Fetal alcohol syndrome

fetal alcohol syndrome

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Listen here motherfucker, she is the heroine to this planet. She has had odds stacked against her since day fucking 1. ONE THING give me ONE THING you have done that is as 0.000000001% brave as what Greta did. You cant? Oh yeah, because you're probably that douchebag I see driving your noise polluted diesel truck throwing your fucking honey bun wrappers out the window. Yeah, I hit the nail right on the head and honestly it makes me fucking sick to my stomach

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More moms need to drink during pregnancy so we get more permanent lolis

>tfw no qt sperg to play legos with

Why the fuck am I even alive

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she's a little autistic i think
but you know what is ridiculously more autistic than her?
you. fuck off.

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If you wanted to play legos she would sperg the fuck out at you since they're made of plastic.
She'd also try to make you eat bugs

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More likely due to the fact that they don't have all kinds of hormones in their food.

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Legos are actually plant based now, boomer.

Obvious bait

Soy Legos?

And no. Only a few Pieces are and every Lego that "clicks" is not plant based

>can't argue her points
>attacks personally

pic related

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Only 2%of legos are plant based you spergo mongoloid


Pretty much the "nerve gas" of physical afflictions diagnosed only by Sup Forums.

She has no points. Just like everything liberals do. That's why we're laughing at her.

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This is pretty interesting. Do you have more about argumentation?

Her "points" are just to stop polluting on irreversible scale. The fact that it triggers folks0 so hard is hilarious.


She's literally just a kid asking why people can't be bothered to take care of their trash and snowflakes blow a blood vessel like its a personal attack.

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It’s apparently going around.

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Don't think I ever needed some kid to tell me to throw my trash away. Kind of sad that you need that though.

Is that why whenever people point out that you're using Greta just to sensationalize the issue, you immediately go for the ad hominems?

Well somebody did because theres almost an entire continent of plastic in the ocean.

Climate Loli will An Hero in 5 years.