'furry' and 'furries' are triggers for auto-sage when put in the OP. I'll admit, I didn't notice it myself until it was kill

Attached: dormouse10.png (925x1500, 1.46M)

are these threads auto saging? Maybe I shouldn't bother tbh..

Requesting Beruka (left) getting her small perky tits forcefully sucked on by two guys, with a worried/embarrassed expression on her face

Attached: 1576301346386.jpg (1600x722, 555K)

requesting this gay sableye as a powerbottom

Attached: aaa.jpg (427x800, 33K)

Requesting a female feral Biyomon giving a blowie with Her beak.

Attached: Greymon0095.jpg (340x255, 11K)

Ooooh requesting this boy interacting

Attached: 82DC9695-A941-4ED3-A1FD-EB7DC42C8242.jpg (229x461, 22K)

ill try and draw some stuff for you people but im no artist just killing some time
drew these for some people last thread before it disapeared
is this for real or one of those sarky copy pastes

Attached: NewCanvas2.png (400x502, 92K)

Requesting to draw her

Attached: snowflake the doggy.png (822x618, 91K)

have you ever been bitten by a bird? no one in their right mind would put there dick in what is essentially a natural guillotine

Fuck off

this little cute opossum girl in your artstyle

Attached: 1566289906213.png (900x700, 52K)

Could you draw this ghost smoking a joint and listening to music on some headphones?

Attached: images.png (224x224, 2K)

No. It's a legitimate request of mine

Attached: DkAim9xVAAAN574.jpg (849x1200, 407K)



Yes & there is a diffence between biting & lightly pressing with their beak. It feels like the best shit ever when they slowly nibble.

Can you draw a cute white female cat, with blue eyes, please

a gunslinger girl

Attached: 1569647735851.png (252x450, 95K)

From a legitimate autist & mental case.

Requesting a conjoinment of Camilla and Lucina like in the reference

Attached: SR3.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

Requesting her getting impregnated by some bottom of the barrel, lowlife scum of a man. For example a hobo, maybe in an alleyway, and have her be into it.

Attached: 1543100787037.png (1000x1115, 772K)

Can you take a shot at please?

wheres all the other people who draw i feel like a sub teacher here
i dont buy into all that putting others down to raise your self up stuff so ill be fucking off after ive had some fun here
ill try this one but ive never done any pixel stuff before
i reckon id secure a nice spot in hell for myself if id do that but maybe somebody else can help you

Requesting these 2 cuddling

Attached: hawk zoo scat (lower res).png (2100x2406, 1.8M)

Fuck off

It doesn't have to be pixelated! Here's another example

Attached: 1552689882810.png (900x900, 62K)

ill give it a shot looks like those ghosts from mother 3

Requesting Hyp getting /ss/'d by Reimu and impregnating her

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-uQz42B2O0aghRWo.jpg (2869x1080, 617K)

That's exactly what it is :p glad you got the reference, and thanks!

its a shitty repeat request and should be seen as a joke and should never be taken seriously by anyone

good night Sup Forums im grabbing a beer
sorry bout it being lazy but i reckon im done with drawing atleast for tonight i expected more people to be drawing here so i could hide out in the background or somethin
i dont like judging people but that was some crazy shit

Attached: NewCanvas3.png (500x543, 45K)

that one is just off putting it kind of fits with your request if it gets done it should be done in a strange looking style like this that fits the creepy uncomfortable feeling your entire fantasy puts off

Are you kidding? This is good stuff, thanks! Hope to see ya around background bud. Any drawname?

don't you lads have any other idea's these are pretty god damned stale by now

Requesting Shirley Sunshine in either one of the two poses on the bottom of the reference

Attached: 1575537504175.png (1274x1538, 1.99M)


a giant inflatable cock parade, where there are jugglers and fireworks that all are in the shape of a cock. and there are two swimsuit girls on a cock shaped float-vehicle.

so basically this thread but with music and popcorn?

Requesting Shirley Sunshine smoking a cigarette as she sternly watches user get spitroasted by two large muscular lopunnies

>wheres all the other people who draw i feel like a sub teacher here
they abandoned ship because of the holy trinity of autism vorefag, abusefag and fernando being in full retard mode for days

They've been here for years. It's the beginning of the year. Give it a few weeks and we'll be in full swing with new and old drawfags alike.

Used to be the opposite. New Year and holidays would result in a massive spike in activity. Whereas now, activity in drawthreads have fallen off the past 3-4 months

Im gonna go eat, I better have some nice requests waiting for me when I get back.

Attached: sumdulak.png (593x620, 57K)

when mine (hawk zoo scat) is made then I might have another idea

draw her fucking an user with a smug face

Attached: request.png (694x484, 48K)

no i mean all 3 of them at the same time in full beg and spam mode for hours upon hours for the last few days

Fuck off

move on no ones going to draw scat here ever


draw your rabbit character sammy

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 24K)

Isn't scat

thanks might come back if i get the urge to draw again
no draw name yet

requesting stitch in your artstyle, lewd is optional

Attached: stitchy.jpg (800x774, 67K)

Fuck off

Pls and thx

>2 wild drawfags appear

how well do you draw furry foxes? i might commission you i like your style

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 15K)

Fuck off

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 73K)

Requesting this girl i.imgur.com/niPEUvZ.png as pic related lifting her skirt and flashing her vulva to the viewer

Attached: 1578234335637m.jpg (714x1024, 90K)

Is that a piano? Request of you coming out from under object in a cartoonish daze

Okay now i really wanna see what you’d do with him dynamical, doesnt have to be as detailed

Attached: ED6E9305-C583-47E1-B0CC-E1A062092084.jpg (391x640, 46K)



You as Sammy Drawvis Jr.

Attached: giphy (3).gif (500x300, 497K)

i'll interact as thread dictates
what's he do? is he a ninja?

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 265K)

Fuck off

draw niggers

Attached: monkey.png (800x800, 65K)

Attached: negrolo.png (800x800, 107K)

ugga bugga

Attached: nig.png (800x800, 87K)

Requesting this girl getting her first anal inside a car something like that molestation scene from the movie bastard out of carolina when the protagonist is sodomized by her step-father inside a the car

Attached: tumblr_m4lcfspdnk1r982tto2_1280.jpg (700x581, 278K)

no one wants to draw for you lying autistic piece of shit

You already got something nigger

shoot fuck off user with your laser nipples

if i could find you i would kick your ass and put a broom stick up it for real

Nah its just from a music video(Summer Time by Siames) so you can get creative

Attached: 9F0D0ADA-C870-4BD3-8E7B-F63FA5C0949D.jpg (359x627, 48K)

Requesting this demon boy prematurely ejaculating with a succubus

Attached: Emery.png (1270x706, 912K)

Requesting Lara Croft impaled through the navel and out her back by a bbc. Preferably have the bbc ejaculating on the other side.

Attached: E0745846-D66A-4F02-86C8-B8F37FA653D7.jpg (1200x680, 96K)

boring just fucking go to

redraw her as someone with daddy issues and a nikki minaj t shirt

What kind of request are you looking for? Porn?

Wut, when?

look at what i called boring it's same shit different day same as always no imagination porn requests. and yet you ask if we want more porn.

Attached: 456grr5581097248126638a51df6b.gif (480x266, 1.54M)

Attached: 1578254702614.png (1530x1561, 510K)

any request???

OMG, when was posted this

requesting a dog in shoes
