Now that cuckoldry is mainstream, what comes next?
Now that cuckoldry is mainstream, what comes next?
There is no mainstream anymore, faggot. we have smartphones which allow us to create individualized information bubbles. which means that if something looks mainstream to you, its only because YOU really like that thing.
The real question is why are cuckoldry, trap faggotry, and pedo porn so popular on all conservative leaning image boards?
that hardly even looks shopped at all
good way of putting it
when you focus on something, it starts to appear everywhere
that being said id like incest porn to go mainstream, but pornhub records show thats already happening
animal cuckoldry of course. the girls in these videos have tatoos that say "dog dick only".
Wouldnt mind having a gf that likes to cuck me with bbc and then our own big dog.
No it isnt shut up
>in every television genre
>become an insult known to 70 year old politicians
>not mainstream
If it wasnt for this fetish going mainstream, i'd be dead with a bullet inside my chest killed by a jealous husband.
Cuckolding has been around for longer than you imagine.
but to know that you need to have a gf cute enough to keep jacking off and pretending the world is not about people having or trying to have sex.
>world is not about people having or trying to have sex.
Free-love people like this have serious childhood issues.
You are not normal if you're like this.
Still mad she lost, boi?
I wish that you will find love some day.
i'm sure you will.
I migth be a motherfucker, a terrible human being who get off into getting watched by their boyfriend but atleast im not a nigger.
im just canadian.
thats what we do while you all jackoff down there.
we have real life sex with human being. try it sometimes.
bulls being fucked by the cucks.
Daddy's little daddy.
Black men cucking white woman.
Nigger gore!
remember how strapon used to be so godamn big years ago, now its only a fad that passed.
man...goes to show how much our fantasies are maybe not even our own but only what we are told to see as ''strange''
Boobs will come back, gen z will be into big sillicone boobs and we will laugh at them while they laugh at us for thinking feet were strange while they eat each others toenail or something.
man...people under 25yo rarely have their own sexual identity, it's like fucking the same person in different ugly flashy clothes
>on all conservative leaning image boards
Fuck off. Sup Forums isn't political in nature, you fucking dipshit. Sup Forums is RANDOM. Anything. The cancer that killed Sup Forums is the only base of people that think it's "politically conservative leaning", because you fucking idiots need someone to lead you around by the tips of your baby dicks just so you and your fedora and neackbeard having dipshit brains think you belong to something important. Well, you don't. You're not special. You are not a snowflake. GTFO Sup Forums and go to Infowars or whatever stupid nutball site it is you fuckers want to follow and spread your bullshit there.
tl;dr- not a "conservative leaning" site. FUCK OFF.
this is meant for