ignore the faggot posting unfunny garbage.
Attached: drone strike.jpg (750x689, 60K)
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die faggot
Attached: punch yeed.gif (351x498, 705K)
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Attached: electric guitar.webm (840x472, 1.99M)
Attached: where did they go.webm (680x1200, 1.94M)
Attached: Class-specific Gear.jpg (597x685, 162K)
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Attached: 4567896785.gif (334x251, 827K)
>a gay is burned
>no tears were shed
Attached: 1577987111108.gif (500x281, 1.91M)
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Attached: russian cop.gif (400x194, 2M)
Attached: the party gets arrested.jpg (1452x2938, 933K)
>ignore the faggot posting unfunny garbage
that's a very subjective statement
Attached: 1578009756834.jpg (960x922, 75K)
I'm talking about the "the dog house is where he keeps his nude magazines!!" shit. I dont know what to call them, besides shit that is.