Have you adequately appreciated Taylor today, Sup Forumsros?
Have you adequately appreciated Taylor today, Sup Forumsros?
>don’t think I need my cat ears or my yarn for this one but have fun Op ;).
Taylor is perfect without you interjecting your trash fetish, nigger.
meh i have grown tired of her. feels mediocre
I have my cat ears and yarn user...
>and a spectacular dress.
...Well do you now, I might just put mine back on if that’s the case, just hope you have the correct colour of yarn to be nice and comfy though ;).
Taylor a CUTE!
I'm going to go with blue yarn today!!
Well that is the comfiest of colours, the kitties and unicorns do enjoy it. So how has my catanon been lately, awesome I hope?
>best of luck tonight for both of you ;).
I hope I don't get kicked out for being on my phone ;)
How was your Christmas and New Years!?
No wouldn’t be a good look, but thanks for risking it lol gorgeous as always btw.
It’s was nice and chilled, with lots of family time just the way I like it. And how was yours.
overrated as fuck
nobody would give a single shit about her if not for Kanye's stupid ass
shes a garbage human bean
is it true Taylor is a male?
pussy stinks like dead fishies
Just a low-key Christmas on your side of the pond with our families!
So cute, must have been lovely and crazy at the same time. Sorry there was no snow ;).
>also that speech... so proud.
no talent cunt, who needs a sandwich or 10
Found the frustrated virgin.
Damn, she pretty
>Found the frustrated virgin
no, that would be you tards that jerk off to her.
You know I aim to please! How's work been?!
>Damn, she pretty anorexic
Oh fuck off, you retarded nigger, you think youre better than her just by spewing shit??? Get a life, you fucking faggot and go listen to justin bieber, you sensless piece of shit.
>no, that would be you tards that jerk off to her.
You're not helping your case.
She's beautiful. Everything about her is something that I admire.
You sure do and always come through just...you be careful ;) work has be really good and a little mad this time of year. And how has yours been everything go to plan?
i'm sorry you are 12, have never been laid and have zero taste in music.
Screech all you want.
I've been with my wife longer than you've been alive.
Now, go ask mommy to tuck you in, it's another big day in 7th grade tomorrow
Her 10 grammys just SCREAM no talent.
LMAO. Project more, dumbass.
Calm down user lol
It's all been horrible and nothing is going to plan!
>I see you still find time to hunt now and then...
I was fortunate enough to see Taylor perform in Charlotte NC on the Reputation, Red, and 1989 tours. Nobody leaves more of themselves on the stage.
>I've been with my wife longer than you've been alive.
And does her children call you dad user or uncle user?
Milli Vanilli won a grammy
I'll wait for you to google it kiddo
Factually the most beautiful person in the world
What obviously shoop-worthy.
Your argument holds no water, boomer. Tay is credited as the songwriter on every one of her original songs. Tay performs live, not pre-recorded.
LOL. Keep going.
You really don't want to wander into this one old man
you assume we have kids, why?
Oh, thats because you are a KID, and you know everything
Aww don’t say that my catanon, most of it has been wonderful apart from some shitholes but be positive and patient you know you will win in the end you always do ;) also nice to see my actual name in the Christmas tree thing thanks for that but how? Lol
>been hunting unicorns so long it’s just second nature now, wish I had been better at it recently though lol.
user don’t every fucking talk about milli vanilli again that was a dark time in outer history.
I'm old enough to not GAF about children calling me boomer. but not quite boomer.
You have no taste in music
A grammy means NOTHING
copy this thread and read it after you get out of high school.
It'll be a nice reality check for you
Just stop user, do you know what you do when you assume things?
>you make an ass out of u and me.
Only 10?!?
Haha Kanye really did rape her career.
21 Grammy's and counting.
Kill yourself dude this anorexic whore only exists because of Ye.
I got a question: What's it like to suck Kanye's dick everyday, I imagine it takes its toll.
This is now a Kanye thread.
>Have you adequately appreciated Taylor today, Sup Forumsros?
I farted and it sounded better than her music, does that count?
Kanye is still alive? Don't worry, the Kardashians will drive him insane where he will do himself in, soon enough. I mean look at all the men, from their past, they drove insane.
Other way about user that dumb negro has been living off her for years you fool.
The thread was gay enough user no need to bring a negro in to it.
oh look, another talentless fucktard
>will drive him insane where he will do himself in
or just go the bruce route
No appreciation for this modern day whore. She has enough money and should disappear from the spotlight
Grade A proof that the Kardasian women will destroy any man they involve themselves with.
Stop worshipping this disgusting jewess.