Look Sup Forums

Look Sup Forums

I need a hacker. On may 31st 2016 I was put into prison. I got out October 22nd 2019 to basically nothing, which is fine I know it's my own damn fault, but I am trying to get back some of the pieces of my old life and a huge portion of that is my old email. I'm a felon now and I live with my mom and stepdad in a nowhere area. I'm trying to find work and things to keep going, but shits hard Sup Forumsros. I've been lurking in the shadows trying to find ideas but I'm out of options. I have tried every recovery option I can.

I need to get back into my old email. It doesn\t have shit on but things that are personal and mean something to me, a few game accounts are tied to it and it has some pictures of me and my ex, some old porn and what have you. But mostly It's just me trying to pick my old life back up. I can prove it's me and my account beyond a doubt. I need someone that can get in my yahoo and give it back. I know it's a long shot asking but I'm out of options, I have no money, and I really don't know where else to turn. If someone can help me, it mean a whole lot.

Bumping with random pics.

Also I went to prison with the charges burglary 1 and false impersonation.
I got fucked up at a party and ran through a dude's sunroom and garage and stole a jacket on the way through because my dumbass was so fucked up I hid in a pond and was freezing and the dude saw me. real shit. It was that dumb. Inb4 how old; 27 now

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How are you on Sup Forums OP.

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Easy, I can take this chump.How much arr you willing to pay?

Mf said he got out last oct.
What a homofag

Switched to my phone. I'm out now, I got out October 22nd last year.

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have no fear, hacker Sup Forums is here. What do you need?

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Someone's got to know someone...

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We are not your personal army, but what happens if you try to log into your old email? Have you tried contacting Yahoo?

Look it's really like ethical hacking anyway, you can't get in trouble if it's my account I'm asking for. I'm not trying to pretend that Sup Forums is full of fucking hackers ANONYMOOSE but I'm not fucking stupid either. I know SOMEONE SOMEWHERE can help me.

Dude I wouldn't be here trying to find someone if I had anything left I knew I could do. I have tried every recovery option. All the password recovery is linked to old phone numbers I created it when I was 16.

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you got outta jail and years later are worried about getting into your old email? In all honesty, are you fucking kidding?

I have tried so many things. That's why it took me so long to post. I hate being someone else's problem. I got no options Sup Forums cept you. Or waiting to get money someday when I get a job and am caught up I guess.

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Ain't the only thing I'm worried about, bub.

How we know that email is your?...

The way I see the only person who is going to help me is if they're feeling generous. The only reason they'd feel the need to do that is if normally they are capable of not being generous. That's not the kind of person I'd lie to. Who knows what a person like that could do to me if I was lying. I'm probably already asking for trouble putting myself out there but if I was lying I'd be begging trouble to come fuck me up. If the person could get into my email, what else could they do, you know? I ain't lying. I can prove it's me.

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not falling for this bait again. help an maskie and it backfired. just take the L

Go to Yahoo
>Forgot password?
>Hacking expert.

Anyone capable of helping me would be able to verify. Your bullshit just adds bumps. Appreciate ya.

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I wish

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Bumpity bump

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didnt ask for your opinion you came here asking for help retard

Appreciate dat bump

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That is not possible my friend, software guy here. I mean theoretically it is possible for sure, but not practically. Don't waste your time.

Thanks user. Not what I want to hear, but it's information nonetheless. Is it truly asking so much though. I know I'm stupid for asking but I though email services like Yahoo weren't all that secure?

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Get on an old pc you have used. There will be one at your moms house too. Log in with auto-login...
Stop faking to be this creative to create a password you won't remember ... .

not that user, but most of the leaks from shit like that is gained through social engineering, leaked password databases for idiots who use the same password everywhere, or malware when your logging into your own shit. the system is only as secure as its weakest link, and that link is typically you, the user. if you don't have access, then to get the pass is worlds harder.

Look I could post my fucking identity along with my DOC number to the person that would help me. I don't know why this is so hard to believe. It's not crazy. It's really simple. And I thank you for the idea.

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Large online services are secure enough, what means that it takes to have a large amount of resources to break them somehow. Unless you are some NSA tier organisation you won't get lucky.

I see, well I'm going to hang on for awhile. Just cuz I hate to give up. Who knows what might happen? I've seen Sup Forums do great things for people. But I hear ya. And I thank ya.

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or having a ton of botnets

I don't think OP is trying to ddos the service.

Knew I was asking for a lot. I did, but I felt the need to try. I do appreciate you taking the time though Sup Forumsro.

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Features include: authentication, channel control, a full-featured Memo system, a Seen system, logging capabilities, a help system, the ability to act as a file sharing node and the ability to share data and perform functions together with other bots.

whats a server?


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saw this post thinking "lol that aint gonna work" but seeing how you got out not long ago and is being sentimental of the past, just gonna drop by and wish you good luck moving forward

I want the password and/or the emails of the account "she ll y 8 4". That is the address of a shout down police-officer from Germany. Yahoo wouldn't handles out the account data to the German authorities because: you need to ask the American services ... . That's a reason

Thanks dude. That means a lot. Maybe someone just wishing me well enough for now.

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Goodnight Anons. I see I can't get help this way, I'll just wait to earn some money and see if their is a service I can hire someday. There are some really special pictures on my email from my past. I won't give up! Take care, okay?

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I had a similar ordeal, I tried everything on the account recovery.

-try sending text to the person that owns that number now and bit by bit explain the situation without a wall-o-text

-did you have a secondary email at the time? A backup email is a solid option, sometimes even your mom's email (if you emailed her alot) could work

-write on paper all the passwords you ever remember using, with variants, and capitals number changes. Try each one as a regular login attempt and also as its own recovery attempt as "the last one you remember"

-try to get a live person in an email help ticket using an associated account like your mom's email

-dont give up. Anyone claiming to help you here is lying and will only get your account permanently locked and possibly dox you

I can help. Fax me your email address and I'll vpn the backdoor and reset your password.

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not your personal army, faggot